危险化学品管理程序Hazardous Chemical Management Procedure1、目的 PURPOSE为防止危险化学品在使用储存过程中由于泄漏、爆炸、燃烧、腐蚀等原因发生意外,避免人身伤亡、环境影响及财产损失,特制定本程序。This Procedure is designed to avoid explosion, burning or corrosion of hazardous chemicals while in usage/storage, so as to avoid accidents which can cause personal casualties, environmental pollution, and property losses2、范围SCOPE此程序适用于NRH的危险化学品管理。The procedure is applicable to hazardous chemical management of NRH 3、定义DEFINITION3.1危险化学品Hazardous Chemicals 凡具有爆炸、易燃、腐蚀性等性质,在运输、储存和使用过程中,容易造成人身伤亡和财产损毁而需要特别處理的物品,均属于危险化学品。常用危险化学品按其主要特性分为九类:爆炸品;压缩气体和液化气体;易燃液体;易燃固体、自燃物品和遇湿易燃物品;毒害品;放射性物品;氧化剂;腐蚀品;其他类(刺激性或毒性)。 Refer to those explosive, inflammable or corrosive goods, which require special care during the process of transportation and storage because they are apt to cause personal casualties and property losses.Common hazardous goods are divided into nine categories according to their characteristics. They are explosives, compressed air and liquidated gas, inflammable liquids, inflammable solids, spontaneous combustion materials and moisture-ignite inflammables, oxidants and organic peroxides, radioactive substance, noxious materials, and corrosive materials, others (irritant, harmful).3.2化学品安全技术书Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 描述物质的物理化学特性及危害的文件。除此之外包括有如安全使用,贮存,急救,预防措施等信息。A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document that describes the chemical and physical properties of a substance and identifies health hazards associated with it. Other information contained in an MSDS includes information regarding safe handling and storage procedures, precautions for use, and first aid procedures.4、职责RESPONSIBILITY4.1 采购部门负责Purchase department is responsible for4.1.1 选择符合法规要求的化学品供应商, 并要求供应商提供該化学品最新的中文版本MSDS Selecting supplier who compliances with legal requirement, obtain the newest Chinese Material Safety Sheet Data4.2. 各部门 Each department is responsible for4.2.1负责本部门现场储存化学品的保管、发放、使用和废弃。Storage, use and disposal of on site chemical 4.2.2提供工作区域使用的化学品培训Training on the hazards of any specific chemicals used in their work area4.3 安全办is responsible for4.3.1 负责危险化学品供应商资质的确认。Verifying certificate of chemical suppliers4.3.2负责协调化学品紧急应变计划演练。Conducting the drill for chemical emergency response4.3.3 提供化学品安全意识培训Providing the chemical awareness training 4.3.4 化学品的购买,使用,贮存及废弃处理进行管控Supervising purchase, use, storage and disposal of chemicals 4.5工程部门负责 ME department is responsible for4.5.1 危险化学品仓库的管理Hazardous chemical warehouse management5、程序PROCEDURE5.1购买Purchase5.1.1采购部门只能向具有相应资质的供应商购买危险化学品。Purchase department shall purchase the dangerous chemical from the chemical suppliers with related chemical permit.危险化学品生产厂商必须具有危险化学品生产许可证。The enterprise for chemical manufacture shall hold chemical manufacture license issued by local authorities.危险化学品经营销售单位经营危险化学品必须具备经营许可证。The enterprise for chemical business shall hold chemical business license issued by local authorities.危险化学品的运输承运人必须具备危险化学品运输资质证书,运输工具为危险化学品专用运输工具。The chemical carrier must hold chemical transporting permit issued by public security organ and own special chemical transporting containers manufactured by qualified manufacture5.1.2采购部门应将危险化学品供应商的供应商资质相关证明提交安全办确认。Purchase department shall submit the related certificate provide by chemical supplier to Safety Council Office for record.5.1.3 采购部门须向厂商获取有效的中文版化学品安全技术说明书Purchase department shall request the chemical supplier to provide valid MSDS in Chinese. 5.1.4 凡使用或计划试验某种新化学品的部门,必须填写新化学品采购申请表,安全办批准后方可采购。 