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    高中英语:Unit 3.computer .ppt

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    高中英语:Unit 3.computer .ppt

    ,Welcome,Unit 3 Computer,课时分配,Warming up,The development of computerP17 Look at the pictures.Talk about each of them.Discuss what they have in common.,An abacus,A calculator,A PC(=personal computer),A notebook computer/laptop,A huge computer,An abacus is an old calculating machine used in China until now.A huge computer is built to solve some mathematical problems.But it is too big.A calculator is a new calculating machine which can solve a large number of mathematical problems.A PC is a personal computer which can solve all kinds of problems and is widely used now.A notebook computer is a kind of useful computer which can be taken conveniently like a notebook.,You are asked to use the following expression in your discussion.I think that In my opinionI believe thatWhy do you think so?Whats your reason?,Discussion,I think they all can calculate something.It can deal with some maths problem.,I believe that they are our good friends.In our everyday life.we can not finish our work quickly without them.,In my opinion,people improve abacus,make it more useful and make it a computer.They are being used widely and conveniently in the world.,Soft disc(floppy disc),CD-ROM,printer,scanner,mp3,U S B,Some Information about the computers and the internet,Hardware SoftwareHostOutputProgramsMemory DrivesDesk-top computerBusiness computerDigital movie,硬件,软件,主机,输出,程序,内存储器,驱动器,台式计算机,商务计算机,数字影像,Chat rooms,net bar,chat bar On-line friendsBe on-line,on the internetDown-load files Send and receive e-mailWeb fans Internet sites E-mail boxElectronic mail Local Area NetworkLog inLog outnetizen,网吧,网友,上网,在线,下载文件,收发邮件,网迷,网址,电子邮件,电子邮件箱,局域网,登陆,注销,网民,Floppy disc,chips,monitor,modem,CD-ROM,scanner,Key-board,printer,Using words and expressionsFill in the blanks with the proper words in the box,Complete the sentences with some of the words in the box.,Monitor,mouse,keyboard,hard disc,floppy disc,CD-ROM,printer,modem,A_ is used to see your data on a computer.A_ or disk is the main device that a computer uses to store information.A _is a machine for printing text or pictures onto paper,especially one connected to the computer.A_ is used to put data into a computer.A_ _is often used to connect computers to each other though phone lines.Data can also be stored in a _,which is small and can be carried easily.A_ is a disc that contains computer data.It can store a large amount of data.,monitor,hard disk,printer,keyboard,modem,floppy disc,CD-ROM,Compact Disk Read only Memory,Discussion,What can computer be used for?I think that In my opinion I believe that Whats your reason?Why do you think so?,I use the computer or Internet to:,type my homeworkdraw picturesplay gamescommunicate with my friends.gather related information for my lessonsbuy the things I like,eg books and clothes.listen to musicwatch movies.,Pre-reading,What do you know about computer?For example,can you name some parts of computer?2.How have computers changed our lives?,mouse,keyboard,monitor,Listen to the tape and answer the questions.,1.Who am I?,Who was the first person to make the earliest computer?A.Alan Turing B.Charles Babbage C.Charles Turing,3.When was the“universal machine”built?A.In 1822 B.In 1642 C.1936,computer,(B),(c),Read the text again and find out,the changes of computer,Changes of the computer:,Calculating machine,Analytical machine,Universal machine,Artificial intelligence,network,(In 1642),(In 1822),(in 1936),(In the 1960s),internet,(In the 1970s),1.Where were you in 1642?,3 What were you called in 1936?,4 What did you get in the 1960s?,What happened to you in the 1970s?,2 What happened to you in 1822?,1 Where were you in 1642?2 What