edelweiss,Flowers talk,Language of flowers,Definition:flower language,It is a kind of language that used for expressing ones emotion or desire by flowers.,White rose:purity,innocenceused in weddings,Break upDejection,Pink Rose:the glow of your smile;perfect happiness,Red Rose:used for lovers,They mean love,unity,romantic and Passionate love,Purple roses stand for grace,gentility,elegance and refinement,Black roses signify death hatred and farewell.Often used in funerals,One rose Two roses Simplicity Gratitude,Two roses join together 12 Roses Engagement Ultimate declaration Coming marriage of love,25 Roses 50 Roses Congratulations Unconditional Love,Carnation,Health,EnergyFascination,Carnation,Red carnation-Love and affection White carnation-purity good luck,Carnation Health and Energy;Fascination,Pink carnation-Gratitude,Yellow carnation-DisappointmentDejection,ti,Lavender 薰衣草,Waiting for love,A Lavender manor In Provence,Uses,Dandelions-love never stays for a time,Dandelions,Jasmine 茉莉花,Loyalty;Respect;Charm,Jasmine Tea,Green tea with jasmineflowers,Cultural Importance,The White Jasmine Branch,a painting of ink and color on silk by Chinese artist,Lily 百合 Virginity;purity;majesty;heavenly,Language of flowers,Lilies The rich colors of lilies are what make them such a beautiful type of flower in the eyes of many people.The fact that they are so different from the standard design of other flowers gives the a unique quality that many people have come to admire.They are a warm flower that most people associate with happiness and warm feelings.People of all ages really enjoy looking at the different types of lilies so they make a great gift for younger people as well.,A Lily Wedding In Beijing,百年好合,Tulip,Tulip郁金香(general)fame,charity;perfect lover,Language of flowers,Tulip郁金香,declaration of loveluckysincere emotion,tulip:perfect love,legend,the national flower of Holland.It stands forlucky,booming,express love、glory、wish,foreverWhite tulip:be crossed in love,innocent、purityRed tulip:believe me,love announcement,joyful、eagernessYellow tulip:shining smile,refuse,longing love、treasure、fortuneBlack tulip:mysterious,noble Purple tulip:unforgettable lovePink tulip:happiness,beautyMany-coloured tulip:beautiful eyes,you are so beautifultulip(double-coloured):you are beautifultulip(feather):lovey-dovey,Daisy 雏菊,Innocence happiness,Water lilyclean,purity,Water lily,it blooms in the morning but closes in the afternoon。Ancient egypt called it the bridegroom of the Nile.In addition,there is also another names called CasaBlanca Lily and goblin flower and so on.Its language is florid。Water lily is also the national flower of Thailand,Egypt、Bangladesh;Thailand is also a Buddhism country.Water lily and Buddhism has good corporate governance.No matter is the seat of Buddha or the place where Guanyin to stand,there are thousands of water lilies,it stands for holy and pure,solemn。Someone who believes in Buddhism must be fond of water lily.It is said that water lily is the goddess of swamp.,Water lily,Cherry blossom:life;happiness;purity、;noble、indifference to fame&fortune,happy,waiting for your return.The rule of fate for cherry blossom is circulation.Winter cherry-the mysterious of oriental Double cherry-quiet The western cherry-kind educationPrimrose(樱花草)-youthVerbena(美人樱)-temptationDamask Verbena harmounious family,Role play,Girl friend:AnnieBoy friend:infrarainSeller:liu jia chen,guess,1.It is a flower.2.It blossoms in the wild.3.You can see them in our everyday life.4.You used to play it when you were young.5.Its shape is like a circle.6.It means love never stays for a time.7.When you blow it,the pedals will fly in the sky.What kind of flower is it?,guess,1.This flower has one colour.2.The body is quite long.3.It can be used in perfume.4.It means waiting for love.5.It is purple.What kind of flower is it?,guess,1.This is a flower.2.Its language is Virginity,purity;majesty and heavenly.3.This kind of flower is always white.4.In a wedding,it means a couple will have a harmonious union lasting a hundred years.What kind of flower is it?,guess,1.This is a beautiful but not simple flower.2.It blooms in the morning but closes in the afternoon.3.It is pink.4.Its language is clean,purity.5.It is planted in swamp or pond.What kind of flower is it?,YU YUAN TAN PARK,LAN DIAO Manor,ROSE VALLEY,