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    unit 3 Is this your pencil?,period 4,1.Where is my notebook?I lost my notebook.Its a blue and white notebook.Please call me at 235-0285.Mary,2.I cant find my watch.Its blue.Who can help me find it?My phone number is 4126312.MY name is carrie.Thank you very much.,LOST,3.Today I found a key in our classroom.If you lost your key,please call me.My phone number is 123-654.My name is Janet.,4.Is your pencil in your pencil-case?If not,please call me.Im Peter.My telephone number is 872-572.,FOUND,中心话题:“Is this your/her/his?”,A:Whats this in English?B:Its a pen.A:Is this your pen?B:Yes,it is.Its my pen.No,it isnt.Its her/his pen.,相关语言:“Whats this/that in English?”,“How do you spell it,please?”,A:Whats this/that in English?B:Its a pencil sharpener.A:How do you spell sharpener?B:S-H-A-R-P-E-N-E-R.,Review:words,a pen,a notebook,a ruler,This is a pencil.,That is a baseball.,Its a dictionary.,This is a computer game.,Its a watch.,Its a ring.,Its a backpack.,Thiss an ID card.,A key,A pencil case,Lost I lost my English dictionary.Please call me at 482-7369.Lucy,1.()Lucy lost her English dictionary.,T,2.()Lucys phone number is four eight two seven three five nine,F,Found Are these your keys?My Phone Number is 867-5143.Call me.Tony,1.()Tony found a set of keys.,T,2.()Tonys phone number is eight six seven five one four two.,F,LostI lost my school ID card.I must find it.Call me at 263-1412.Thanks.Mike,Found Is this your watch?Please call Ann.My phone number is 553-7618,1.who lost the school ID card?,2who can you call to get the new watch back?,3.Whats Mikes telephone number?,4.Is Mike the owner of the watch?,1.Who lost the school ID card?,Mike lost the school ID card.,2.Who can you call to get the watch back?,Ann,3.Whats Mikes telephone number?,Mikes telephone number is 263-1412,4.Is Mike the owner of the watch?,No,he isnt.,句型转换:,1.This is his English book.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答),2.Is that your watch?(改为陈述句),Is this his English book?No,it isnt.,That is your watch.,3.This is not a pencil case.(变为一般疑问句),Is this a pencil case?,4.not,is,my,it,backpack.(连词成句),It is not my backpack.,5.Its my computer.(变为否定句),It is not my computer.,Ask and Answer,1.Whats _name?My name is Sonia,2.Whats _ name?_ name is Tim.,3.Whats _ name?_ name is Kate,4.Whats your teachers name?_ name is Liu Yun.,5.Whats the birds name?_name is Polly.,your,his,His,her,Her,Her,Its,人称代词,.,I,我,you,你,he,他,she,她,it,它,my,我的,your,你的,his,他的,her,她的,its,它的,物主代词,英汉互译:,7.你的铅笔8.他的双肩包9.她的尺子10.我的手表11.计算机游戏12.用英语13.电话号码14.名字15.姓氏,1.my eraser2.his pencil-case3.lost and found4.an English dictionary5.a notebook6.an ID card,他的铅笔盒,我的橡皮,失物招领处,一本英语字典,一本笔记本,一张身份证,your pencil,his backpack,her ruler,my watch,computer game,in English,phone number,first name,last name,5.nictodiary _ 6.allbbksea _ 7.tawhc _ 8.oclsho _,9.grin _ 10.ehlp _,单词排序,pencil,eraser,backpack,sorry,dictionary,basketball,watch,school,ring,help,单词拼写,1.My n_ is mary.2.H_ name is Tony.3.Han Mei is a nice g_.4.What color is the _(棒球).5.My _(电脑)is new.6.Can you spell the word _(钟)?7.It isnt his _(夹克衫).8.Whats your _(电话)number?,name,His,girl,baseball,computer,clock,jacket,telephon,Ask and Answer,1.Whats _name?My name is Sonia,2.Whats _ name?_ name is Tim.,3.Whats _ name?_ name is Kate,4.Whats your teachers name?_ name is Liu Yun.,5.Whats the birds name?_name is Polly.,your,his,His,her,Her,His,Its,1.My phone number is 0531468888.(对划线部分提问)_ _ phone number?2.The key is black.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is the key?3.Her name is Janny.(对划线部分提问)_ _ her name?4.It is a yellow orange.(对划线部分提问)_ _ in English?5.Can you spell orange?(作否定回答)No,_ _.,句型转换 1,Whats your,What color,What is,Whats this,I cant,A B,()1.Whats this in English?A.Nice to meet you,too.,()2.Is it your dictionary?B.P-E-T-E-R.,()3.Im Gina.Nice to meet you.C.Yes,it is.,()4.Whats your last name?D.Its an ID card.,()5.How do you spell it?E.Smith.,D,C,A,E,B,


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