Unit 6 At A FarmA Lets learn,Lets sing,问 一 问,Whats this?,1,How much is this?,15,What are they?,How much are they?,Farm,Lets guess:Whats this?,hen,What are they?,They are hens.,Feed the hens.,Lets guess:Whats this?,horse,horse,house,Theyre horses.,What are they?,Ride a horse.,cow,Lets guess:Whats this?,How many cows?,There are five cows?,Milk a cow.,goat,sheep,How many goats?,What are they?,They are sheep.,Shear a sheep.,Whos goats baby?,s,lamb,They are,Hold a lamb.,猜 一 猜,horse,cow,sheep,hen,lamb,goat,What is it?,Look,count and say.,_ horses _ cows_ sheep_ goats_ lambs _ hens,five,three,five,two,three,three,Look!This is my farm.I have.,Look!This is my farm.I have.,_ horses _ cows_ sheep_ goats_ lambs _ hens,Look,count and say.,three,six,four,four,four,two,问 一 问,超 级 模 仿 秀,Lets do,小,结,单词:,sheep horsehen cowlamb goat,句型:,What are they?They are goats.,Goodbye!,