The department seeking to use or experiment with new chemicals must fill out the New Chemical Purchasing Application Form and get approval by Safety Office.5.2危险化学品储存Storage of Hazardous Chemical 5.2.1危险化学品储存原则Principle of Hazardous Chemicals Storage爆炸品不能与起爆药品、器材一起储存,避免存放在高温场所,严禁摔、滚、翻、撞和摩擦。Explosives shall never be stored with the igniters and ignition equipment. The storage site shall be kept cool. Dropping, rolling, overturning, impacting and rubbing of explosives are not allowed. 压缩气体和液体不能与性质相抵触的,尽管都是瓶装的气体或物质同仓储存。易燃气体除惰性气体外,助燃气体除不燃气体和无机毒品外,均不得与其它物品混贮。Compressed air and liquidated gases shall not be stored with those materials incompatible in property, even though they are also contained in rums. Inflammable gases, except for inert gases, and combustion assistant gases, except for non-combustion gases and inorganic poisons, shall never be stored with any other materials.易燃液体应单独储存,远离火源、热源、防止静电危害,邻近的电气设备要整体防静电。 Inflammable liquids shall be stored in separation, away from fire, heat, oxidants, and oxidized acid. Possible harm resulting from static shall be avoided. The electrical appliances in the vicinity shall be installed with anti-explosive device.易燃固体应包装完好,防止火花、烘烤和受潮。Inflammable solids shall be kept intact, away from sparkles, heat and moisture.毒害品应包装严密完好,单独隔离存放,远离火源、热源、氧化剂、酸类、食品,存放地点应通风良好Toxic materials shall be stored in sealed packing, away from fire, heat, oxidants, acid, and foodstuff. The storing place shall be well ventilated.腐蚀物品容器应符合耐腐蚀要求,严密不漏。氧化性酸既不能与遇湿易潮物及氧化剂储存在一起,也不能与碱性腐蚀品儲储存在一起The containers of corrosive material shall have strong anti-corrosion property and leakage proof. Oxidized acid shall be kept away from organic moisture-ignite materials and oxidants. They shall not be stored with alkali corrosives, either.危险化学品贮存应根据危险品危险特性分区、分类贮存。Hazardous chemical are arranged separately by type to distinguish with others5.2.1.8化学品贮存地应存有储存化学品的MSDS以及化学品清单Keep a list of chemicals and available MSDS in the storage area.危险化学品专用仓库/暂存区内禁烟禁火,张贴禁烟标识。Placing “no fire” and “no smoking” signs is must at the temporary storage area or chemical warehouse5.2.2.0剧毒化学品以及储存数量构成重大危险源的其他危险化学品必须在专用仓库内单独存放,实行双人收发、双人保管制度。储存危险化学品构成重大危险源的,由安全办填写“重大危险源申报表”向当地公安部门和安全生产监督管理局备案。Hyper-toxic chemicals and other dangerous chemicals that constitute serious hazard sources in quantity must be stored within the specialized warehouses separately, and be subject to the system of double-person receiving and dispatching and double-person safekeeping. Safety Council Office shall report the quantity, places, and management personnel of stored hyper-toxic chemicals and other dangerous chemicals that constitute serious hazard sources to the local public security organ and supervision management bureau of work safety for records.5.2.2 Setup of the warehouse of hazardous chemicals 危险化学品仓设置5.2.2.1通风散热良好,或有相应的通风设备 They must have good ventilation or ventilation devices5.2.2. 设置安全供电设施,所使用的电气设备必须是防爆型的;They must have safety power supply devices. All electrical appliances must be Explosion proof type.5.2.3配备足够的消防设备;They must be equipped with adequate fire distinguishing devices 5.2.4于门口处设置警示标志,如易燃品、严禁烟火等; Warning signs such as “Inflammable”, “No Smoking”, etc. must be set up in places where they are easily seen.5.2.5需设置防泄漏装置及应急设施如洗眼设施,PPE等 Installation of leak-preventing devices and emergency device such as eye wash station, PPE are required. 5.2.6符合供应商提供的物料安全数据表中所要求的贮存条件。The storage conditions must meet the requirements of the Material Safety Data Sheet provided by the chemical suppliers; 5.2.7 良好地接地装置及防雷设施With sound grounding device and anti- thunder grounding facilities5.2.3 危险化学品仓库的管理Management of Hazardous Chemical warehouse5.2.3.1工程部门指定有化学管理资格的仓库管理员对危险化学品仓进行管理。Hazardous Chemical warehouse shall be managed by the appointed person with qualification certificate from Engineering Dept.