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    教案课程名称国际贸易实务(英)授课学 期 2016-2017第二学期授课教师YLL教 学 单 位 外国语系教 务 处 制国际贸易实务教案授课专业商务英语授课班级15级商英05,06班授课内容Chapter 1 international trade课时安排2教学目标l To get to know the terms .l Master the terms of International trade.l To know general basic theoriesl Know reasons,benefits and problems of the international trade. 教学重点、难点 I. Reasons For International Tradel 1. Resource reasons l 2. Economic reasons l 3. Political reasonsII. Benefit of International Tradel 1. Cheaper goodsl 2. Greater variety when goods come from more countriesl 3. Wider market with increasing number of trading partnersl 4. Growth of economyIII. Problems in International Tradel 1. Trade restrictionsl 2. Cultural Problemsl 3. Monetary conversion1. Trade restrictionsl diversified economy l protect their vital industriesl infant industryl unfair competitionl domestic jobsl maintain balance of trade and balance of paymentl pure political reason 2) Kinds of restrictions (1)Tariffs (tariff barriers)l Import duty and Export dutyl Import surtax : Countervailing duty ,anti-dumping duty, variable levyl Specific dutyl Ad valorem dutyl Mixed or compound dutyl Alternative duty(2) Non-tariff barriersl Quotal Import licensel Foreign exchange controll Foreign exchange control l State monopoly of import and exportl Government procurement policyl Advanced depositl Technical standardsl Health & sanitary regulationsl Packaging and labeling regulationl Minimum price教学方法、手段教师讲授,PPT演示,师生互动教学条件多媒体教室;实验实训室教学内容与组织引入新课教学设计时间分配Teaching Aims, Plans and Methods of Chapter110教学内容教学设计时间分配1. Reasons for international trade2. benefits of international trade3. problems in international trade 4. Case study80课堂小结教学设计时间分配Conclusion of the above contents10作业与答疑内容要求review the contentsreview after class国际贸易实务教案授课专业商务英语授课班级15级商英05,06班授课内容Chapter 2  Terms of delivery课时安排4教学目标l To acquire the basic knowledge of termsl To know how to use the termsl Master the definition of 13 trade terms. l Know the difference and same among theml (各种贸易术语的含义及使用中注意的问题,在装运港交货的三种常用术语的变形,相邻或相似术语之间的异同对比)教学重点、难点 1.Review for Chapter 12.Case study 1 23. Learning FocusFGroup E: EXW FGroup F: FCA FAS FOB FGroup C: CFR CIF CPT CIPFGroup D: DAS DES DEQ DDU DDP各组贸易术语总结E组术语(启运术语,Departure)F组术语(主运费未付术语,Main Carriage Unpaid)C组术语(主运费已付术语,Main Carriage Paid) D组术语(到达术语,Arrival)注:C组术语的风险划分界限和费用划分界限相分离注:以F组和C组术语成交的合同都属于装运合同。以D组术语成交的合同属于到达合同。D组术语中, 除DEQ下卖方负责卸货外,其余的术语下卖方均不负责卸货.4. FOB、CFR、CIF和FCA、CPT、CIP六种主要术语的异同1相同点(1)均属装运合同。卖方保证按时交货,并不保证按时到货。(2)责任划分的基本原则是相同的。2不同点(1)运输方式不同。前者适用水上运输,承运人一般只限于船公司。后者适用各种运输方式,承运人可以是船公司、铁路局、航空公司,也可以是联合运输经营人. (2)交货和风险转移的地点不同。前者交货地点和风险转移均在装运港船舷,而后者交货地点和风险转移均在货交承运人. ¢ (3)装卸费用负担不同。在采用租船运输的FOB合同中,应明确装货费由何方负担,在租船运输的CFR和CIF合同中,则应明确卸货费由何方负担;在FCA合同中若卖方在其所在地交货,则装货费用由卖方负担。在CPT和CIP合同中,由于卖方支付的运费已包含装货费和卸货费,因此不存在装卸费用由谁负担的问题。¢ (4)运输单据不同。FOB、CFR、CIF术语中,卖方应提交已装船清洁提单。而在FCA、CPT、CIP术语中,卖方提交的单据应根据运输方式不同而定。