happened to you in 1822?3 What were you called in 1936?4 What did you get in the 1960s?5 What happened to you in the 1970s?,In France,I was built as an Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage.,Universal machine.,I got my new transistors.,I was brought into peoples homes.,Comprehending,1 Who is the speaker in this story?2 Write down three sentences from the story to support your idea.,A computer.,1 Then in 1822 I was built as an Analytical machine by Charles Babbage.2 My real father was Alan Turing,3 However,people thought I was simple-minded until they discovered I had“artifical intelligence.”,Look at the timeline below.Fill in the blanks with in-formation from the reading above.Timeline1642:_:The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage1936:_ _1960s:_ _:The first family of computers was connected to each other1970s:_Now:_,The computer began as a calculating machine,1822,Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how,1960s,computers could be made to work,Computers had new transistors and became smaller,Computers were brought into peoples homes.,Computers connect people all over the world together,According to the timeline and the outline to finish the summary about the text,The computer.as a calculating machine in 1642,then in 1822,it was as an Analytical Machine by.At the year of 1936,Alan Turing to describe how computers.to work,and build a“universal machine“to solve.With the development of.,in the 1960s,computers had new transistors and became,then were connected to each other by the internet.As the years had,computers were.peoples homes.Now computers have become the most important to.all over the world together.,The summary about the text,The computer began only as a calculating machine in 1642,then in 1822,it was built as an Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage.At the year of 1936,Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made to work,and build a“universal machine“to solve mathematical problem.With the development of information technology,in the 1960s,computers had new transistors and became smaller and smaller,then were connected to each other by the internet.As the years had gone by,computers were brought into peoples homes.Now computers have become the most important tools to connect people all over the world together.,Read the text carefully,find out the difficult points.,Homework,a calculating machine,in 1642 an analytical machine,in 1822 a universal machine,in 1936 got new transistors,in 1960s connected,network,in the early 1960s brought into peoples homes,in 1970s,communicate with by the Internet,I was born in_in France.In_,I was built as an_,following instructions from cards with holes.In_,my real father,Alan Turing,described how computers could be made to work in a book and solved any mathematic problem by_ a _machine.People were surprised at my artificial_.At first,I was the size of a large room.As times has gone by,I have been made smaller and smaller.In the_,I got new transistors.My memory became_ and_,but I got _and_,quicker and quicker.,1642,1822,Analytical Machine,1936,building,universal,intelligence,1960s,larger,larger,cleverer,cleverer,I could share information with others and talk to each other by a net.It was in the_ that my family and I have been used by billions of people.I am happy that I have truly been built to serve _ _since my birth.,1970s,humane race,Languge points,mon adj.普通的,常见的;共有的,共用的在英国Smith是个很普通的名字。Smith is a common name in England.他们对音乐都有着共同的强烈兴趣。A great interest in music was common to them.in common(with)(和)一样have sth.in common(with)(与)有共同之处他们虽是兄弟,但毫无共同之处。They are brothers,but they have nothing in common.和许多人一样,他喜欢古典音乐,而不喜欢流行音乐。,In common with many people,he prefers classical music to pop music.In common with many other girls,Anne likes dancing.