仓库管理员要根据化学特性对危险化学品仓中的化学品分类储存并分类标识。Hazardous Chemical shall be stored and label the according to the category and property of chemical by warehouse keeper5.2.3.3仓库管理员对危险化学品仓中化学品列出化学品清单 The warehouse keeper shall keep the list of hazardous chemical available.仓库管理员保持危险化学品仓中化学品MSDS的及时更新The warehouse keeper shall updates MSDS.危险化学品出入库,必须进行核查登记。危险化学品应当定期检查。The dangerous chemicals entry into, and exit from warehouses must be inspected and registered. The dangerous chemicals shall be inspected at regular intervals such as quantity, label, fire equipment and so on.5.2.4 柴油储存库区的安全要求safety requirements of diesel oil store area. 必须按照相关规定设定防火堤Set the fire wall according as national regulation 油罐区、油泵房和通风处的照明灯具、接线盒、开关等,请选用符合防爆要求的产品,防护等级不应低于IP44级The lights, pump, ventilation fan, switch, wire conduit and so forth should be explosion proof, at least IP44 proof level. 油罐储存区必须有防雷接地装置 Anti- thunder grounding facilities should be available for the store area5.2.4.4 油罐储存区必须有防静电装置 Anti- electrostatic appliance should be available for the store area5.2.4.5 卸油时,汽车油罐车的卸油设施,应设置与油罐跨接的防静电接地装置The vehicle, joint pipe and oil tank should be grounding before discharging the oil. 经常检查与油罐相联之接头是否有“跑,冒,滴,漏”现象,并及时维修。Examine if there are seepage and leakage in the joint and other place on a regular basis and replace or maintain it well in a timely manner. 维修时用容器接住各易漏点,用过的废布碎及沾染上柴油的废置物品请当作危险废弃物处理。Secondary container should be in place while maintaining; Rags, glove and other waste contaminated with oil should be treated as hazardous waste.5.3使用Usage . 5.3.1 化学品使用岗位员工在使用化学品前,应熟知安全标签及安全技术说明书内容,了解接触的化学品的特性,选择适当的个人防护用品,掌握事故应急处理方法和操作注意事项。The employee who will be exposed to hazardous chemical should know label and MSDS, property, PPE requirement, emergency handling and safety operation procedure for the chemical to being used before chemical to being used.5.3.2 化学品使用现场需配备必要的应急设施.如洗眼器等The emergency facilities such as eye wash station should be provided in place where the chemical is being used.5.3.3 有毒化学品作业场所可能导致职业病危害的依照职业健康管理程序实施管理。It is likely to suffer from occupation disease due to exposed to toxic chemical ,the corresponding control measures can be found in occupational disease management procedure.5.3.4使用危险化学品的部门应根据每天两班的使用量领取化学品,最多不能超过一天两班的用量。Departments using chemical shall obtain from the chemical warehouse and the chemical warehouse shall provide the hazardous chemicals in the identified quantity for two shifts (one day). The maximum quantity to be obtained and provided shall not exceed that for two shifts (one day).5.3.5非生产过程直接使用或辅助使用的危险化学品,使用后剩余的,应退回危险化学品仓库。The leftovers of the hazardous chemicals in direct or supplement use in non-production process shall be returned to hazardous chemical storehouse.5.3.6 若须在车间储存危险化学品,必须控制储存量,以最少量为原则,设置防火阻燃和耐腐蚀的专柜或专用容器进行储存且必须指定专人进行管理。The leftovers of the hazardous chemicals in direct or supplement use in production process, if they need to be stored workshop, must be stored in minimum quantity. Dedicated storing cabinets or containers made of fireproof and corrosion proof materials shall be set up in workshop to store hazardous chemicals, and manage by the appointed person.5.3.7 放置在工作场所或正在使用的化学品,其一次容器及二次容器应有明显的标识,且必须包含化学品名称及危险标志。 Chemicals that will remain in the workshop are required to have visually labels, chemical name and appropriate hazard warning sign must be included in their labels on the primary and secondary container.5.3.8 盛装危险化学品的容器在未净化处理前,不得更换安全标签。The label on the container should be replaced before the container is not disposed safely.5.3.9危险化学品使用部门对使用化学品清单进行每月更新,并将结果拷贝给安全办。 