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    中国土木工程结构控制的研究进展作者: Hongnan Li , Linsheng Huo , José Balthazar作者单位:大连理工大学海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室刊名:工程数学问题近年来,中国越来越关注结构控制技术的研究和发展,尤其是建筑物和桥梁对风和地震反应的缓解。土木工程结构控制已经从概念发展到可应用技术,并且应用到实际工程结构中。这篇论文的目标是回顾研究的艺术状态以及结构控制在中国土木工程中的应用。它包括被动控制,主动控制,混合控制和半主动控制。最后呈现出中国土木工程结构控制的未来发展方向。1,引言: 处在有频繁地震或强风荷载环境中的土木工程结构在其整个使用过程中将遭受强烈的震动。这些震动从无害到严重,严重的将导致严重的结构损伤和潜在的结构破坏。抗震技术的传统方法是通过增大柱、梁、剪力墙或其他元素的截面尺寸来增大结构的硬度,这种方法由于结构质量增大,地震荷载也将增大。结果是尽管使用传统抗震方法的结构话费增大了很多,但是结构的安全水平却增大很少。传统抗震技术的不利之处是它以结构保护为中心却忽视了结构中的装置。因此,一些有重要装置的结构不能使用这种传统的抗震技术,比如:医院,城市生命线工程,核电站,博物馆的建筑,和有精密仪器的建筑物。尽管工程不能设计出在地震和强风作用下防破坏的建筑物,结构控制在减小建筑物震动方面很有前景。与传统抗震方法不同的是,结构控制技术通过在结构中安装设备、机制和子结构来改变或调节结构的动态性能从而抑制结构震动。结构控制系统根据其设备类型分成四个一般控制类型:被动控制,主动控制,混合控制和半主动控制。主动控制系统是指在这种系统中外部源功率控制驱动器以一种指定的方式将荷载施加在结构上包括主动拉索系统(ATS)和主动质量阻尼器(AMD)。被动控制系统不需要外部功率源,例如:基础隔震方法、耗能减震装置、调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)、调谐液体阻尼器(TLD)。混合控制意味着主动和被动控制系统的联合使用。半主动控制系统是一种主动控制系统,在这种系统中只需要少量的外部能量来改变控制系统的参数,主动变刚度(AVS)系统和主动变阻尼(AVD)系统。近年来,中国在结构控制领域付诸了巨大的努力并取得了丰硕的成果。结构控制已经从理论分析和实验研究发展到工程应用。包括基础隔震、耗能、调谐质量阻尼器、调谐液体阻尼器、主动和半主动控制方法等一系列技术已经在中国新建结构或现存建筑物、桥梁、设施和其它结构中使用。这篇论文回顾了包括土木工程理论和实验研究、操作方法的震动控制技术的艺术状态,讨论了土木工程结构控制的可能未来方向。2,被动控制2.1,基础隔震基础隔震系统作为一种减小建筑物和装备地震荷载的卓越技术发展起来。中国的隔震器使用五种材料,包括:石墨砂层,石灰砂浆层,滑动摩擦层,辊和橡胶轴承。在中国使用最多的是橡胶轴承。制造相对容易,隔震支座的橡胶硫化粘接制成薄钢筋板。轴承在垂直方向上是非常硬的,而在水平方向上很灵活。在水平地震作用下,一个隔震结构的基本自震周期可以从短周期范围转换到长周期范围。因此,隔震结构的水平地震反应明显低于非隔震结构。有橡胶隔震支座的结构的显著优势总结如下:1(1)强地震作用下隔震结构更安全。隔震器能有效减小结构的地震反应并阻止结构损伤或者倒塌。根据实验结果和真实地震中的记录,与传统抗震结构相比,隔震结构的地震反应可以降低到传统结构反应的1/21/8。图1:结构中隔震层的不同位置。(a)基础隔震;(b)隔震器在第一层顶部的层间隔震;(c)隔震器在上部结构的某一层的层间隔震;(d)顶部隔震;(e)空中走廊连接隔震。(2)根据中国南部、西部、北部三十座有橡胶支座的建筑物的最终数据结果,隔震结构的建筑成本比一般建筑节省3% 15%。(3)隔震橡胶支座系统有广泛的应用,可以应用在新设计的结构和现存结构中,重要建筑和民用建筑尤其是房屋建筑中,为了保护建筑结构和建筑中的设施。(4)根据永久测试盒调查,橡胶支座的安全使用年限超过70到100年,比结构本身的工作年限长。为了解决扩大隔震系统应用范围的一些问题,Zhou 和Xian 做了大量的建筑模型橡胶支座试验和振动台试验。2对隔振器的力学特性试验,包括压缩试验,剪切、压缩循环加载试验。对隔振器耐久性测试包括低循环疲劳试验,蠕变试验,臭氧老化试验。结构系统试验包括大型结构模型的振动台试验。中国橡胶支座层间位置有五种。3最常见的隔震层位于建筑物的基础位置。图像1(a)显示的许多结构使用的隔震层位于地下室的某一特定层。隔震层也可以位于第一层的顶部(图像1b)或者上部结构的某一层(图像1c)。建筑物的顶部需要添加一到两层时,隔震层位于建筑物的顶部(图像1d),用来抗震加固。人行天桥和建筑物结合处的隔震层(图像1e)用于把被天桥联结起来的不同模型建筑物分开。就有大高宽比的隔震建筑物而言,隔震层水平处的倾覆力矩可能超出重力提供的抗倾覆能力,这将导致轴承和上部结构断开,在橡胶层内部产生损伤,甚至导致整个结构的损坏。李和吴调查研究在不同地震作用条件下的叠合橡胶支座隔震建筑物的高宽比限制。根据数值结果,发现场地土条件对高宽比限值的影响很重要,在不同地震烈度下,场地越柔软,高宽比限值越小。隔震建筑物的卓越周期对高宽比的影响也很重要,也就是有较长卓越周期的隔震建筑物有相对较大的高厚比限值。上部结构的刚度对高宽比限值几乎没有影响。在基础隔震设计中大多数结构被简化为平面模型。许多结构是偏心的,由于平面不规则,质量偏心,高度不规则,等等。地震时多维的,由地震作用引起的结构反应同样是多维的,这将导致不容忽视的扭转耦合振动。根据许多关于地震运动过程中不同场地土的数值分析,得出了基础隔震偏心结构的扭转地震作用简化公式。5事实证明,这里被提出的公式和其他公式相比具有较好的准确性,这为有橡胶垫的基础隔震偏心建筑物结构设计提供了方便而简单的方法。2001年建设部出版的建筑物抗震设计规范也包括了基础隔震和能量耗散系统的设计原理。运输部和铁道部也出版了基础隔震公路桥梁和基础隔震铁路桥梁设计规范。目前,在中国关于隔震有三组不同的技术规范。(1)叠层橡胶支座隔震器隔震技术规程CECS 126:2001这是中国隔震建筑物和桥梁设计和建造的国家规范。(2)叠层橡胶隔震器标准(JB 118-2000)这是中国叠层橡胶支座隔震器国家标准。建筑物隔震和耗能(建筑物抗震设计规范第12章,GB 50011-2001)。这是中国建筑物抗震设计国家规范的一部分。对中国这三部隔震规范标准的主要介绍如下:(1)为建筑物、桥梁、特殊结构和工业设施提供隔震设计方法(2)为新建结构和现存结构的加固提供隔震设计方法(3)允许遵从以结构的重要性和中国不同经济形势地域的所有者要求为根据的三种不同设计水准。第一水准:对于一般结构,使用隔震可以节省建筑成本大约3%到5%;第二水准:对于重要结构,建筑成本将因使用隔震增加3%到5%;第三水准:对于特别重要的结构,建造成本将因使用隔震技术增加5%到7%。