教学方法、手段教师讲授,PPT演示,师生互动教学条件多媒体教室;实验实训室教学内容与组织引入新课教学设计时间分配Review of the contents of last lesson20教学内容教学设计时间分配授课及实践内容摘要:1. Overview of the Structure of Incoterms 20002.Explanation of the terms3. Case study160课堂小结教学设计时间分配Conclusion of the above contents20作业与答疑内容要求review the contentsreview after class国际贸易实务教案授课专业商务英语授课班级15级商英05,06班授课内容Chapter3 CargoPackaging, stowage &Marking课时安排4教学目标授课目的要求:1. To acquire the basic knowledge ofPackaging, stowage &Marking2. To learn Name of commodityHow to qualify quality of goodsHow to decide the quantityHow to choose Packing materialsLearn to Pack the goods教学重点、难点 1.Learning FocusPackingMarking2.Quality of CommodityMethods Used to Express the Quality of GoodsSales by DescriptionSale by gradeSale by Standard3.Needs of cargo packaging 1.Protective function2.Loading and transport function3.Stowage function4.Promotion functionTypes of transport packingOuter packing (Shipping/ transport packing) Inner packing (sales/Marketing packing)Neutral packing Non-brand andSpecific brand package 4.Marking of CargoShipping marksInformation marksIndicative marksWarning mark教学方法、手段教师讲授,PPT演示,师生互动教学条件多媒体教室;实验实训室教学内容与组织引入新课教学设计时间分配Review of the contents of last lesson20教学内容教学设计时间分配授课及实践内容摘要:1. Packaging, stowage &Marking2. quality and Quantity3. Packing materials and Packing ways4. Case study160课堂小结教学设计时间分配Conclusion of the above contents20作业与答疑内容要求review the contentsreview after class国际贸易实务教案授课专业商务英语授课班级15级商英05,06班授课内容Unit 4  Transport课时安排4教学目标授课目的要求:1. To acquire the basic knowledge of transport2. To understand basic ways of transportesp. ocean transportation.3.Understand the various kinds of B/L教学重点、难点 Delivery of Goods国际货运方式v 海洋运输: 班轮line 租船trampv 陆地运输 铁路v 国际铁路运输v 国内铁路运输 公路v 航空运输 班机scheduled airline 包机chartered carrier 集中托运consolidation 快件air express servicev 内河运输v 邮包运输v 联合运输 陆空,陆海,海空联运 集装箱运输 大陆桥运输 国际多式联运Bill of lading1. Functions of the documents2、Content of B/L提单的内容3.提单的种类教学方法、手段教师讲授,PPT演示,师生互动教学条件多媒体教室;实验实训室教学内容与组织引入新课教学设计时间分配Review of the contents of last lesson20教学内容教学设计时间分配授课及实践内容摘要:1.Ocean,Air,Rail,Road, transport2. Containerization3.Palletization4.piplelines5.International Multimodal Transport6. Case study160课堂小结教学设计时间分配Conclusion of the above contents20作业与答疑内容要求review the contentsreview after class国际贸易实务教案授课专业商务英语授课班级15级商英05,06班授课内容Unit 6  payment Terms课时安排6教学目标授课目的要求:1. To learn how to pay3. To learn the methods of paymentl Identify three instruments of paymentl Describe the types of remittancel Describe the workflow of collection and the letter of creditl Describe the features of L/Cl List main kinds of L/Cl Describe the main contents of L/C教学重点、难点 1. Learning in this chapter A. International payment and settlementB. Credit Instruments (negotiable instruments)1. Bill of Exchange2. Promissory Note 3. ChequeC. Modes of payments:1.by remittance: i) by T/T ii) by M/T iii) by D/D2.by collection: i) by D/P at sight ii) by D/P after sight iii) by D/A3.by L/C4.others: bank guarantee, standby L/C