Each department using hazardous chemicals shall update chemical list monthly and copy the list to Safety Council Office.5.3.10各部门物料安全数据表存放在容易获得的地方,以保证任何员工在任何时候都可以得到MSDS。The Material Safety Data Sheets will be stored at accessible locations and all employees can access to the MSDS files at any time.5.3.11使用化学品部门停止使用某种化学品时,应将停止使用化学品编号和停止使用时间通知安全办。The chemical not used by department, it should be noticed Safety Council Office the Chemical No. and time.5.3.12安全办和采购部应定期审查可使用的化学品,从化学品批准清单中删除已不再使用的化学品。Safety Council Office and purchasing department regular inspect the applicable chemical to delete the inapplicable chemical. 5.3.13安全办定期更新MSDS目录中现存的MSDS。 Safety Council Office will update existing MSDS in the MSDS catalog periodical. 5.3.14非日常工作中使用化学品Non-Routine Tasks Using Hazardous Chemicals员工在非日常工作中使用危险化学品时应首先联系其直接主管.其做非日常工作的员工的主管应至少提供下列信息给做非日常工作的员工及受化学品影响的员工.An employee required to perform non-routine work using hazardous chemical should first contact their direct supervisor. Each employee s affected by hazardous chemical and these employees required to perform non-routine task should be given information on (at a minimum) the following by the supervisor of employees required to perform non-routine task:1) 工作中使用的化学品及其具体的危害Hazardous chemicals needed to perform the task and their specific hazards.2) 应当采取的安全措施如工程措施,PPE防护等Safety measures to be taken e.g. engineering control, personal protective equipment.3) 要使用的化学品的MSDSReview of pertinent MSDS.4) 应急措施Review of emergency control procedures.5) 为了确保员工遵守化学品安全要求,安全主任应随机检查员工的工作.To ensure required to perform non-routine work using hazardous chemical compliance with chemical safety treasures, the safety officer will conduct random check of the employees.5.3.15承包商使用化学品Contractor Using Hazardous Chemicals1) ME应当通知承包商他们在NRH工作期间可能遇到的潜在的危害.包括如获得化学品程序,危险化学品清单及他们要使用的化学品的MSDS.ME Departments must inform outside contractors of the potential hazards which may be encountered during their work at NRH. This includes giving contractor access to the written Hazardous Chemical Procedure, the hazardous chemical inventory, and the MSDS for these chemicals used. 2) 承包商应提供及通知安全办及ME部门他们在工厂工作期间要带入的化学品的清单及化学品的MSDS.同时也包括提供化学品的使用及贮存地方.The contractor is expected to inform and provide safety office and ME department with a chemical inventory and MSDSs for the materials that will be introduced into the work area in the course of their work at NRH. The contractor must also provide information regarding where chemicals will be used and stored3) 为了确保承包商遵守化学品安全要求,安全主任应随机检查承包商的工作.To ensure contractor compliance with chemical safety treasures, the safety officer will conduct random check of outside contractor work.5.4危险化学品响应Hazardous Chemicals Emergency Response 5.4.1 参照应急响应程序。Hazardous Chemicals emergence response reference to Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedure5.4.2 危险化学品泄漏演习至少每年演练一次。Chemical spill drill must be conducted at least once a year.5.5废危险化学品及其容器的废弃处理Waste Hazardous chemical and the container 5.5.1废危险化学品及其容器统一作为危险废物集中收集报废处理,参考废物管理程序。 Waste Hazardous chemical and the container shall be collected and discharged as hazardous waste, reference to Waste Management Procedure.5.6 化学品培训Chemical training 5.6.1接触化学品员工每年接受化学品安全意识培训。The employees exposed to hazardous chemical shall receive chemical awareness training annually.5.6.2 培训内容应该包括但不局限于下列内容:The training contents should include, but not limited to the following:a) 适用的化学品法律法规Applicable laws and regulation related to chemical management.b) 什么是MSDS及怎样读MSDSWhat is MSDS and teach how to read MSDSc) 化学品应急处理Emergency procedures such as spill containment and first aidd) 化学品进入危害及进入人体途径,Physicial hazards and health e