但是按照任一水准设计的隔震建筑与传统抗震建筑相比其地震安全性将增加2到8倍。(4)为隔震结构提供两种结构分析方法,等效剪力法和时程分析。等效剪力法是通过静态分析实现的,并且仅可应用于高度低于40米或者10层,具有常规配置和主要剪切变形的结构。但是时程分析法可以应用于各种各样的结构。(5)可以减小上部结构设计的地震剪力荷载,这可以节省一般民用建筑的建筑成本,尤其在经济贫困的地区。(6)控制隔震层的最大剪力水平位移Dmax,这个最大位移值Dmax将不大于轴承直径的0.55倍和轴承剪切应变的三倍。Dmax应该是包括结构系统扭转和转化的总位移。中国的第一栋带有橡胶轴承的多层房屋建筑建成于1993年,如图2。它是一个有60厘米到80厘米不同直径的23个橡胶轴承支撑的8层建筑。这个结构分别在1994年和1996年经历了两次强烈地震,却完好无损并正常使用。世界上具有最大面积的隔震建筑被命名为地铁枢纽的隔震房屋建筑,如图3,它位于北京中心附近。那里有一个由两个架次的钢筋混凝土框架组成的很大的平台,用于为其中的铁路枢纽放置所有的装备和设施和屏蔽来自铁路枢纽列车的噪音。平台的大小是1500米宽和2000米长。平台顶层建造了50栋房屋建筑,所有隔震房屋建筑的层面积几乎达到480000平方米,这是世界上使用隔震的最大面积。橡胶轴承层位于平台顶层,如图4。这一建筑群使用层间隔震所获得的巨大优势包括:结构安全性增加到传统设计方案的四倍,节省建造成本的25%,将层数从6层增加到9层,解决城市中心铁路振动和噪音的环境问题。中国隔震器的应用证明了隔震系统比传统结构系统更安全、经济、合理,超过500个全面实现基础隔震的建筑和桥梁已经完成来解除地震和交通的诱导反应。2.2能量耗散通过在结构中添加消能器形成一个能量耗散系统,消能器为结构提供大量的阻尼,阻尼将耗散来自振源的大部分振动能量,确保结构在地震和风力作用下的安全性。许多种类的阻尼器,包括摩擦阻尼器,粘弹性阻尼器,粘滞流体阻尼器,铅阻尼器与金属阻尼器,在中国得到了发展。摩擦提供卓越的能量耗散机制,在汽车制动器运动动能的耗散方面已使用多年。这种阻尼器由简单的机械配置和普通的材料制成。因此它们可应用于多层和高层建筑,周和刘研究两种不同的已摩擦为基础的能量耗散阻尼器,如图5。7结果显示摩擦能量耗散阻尼器能耗散大量的地震输入能量并且滞回特性稳定。为了满足中国不同地震烈度区域地震能量耗散的要求,张和杨提出了双相摩擦阻尼器。8实验结果显示他们提出的双相摩擦阻尼器在小震和强震中都可以减小结构振动。 9 吴和欧提出了一种伪摩擦阻尼器,来减小Pall摩擦阻尼器中附加刚度的影响。基于Pall型摩擦阻尼器四连杆机构的几何非线性,吴分析了框架位移,支撑刚度,一个新的拟粘滞摩擦阻尼器的滑移力的影响,如图6。10结果显示新型摩擦阻尼器有较大的滞回特性,与Pall型摩擦阻尼器相比有明显小的支撑力,这对提高框架柱的塑性有利。先开发了创新复合摩擦材料制成的阻尼器,11实施了这种新型摩擦阻尼器的全面测试和带有这种阻尼器的结构模型振动台测试,显示带阻尼器的结构地震反应减小30%40% 。摩擦阻尼器已经应用在中国的工程结构中,例如,1997年建造的沈阳政府办公大楼使用了134个有100KN到200KN滑动力的被动摩擦阻尼器来加固这个建筑物,如图7。进行了带有摩擦阻尼器和不带摩擦阻尼器的建筑物1/3缩尺模型的拟动力试验。12 铅阻尼器具有理想弹塑性性能与矩形磁滞曲线。这种铅阻尼器的屈服极限无法在设计后调整。因此,阻尼器的能量耗散性能在强震中将因变形大而变低。然而,在一次轻微的地震中,阻尼器不能屈服来耗散能量。周开发了在强震和弱震中都可以减小振动的创新的弯剪和剪切型铅阻尼器。13粘滞性阻尼器有在所有变形水平都可以耗散能量的优点。因此粘滞性阻尼器在风和地震保护中都可以应用。中国的一些粘滞性阻尼器商业产品,如图8。中国已经开发了粘滞性阻尼器的力学模型、设计技术和优化方法。14,15在中国粘滞性阻尼器也应用在工程结构中来抑制风和地震作用引起的结构振动,例如宿迁通信大楼(图9)和潮汕星河大厦(图10)。16,17流体也可以用于耗能,因此提出了许多种类的粘性流体阻尼器。在中国也有不同性能的商业流体阻尼器(图11)。粘性阻尼器已经在中国的一些工程结构中得到使用,包括北京银泰中心,淮阴市伊真园大厦,北京展览馆,宿迁市写字楼,宿迁的城市建设大楼,西安市写字楼,与北京餐厅。北京银泰中心大厦是一个248米高和易受风的60层钢结构,所以73套粘性流体阻尼器安装在它上(图12)。18金属阻尼器通过金属的非弹性变形耗散地震输入结构中的能量。根据X型钢板耗能器的疲劳特性的试验研究和理论分析,建立了该耗能器钢板的非线性方法,确定了应变疲劳参数,这提供了一个重要的软钢耗能器设计的基础。18在大多数情况下,金属阻尼器通过钢板屈服到平面外的非线性消耗能量。G. Li和H. Li发明了双功能软钢阻尼器。20如图13和14,这是为了在钢板自身平面内延伸钢板以增强其初始刚度,通过改变钢板的几何形状来增加耗能能力。理论分析和拟静力试验结果表明这些类型的软金属阻尼器不仅能在正常使用中提供特定的刚度,而且有较好的地震能量耗散能力。中国理工大学3号实验楼安装了双功能软金属阻尼器来增加首层的刚度和抑制地震引发的震动。21如图5。对于一些以很少考虑地震保护的建筑设计规范为根据的以前设计的建筑,无论是土地开发者和工程师必须决定是否要拆除并建立新的或再利用原有建筑物通过做一些创新来满足目前的需要。由于经济原因,中国许多建筑物的顶部已经增加了新的楼层。对于有层数增加框架的现存建筑,新型的能量耗散结构系统出现了。22在这里应用了外部框架结构增加的最底层和原有建筑屋顶之间的摩擦滑移层,并且原有建筑的每一层和外部框架柱之间的联结使用了耗能阻尼器,如图16。试验结果表明摩擦和耗能设备在减小模型结构的地震反应和耗散模型结构的输入能量方面很有效。由于那时没有任何抗震规范,建造于十九世纪五十年代的中国的沈阳市北陵大街旁的四层办公楼没有抗震设计,分析和设计了以增加的四层的外框结构上采用被动控制方法。