(1)They have a lot_ and became good friends very soon.A.in common B.in case C.in surprise D.in interest(2)Does this book have_(共同之处)with that one?(3)We are_(普通人),but we can do something well.(4)_(和多数英国人一样),he enjoys football.,A,anything in common,common people,In common with most Englishmen,(6)像许多年轻的夫妇一样,他们不喜欢跟父母住在一起._ _ _ _ _ _,they do not like to live with their parents.(7)我们在业余爱好方面有许多共同之处We _ _ _ _ _ _ each other in hobby.(8)这两次地震有什么共同点吗?Do the two earthquakes _ _ _ _?(9)这游泳池由附近的孩子们共同使用.The swimming pool _ _ _ _ by all the children in the neighbourhood.,In common with many young couples,have a lot in common with,have anything in,is used in common,common,(10)_ he gets up at 6:30.But today he got up earlier than _.Commonly;usual B.Normally;usuallyC.Usually;usual D.Usually;common(11)Are Mary and Susan _ names for girls in English-speaking countries?usual B.common C.ordinary D.normal(12)The twin sisters have _ with each other except that they look alike.a lot in common B.little in commonC.nothing in common D.no common,A,B,B,2.in ones opinion 依来看在我们看来,秋天是北京最好的季节In our opinion,autumn is the best season in Beijing.What s your opinion of this question?in ones view=in the view of sb.=in ones opinion=in the opinion of sb.据的见解,be of the same opinion意见一致be of different opinions意见不一致have a good opinion of.对评价高have a poor opinion of.对评价低(1)_that this one will meet our need.A.In my opinion B.I believe C.I think in mind D.I seem(2)_(依我来看),the price is not reasonable.,B,In my opinion,(3)They are_(意见不一致).(4)People_(对他评价很低).,of different opinions,have a poor opinion of him,3.follow跟随;沿着;听懂;遵循;听从follow ones instructions 执行(某人的)指令Follow this road,and youll get there.Im sorry I dont quite follow you.You should follow the rules of the lab when you are doing experiment.,沿着这条路走,你就会到那儿。,对不起,我不太明白你的意思。,你们做实验时,就应该遵守实验室的规则。,你先走,我随后就到。如果你听从我的劝告而努力学习,你考试就能及格。instructions意为“指示,命令”;“说明”时,常用复数形式。他指示我们尽快完成这项任务。He gave us instructions to finish this task as soon as possible.,You go first,then Ill follow you.,If you follow my advice and study hard,you will pass the exam.,瓶子上有说明。,The instructions are on the bottle.,村民们仍然遵从他们祖先的习俗.The villagers still _ of their grandfathers.他走进商店,他的妻子紧随其后.He walked into the shop first and his wife _.顺着这条大街走,你就能走到那所学校._ this street _ you get to the school.,follow the customs,followed,Follow,until,他说得那么快,我都听不清了.He spoke so fast _.老师命令学生及早到达.The teacher gave the students _.服这药之前你要看看瓶上的说明.Read the _ on the bottle _ you _ the medicine.有时她指导滑冰.She sometimes _ in skating.,that I couldnt follow him,instructions to,arrive early,instructions,before,take,gives instruction,(8)There was a terrible noise_ the sudden burst of light.followed B.being followed C.to be followed D.following(9)You should take the medicine according to the_ on the bottle.A.instructions B.orders C.advices D.descriptions,D,A,(10)I_(接受了老师的建议)and pay more attention to my spoken English.(11)As a soldier,you must learn_(服从命令).(12)You should give_(清楚的说明)for every exercise.(13)I_(跟着他进了房子),to follow orders,follow the teachers advice,the clear instructions,followed him into the house,4.soundThe music sounds sweet.音乐听起夹很It sounds(like)a good idea.这听起来是个好主意。It sounds as if they can do nothing about it.听起来他们好像也没有办法。(1)What he has said_.A.sounds interesting B.sounds interested C.sounded like interesting D.is sounded interesting(2)The soup tasted_.A.good B.well C.badly D.terribly,A,A,(3)The task_(看起来很容易),but it took us a week.(4)Cotton_(摸起来很软).,feels very soft,seems easy,5.simple 简单的;单纯的;朴素的请用简单的英语写一则故事。Please write a story in simple English.他并不像看上去那样单纯。He is not as simple as he looks.她过着朴素的生活。She lives a simple life.,simple-minded:showing very little intelligence,汤姆很聪明,可是他有许多头脑简单的朋友.,Tom is smart but he has a lot of simple-minded friends.,She wasnt as simple-minded as people thought.,她不象人们想的那样头脑简单。,adj.