etc. Since payment by L/C is the most important way used in the international trade, discussion would be stressed on L/C as well as the UCP 500.D. Documentation1. Financial Documents: i) B/ E ii) Cheque iii) Promissory Note2. Commercial Documents i) Invoice: Commercial INV, Customs INV ii)Transport Documents: B/L, AWB, MTD iii) Insurance Documents4. Other Documents:教学方法、手段教师讲授,PPT演示,师生互动教学条件多媒体教室;实验实训室教学内容与组织引入新课教学设计时间分配Review of the contents of last lesson30教学内容教学设计时间分配授课及实践内容摘要:1.Draft, Promissory note and check2.Remittance3.L/C4.Documentary collection5.Open account6. Case study240课堂小结教学设计时间分配Conclusion of the above contents30作业与答疑内容要求review the contentsreview after class国际贸易实务教案授课专业商务英语授课班级15级商英05,06班授课内容Unit 8 Inspection, Force Majeure &Private Dispute Resolution课时安排2教学目标1.To get to know the methods of commodity inspection2. To know the Force Majeure/the ways of dispute resolution教学重点、难点 1. COMMODITY INSPECTIONPlace and time of Inspection Inspection agency and certificate Time and place of reinspection 2.DISPUTES3. FORCE MAJEUREDefinition of force majeure Consequences of force majeure Points to remember when drafting the clause 4. ARBITRATION教学方法、手段教师讲授,PPT演示,师生互动教学条件多媒体教室;实验实训室教学内容与组织引入新课教学设计时间分配Review of the contents of last lesson10教学内容教学设计时间分配1.inspection2.Force Majeure3. dispute resolution80课堂小结教学设计时间分配Conclusion of the above contents10作业与答疑内容要求review the contentsreview after class国际贸易实务教案授课专业商务英语授课班级15级商英05,06班授课内容Unit 9  Documentation课时安排6教学目标授课目的要求:1. To know the role of documentation3.To understand function of the major documentations教学重点、难点 Role of documentationMajor documents教学方法、手段教师讲授,PPT演示,师生互动教学条件多媒体教室;实验实训室教学内容与组织引入新课教学设计时间分配Review of the contents of last lesson30教学内容教学设计时间分配授课及实践内容摘要:1.The forms of different documentations2.Translation of different documentations3.Notes for each documentation4. Case study240课堂小结教学设计时间分配Conclusion of the above contents30作业与答疑内容要求review the contentsreview after class国际贸易实务教案授课专业商务英语授课班级15级商英05,06班授课内容Unit 10 International Trade Procedures课时安排2教学目标授课目的要求:1.To learn the procedures of import2. To learn the procedures of export教学重点、难点 Import proceduresExport proceduresManaging international trade procedures教学方法、手段教师讲授,PPT演示,师生互动教学条件多媒体教室;实验实训室教学内容与组织引入新课教学设计时间分配Review of the contents of last lesson10教学内容教学设计时间分配授课及实践内容摘要:1.Procedures of import and export2. Case study80课堂小结教学设计时间分配Conclusion of the above contents10作业与答疑内容要求conclusion国际贸易实务教案授课专业商务英语授课班级15级商英05,06班授课内容Summary and review for eight units课时安排2教学目标授课目的要求:1.To understand the main terms for each unit2.To learn the main content for each unit教学重点、难点 the main terms for each unitmain content for each unit教学方法、手段教师讲授,PPT演示,师生互动教学条件多媒体教室;实验实训室教学内容与组织引入新课教学设计时间分配Review of the contents 10教学内容教学设计时间分配授课及实践内容摘要:1.Terms2. Summary and Review80课堂小结教学设计时间分配Conclusion of the above contents10作业与答疑内容要求conclusion精品文档word文档可以编辑!谢谢下载!


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