Advances in Structural Control in Civil Engineering in ChinaAuthors : Hongnan Li , Linsheng Huo , José Balthazar Author unit: State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China Journal : Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2010, Vol.2010 In the recent years, much attention has been paid to the research and development of structural control techniques with particular emphasis on alleviation of wind and seismic responses of buildings and bridges in China. Structural control in civil engineering has been developed from the concept into a workable technology and applied into practical engineering structures. The aim of this paper is to review a state of the art of researches and applications of structural control in civil engineering in China. It includes the passive control, active control, hybrid control and semi active control. Finally, the possible future directions of structural control in civil engineering in China are presented.1. IntroductionCivil engineering structures located in environments where earthquakes or large wind forces are common will be subjected to serious vibrations during their lifetime. These vibrations can range from harmless to severe with the later resulting in serious structural damage and potential structural failure. The traditional method of anti-seismic technique is to increase the stiffness of structures by enlarging the section of columns, beams, shear walls, or other elements, which will enhance the seismic load because of the added mass to structures. As a result, although the cost of structures with traditional anti-seismic technique is increased a lot, the safety level of structures is less improved. Another disadvantage of the traditional anti-seismic technique is that it focuses on the protection of the structure but neglects the facilities inside the structure. Hence, it cannot be used in some structures whose facilities inside them are very important, such as hospitals, city lifeline engineering, nuclear plants, museum buildings, and the buildings with precise instruments.Even though engineers cannot design a building which is damage-proof during earthquakes and strong winds, the structural control is promising in reducing the vibration of structures. Different from the traditional anti-seismic method, the structural control technique suppresses the structural vibration by installing some devices, mechanisms, substructures in the structure to change or adjust the dynamic performance of the structure. The structural control system is commonly classified by its device type resulting in four general control types: passive, active, hybrid, and semi-active control. An active control system is the one in which an external source power control actuators apply forces to the structure in a prescribed manner including active tendon system ATS and active mass damper AMD. A passive control system does not require an external power source, such as base isolation method, energy dissipation devices, tuned mass damper TMD,and tuned liquid damper TLD. The hybrid control implies the combined use of active and passive control systems. Semi active control systems are a class of active systems in which only small magnitude of external energy is needed to change the parameters of control system, such as active variable stiffness AVS system and active variable damper AVD