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    选修六 5.10Unit 5 Reading.ppt

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    选修六 5.10Unit 5 Reading.ppt

    新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语选修(模块)6-5.10,Reading,Unit 5 The power of nature,Pre-reading,Can you imagine climbing into a live volcano in order to take the temperature of the boiling rock inside?,imagine,Doing such dangerous work as part of your job?,Answer“yes”or“no”to these questions to find out if you would be suitable for this work.,Quiz,If you answered“yes”to all these questions,then volcanology could be a good career for you.,Reading,What does a volcanologists work look like?,First reading Scan and skim the whole text and then finish the multiple-choices.,An Exciting Job,Boiling rock which erupts from the volcano and crashes back to earth causes less damage.B.The lava that flows slowly down the mountain causes far more damage.C.The eruption is much more exciting to watch.D.There had been an eruption in the side of the mountain.,1.Whats the main idea of para.3?,2.The writer doesnt mind the occasional danger of his job because _.,A.He travels to unusual places and meets interesting people from all over the worldB.He likes the different ways of workingC.He thinks his job the most importantD.He is excited about dangers and feels alive,3.As a result of the glaciologists work,_.,other scientists predict the progress of lava from the volcanoB.many people have been warned to leave their homes C.the eruption causes less damageD.the eruption may be prevented breaking out,4.Why did the volcanologists run out of the house into the back garden?,A.Because his bed began shaking.B.Because his bedroom suddenly became as bright as day.C.Because he thought there was an earth-quake in Hawaii.D.Because he wanted to collect inform-ation about the eruption.,5.What does the writer mean by using“lucky”in the sentence“I was lucky enough to have a much closer look at it.”?,A.He left much safer on the top while the other two scientists climbed down into the crater.B.It was his first sight of an eruption.C.It was the first time for him to watch the crater.D.both B and C.,II.Second reading(intensive reading)Before reading,glance through Exercise 2 on Page 35.,1.Why is a Volcanologists job important?,Volcanologists study volcanoes so that they can warn people when the volcano is going to erupt and so save many lives.,2.Why is the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual eruption?,The lava flows down the mountain and can cover up or burn villages in its path.The rocks that erupt from the volcano usually dont damage anything because no one lives near the crater.,3.Why was it difficult for the writer to walk towards the edge of the crater?,The author was wearing special protective clothing that made it difficult to walk.,4.What does the writer find impressive about volcanoes even after studying them for 20 years?,The author is impressed by the beauty of the eruption and also by its potential to cause great destruction.,III.Read again to find more details.,What made the author realize that an eruption occurred?,my bed began shaking,a strange sound,My bedroom became as bright as day.,an absolutely fantastic sight,red hot lava was containing hundredsof meters into the air,put on white protective suits,helmets,big boots,dropped as closed as possible to the crater,slowly make our way to the edge of the crater,looked down into the red boiling center,What did the scientists do after the eruption?,Homework,Spend some time researching one disaster.You can use books,magazines,newspapers or the Internet.Collect pictures or diagrams and look for information about:,what causes this kind of disaster actual events that happened in the past in China and/or the rest of the world how people helped the victims what is being done to prevent the disaster happening again or to lessen the damage,


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