pep四年级英语下册unit2课件 (2).ppt
四年级 英语下册课件符处小学 梁丽日,Unit 2 What time is it?Lesson 1 Lets learn 符处小学 梁丽日,What time is it?,What time is it?,It is 3:00,What time is it?Its one oclock.,What time is it?Its two oclock.,What time is it?Its three oclock.,What time is it?Its four oclock.,What time is it?Its five oclock.,What time is it?Its six oclock.,What time is it?Its seven oclock.,What time is it?Its eight oclock.,What time is it?Its nine oclock.,What time is it?Its ten oclock.,What time is it?=Whats the time?(几点钟了?)Its two oclock.(它是两点钟。),问现在几点,一般都用回答:,What time is it?或 What is the time?,It is+时间,注意:时间后面带有am的表示早上,pm的表示下午例如:8:00am表示早上8:00,9:00pm则表示下午9:00,例如:8:00,It is 8:00,数字,one two three four five six seven eight nine ten,What time is it?,It is3:00,What time is it?,It is3:15,What time is it?,It is 4:30,What time is it?,It is 5:45,假如你在街上碰到一个外国人,想问他现在几点,该怎么问?,如果你是那个外国人,那你怎么回答?(假如:00),What time is it?或What is the time?,It is 5:00,问现在几点,一般都用回答:,What time is it?或 What is the time?,It is+时间,注意:时间后面带有am的表示早上,pm的表示下午例如:8:00am表示早上8:00,9:00pm则表示下午9:00,例如:8:00,It is 8:00,起 床,(get up),该起床了,6:30,上学,(go to school),快迟到了Hurry up!,7:05,Its 7:05.Its time to go to school.,回到家,(go home),赶快做作业了,4:35,睡觉,(go to bed),Good night!,9:oo,吃饭,(eat dinner),Its time to,What time do you,?,Next,(该是 的时候了),(你什么时候,?),get up,起 床,get up,Its time to,What time do you,?,Next,(该是 的时候了),(你几点钟,?),go to school,上 学,go to school,Its time to,What time do you,?,(你几点钟,?),(该是 的时候了),go to bed,睡 觉,go to bed,Its time_go to school.Its time_go home.Its time_get up.Its time_go to bed.Its time_English class.Its time_lunch.Its time_dinner.,填上to 或 for。,to,to,to,for,to,for,to,总结,现在几点了?,(问),(回答),What time is it?或Whats the time?,It is+时间 例:It is 8:00,该是做什么的时候了,It is time to+做的事情 例如:睡觉 It is time to go to bed,问对方什么时候做什么,What time do you+做的事情例如:上学 What time do you go to school?,