system.In the recent years, serious efforts have been undertaken in structural control and fruitful achievements have been made in China. Structural control has been developed from theoretical analysis and experimental research into engineering applications. A set of techniques including base isolation, energy dissipation, tuned mass dampers, tuned liquid dampers, active and semi-active control methods have been used in newly-built structures or existing buildings, bridges, facilities, and other structures in China. In this paper, the state of art of vibration control techniques, including theoretical and experimental studies, practices in civil engineering are reviewed. The possible future directions of structural control in civil engineering are discussed.Passive Control2.1. Base IsolationThe base isolation system was developed as one of remarkable technologies to reduce the seismic load of building and equipment. There are five kinds of materials that have been used for isolators in China, including sand layer, graphite lime mortar layer, slide friction layer, roller and rubber bearing. The rubber bearing is the one used mostly in China. Relatively easy to be manufactured, isolation bearings are made by vulcanization bonding of sheets of the rubber to thin steel reinforcing plates. The bearings are very stiff in the vertical direction, while quite flexible in the horizontal direction. Under the excitation of horizontal earthquakes, the fundamental vibration period of an isolated structure can be shifted from a short-period range to a long-period range. Thus, the horizontal seismic response of the isolated structure is significantly less than the un-isolated structure. The significant advantages of structures with rubber bearing isolators are summarized as follows:1,1 The isolated structures are safer in strong earthquake. The isolators are very effective to reduce the seismic response of structures and can prevent the structures from damage or collapse. Compared to the traditional anti-seismic structures, the responses of isolated structures can be reduced to 1/21/8 of the one of traditional structures, according to the testing results and the records in real earthquakeFigure1: different locations of Isolation Layer in Structure. a Basement isolation; b Story isolation with isolators on the top of the first story; c Story isolation with isolators on certain story of supper structures; d Top isolation; e Skywalk linking isolation. 2 The building cost of isolation structures can be saved 3% 15% of the cost of the general buildings according to the final statistics results of 30 buildings with rubber bearings completed in southern, western, and northern China. 3 The seismic isolation rubber bearing system has wide ranges of application, both in newly designed structures and existing structures, important buildings and civil buildings especially for house buildings, for protecting the building structures, and for protecting the facilities inside the building. 