-n-ed=adj.复合形容词,absent-mindedopen-mindednarrow-mindedsingle-mindedstrong-mindedweak-minded,心不在焉的虚心的,没有偏见的心胸狭窄的一心一意的意志坚强的低能的,愚蠢的,(1)Gibert _ electricity,but Edison_ light bulb.A.discovered;found B.discovered;invented C.invented;discovered D.uncovered;invented(2)_(别心不在焉);listen to the teacher carefully.(3)Try_(做一名心胸宽阔的人).That will do you a lot of good.,B,Dont be absent-minded,to be a broad-minded person,6.thought常用来表示“本来以为(认为),后来证明与事实不符合的行为。I had thought he knew the time of the meeting.我本来以为这部电影很有趣,可实际上很无聊。她本来以为父亲会很高兴,但并没有。,I had thought this film was very interesting.,She had thought her father would be very happy.,7.intelligence n智力;聪明intelligent adj有智力的;聪明的;理解力强的He is a person of great intelligence.他是个极聪明的人。海豚是有智力的动物。A dolphin is an intelligent animal.,8.anyway=anyhow adv.无论怎样,无论如何I shall go and see him anyway.Im going to do it anyway.Anyway I must finish the work today.,9.be the size of 有大The house is half the size of that one.,10.as conj.随着,引导时间状语从句。As time went on,Einsteins theory proved to be correct.随着时间的推移,爱因斯坦的理论证明是正确的。表示“随着”时,也可以用with,但with是介词,后面一般不接句子。With the passing of the years,they have become close friends.几年过去了,他们已成了亲密朋友。,11.go by 经过(某地);(时间)过去;(机会等)失去;遵循,依据办事 go by=pass 一辆汽车全速驶过。A car went by at full speed.一星期一星期慢慢地过去了。The weeks went slowly by.不要错失这次机会。Dont let this chance go by.那是需要遵守的好规章。That is a good rule to go by.,7.As the years have gone by,_随着,(1)As time went on/as we grow older,(2)go by=pass,Time went by slowly.,(3)My pen is gone.(no longer living;dead),Gone with the wind(影片名),(1)As time_,she became more and more anxious about her sons safety.A.passing B.going by C.passed D.goes by(2)With the time_,our anxiety grew.A.goes by B.going by C.has gone by D.had gone by(3)Three months_ before we knew it.A.passed by B.went C.went by D.past(4)As the wealth of the country increases,more and more waste will be produced._the wealth of the countrys_,more and more waste will be produced.,D,B,C,With,development,(5)A taxi_(刚刚过去)。Youll have to wait a few more minutes.,has just gone by,(6)Things will get easier as time goes by.(7)The weeks went by slowly.(8)He was in when I went by yesterday.,12.There are/were times when有段时期;有时常会There was a time when.曾经一度;有一段时间There are times when I dont know what to do.There was a time when the star was popular with the young people.曾经有段时间这个明星很受年轻人欢迎。,at one time过去曾经,一度”,用于一般过去时态at a time“一次,每次”或“在某个时候”at times“有时,不时”,相当于from time to time或sometimesat one time,at a time,at times(1)Take two pills_.(2)_women were looked down upon.(3)He receives letters from his parents_.(4)_they were good friends.,at a time,At one time,at times,At one time,13.totally adv.=completely14.so+形容词(副词)+that.such+名词+that.(1)sothat引导结果状语从句,其结构是:so+adjadv.+that-c1auseso+adj+a(n)+单数可数名词+that-clauseso+manyfew+可数名词复数+that-clauseso+muchlittle+不可数名词+that-clause(2)suchthat也可引导结果状语从句,其结构是:such-+a(n)+adj+单数可数名词+that-clausesuch+(adj.)+不可数名词+that-clausesuch+(adj.)+可数名词复数+that-clause,The stone is so heavy that no one can lift it.We left early so that we could catch the first train.,He was so excited that he could not speak.,He ran so fast that I couldnt catch up with him.,so that-因此,结果,He got up late,so that he didnt get to work on time.,so+形容词(副词)+that.结构中so+形容词(副词)在句首时,句子用倒装结构He works so hard that he seldom goes home.,So hard does he work that he seldom goes home.,(1)There is_ much work to do and he was_ worried about finishing it in time that he was quite nervous all day long.A.so;so B.such;such C.so;such D.such;so(2)It was_ that we went camping in the mountains.A.such nice weather B.such a nice weather C.so nice a weather D.too nice weather(3)She has_ she remembers all the names of the students she has taught.A.so good memory B.good memory C.such a good memory that D.such good memory that,A,A


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