4 The safely working life of rubber bearings is over 70100 years according to the permanent testing and investigation, which is larger than the working life of structure itself. In order to solve some problems for more wide application of isolation systems, a great number of tests for rubber bearings and shaking table tests for building models were carried out by Zhou and Xian .2The test of mechanical characteristics for isolators includes the compression tests, compression with shear cycle loading tests. The test of durability for isolators includes low cycle fatigue tests, creep tests, and ozone aging tests. The test of structural system includes shaking table tests for large-scale structural model.There are five kinds of locations of layer with rubber bearings in China 3Isolation layer is located on the base of building, which is the most common method. The isolation layer can be located on the certain story of the basement, which is used in many structures as shown in Figure 1a. The isolation can also be located on the top of the first story Figure 1b or certain story of superstructure Figure 1c. The isolation layer located on the top of the building Figure 1d is always used to add 1-2 stories on the top of existed building for seismic retrot. Isolation layer located at the joints between skywalk and buildings Figure 1e is used to separate the different mode shapes of buildings connected by skywalk. In the case of a seismic isolated building with a large height-to-width ratio HWR, the overturning moment at the level of seismic isolated layer may exceed the overturning resistance supplied by the gravity, which will result in the disconnection of bearings from the superstructure and produce an internal damages of rubber layers, even lead to a destroy of the entire building. The limits of the HWR for isolated building with the laminated rubber bearings under different conditions subjected to earthquake excitations were investigated by Li and Wu 4 According to the numerical results, it has been found that the effects of site soil conditions on the HWR limit values are very important, in which the softer the site is, the smaller the HWR limit value is under different seismic intensities. The predominant period of isolated building also plays a considerable role in the HWR limit value. Namely, the isolated building with a longer period may have a relatively large HWR value. The stiffness of superstructure has little effects on the HWR limit value.Most structures are simplified as planar models in base isolation design. However, a lot of structures are eccentric due to plan irregularity, mass eccentricity, elevation irregularity, and so forth the earthquake is essentially multidimensional and so is the structural response excited by earthquake, which will result in the torsionally coupled vibration that cannot be neglected. Based on many numerical ana


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