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    G6Blesson15教学设计 一、教学内容新版小学生英语六年级下册第三单元主要是以asking the way为功能话题,通过学生学习部分的店铺名称,方位介词、数词以及问路的交际用语,使学生学会在真实的语境中使用语言知识完成问路的过程,并能够运用语言热情、礼貌的帮助别人,培养积极的情感。Lesson 15是本单元的第三课时,Lily上周刚刚搬到同学Lisa所居住的社区来,周六她要去邮局但不知道路,正好在社区见到了Lisa,Lily问Lisa去邮局怎么走,Lisa详细地给她指路。通过本课的学习,使学生进一步了解问路和指路时的语言功能句 Iwant to go to . Go straight along this street/road. When you get ,turn left. When you see,turn right, 并能够在正确的语境下使用。二、教学目标1.语言知识目标:a.能够正确听、说、认读地点名称neighbourhood, park, flat, building, street, bank, hairdresser, clothes shop, noodle restaurant, cake shop, grocery shop, supermarket , post office, homeb.能够正确听、说、读介词near, in front of, between, on the left of, on the right of, next to, across c.能够正确地听、说、认读句子:Iwant to go to . Go straight along this street/road. When you get ,turn left. When you see,turn right.2.言语技能目标:a.能够听懂别人对方向和方位进行的简单提问,并作简单回答。b.能够在真实的语境中使用所学的语言知识完成问路、指路的过程3.情感态度目标:培养学生热情、礼貌待人的积极情感。4.学习策略目标:a.利用标识牌、遥控汽车、创设场景帮助学习方位和方向。b.积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。三、教学重点掌握并熟练运用问路中要用到的句型,I want to go to .以及指路句型Go straight along this street/road. When you get ,turn left. When you see,turn righ,并运用它们进行扩展性的对话。四、教学难点moved to,lives at 305 Sun Building,by the way短语,以及将语言真实运用到日常生活的情境中。五、学情分析学生在前面已经学习了有关社区场所的一些名称,如:neighbourhood, park, flat, building, street, bank, hairdresser, clothes shop, noodle restaurant, cake shop, grocery shop, supermarket , post office, home并接触了介绍社区名称所使用的There be.句型,为问路、指路的过程及语言交际奠定了基础,因此本课最重要的是帮助学生在教师布置的“问路、指路”任务的情境下,将语言运用到真实的语境中。为了能做到有效教学,利用多媒体课件将音、像、色、形、图文并茂的优势,辅助教学,会激发学生积极思维,挖掘学生创造性使用语言的能力。在教学过程中采取店铺名称命名小组名称,并通过各项小组活动的方式进行评价积累,使学生在竞争、交流、帮助、合作中真实体验到成功的快乐。六、教学资源店铺标识牌、小组分配的桌牌(店铺相应名称)、将奖励(店铺相应名称),电脑课件、社区简易图等七、教学过程:主要环节教 与 学 的 活 动 设 计设计意图Step1Warming up热身及复习Step 2Presentation感知与体验T:Hello,everyone.Lets play a game.Listen to the text of L13 and put the signs on the map of Terrys neighbourhood and then talk about it. (教师事先准备一张社区简易图,一些店铺地点名称的标识牌,让学生自选,边听录音,边将听到的标识牌一一贴到相应的位置)At the same time,arrange the 6 groups:Bank Group, Hairdresser Group,Restaurant Group, Cake shop Group, Supermarket Group, Post office Group.(用于小组积分使用,获奖同学可奖励相应的标识图标贴在桌牌上) Ss:According to the map to have a free talk.(结合社区贴图让学生自由讨论。)Using the sentences with There is and there are.1.T:Lets watch cartoon about Lesson 15. (将音、像、色、形、图文并茂的优势,辅助教学)2. Show the picture of this lesson and get the students to describe with there is / are3.The teacher points to the teaching picture and introduce Lily and Lisa,then ask the students to answer the questions such as:T:What day is it today? S:Saturday.Who are the girls? Lily and Lisa.Are they sisters or classmates? Classmates. Where did Lily move to last week? S:She moved to Lisas neighbourhood.T:Do you know move?Lets watch.(课件演示,小球移动,学生练习移动)Where did Lisa live? S:Lisa lives at 305 Sun building.(出示305 Sun building的标识牌放在讲座的一角,为创设情境做准备)T:Whats Lisa doing now? S:Shes playing. And where? Wheres Lisa?(为后面的的句型教学做铺垫)S:In front of the Sun Building.4.T:Oh,look,whats this?(迅速的拿出一辆遥控汽车)T:Look,I have a toy car.Let play.游戏导入激发兴趣吸引学生有意注意力。用店铺名称命名6个小组,达到强化记忆的目的。培养学生大胆说的能力。观看卡通,整体感知本课的教学内容,训练学生迅速获取信息的能力。布置任务,先听后答,有助于学生的听力培养。学生起立,参与体验,理解语言。缓解疲劳,保持兴趣。创设情境,自然习得语言。主要环节教 与 学 的 活 动 设 计设计意图Practise操练与运用4.Exercises合作与拓展5. Homework小结与作业Go,go,go.Go straight, go straight, go straight.Go straight along this street.Oh,no,turn,turn,turn left.Go straight along this road. (体现教师地教)Oh,no,turn,turn,turn right.T:Who wants to have a try? I will say and you will do.(体现教师地扶)S and S.(体现教师地放)T:OK,children.Lets have a rest and stand up.(学生起立,一同强化训练go straight, turn left,turn right,兴趣盎然,主动参与)(板书)5.Watch the cartoon again.(此时,经过游戏高潮之后,可能有的学生已经忘记了对话部分的内容)T:Repeat the first part,Listen the second part and then go on to answer some questions.T:Where is Lily going to go? S:The post office. How to go to the post office? (出示post office标识牌贴在讲桌对面的墙上,为创设情境做准备)(此时出示一个Main Street标识牌贴在讲桌与学生课桌之间的地面上,完成本课的情景创设)Help the students to say: (教师边走边示范)Go straight along this road.When you get to the main street , turn left.Go straight along that street. You will see a green building on the left.a.Teach the sentences then listen to the tape.b.Listen to the whole class then ask some questions about it. 6. Listen to the tape again and then check the answers.7. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks . Lily is Lisas classmate . She went to Lisas neighbourhood last week . Lily wanted to go to the post office . But where is it ? Go straight along the road , when she get to the main street , turn left . Go straight along this street . She will see a green building on the left . The post office is in it .8.Give several minutes to the students and then get them to act out the dialogue in groups to the front. Then assess their performances.(小组合作分角色表演在操练本课的基础上。)9.Discussion and make the new dialogue in groups.And then act out. (小组合作,编创新对话,并在全班展示。小结积分奖励的数量进行评价)10.Homework教师示范师生互动生生互动把获得的奖励店铺图标小奖励,贴到图板上展示。肢体语言巩固记忆乐于参与模拟真实的情景,有利于学生语言能力的培养与运用。利用听力材料巩固拓展所学知识,培养听写训练。在小组合作中培养团结互助精神。新课标提出“用英语做事”为主线,强调培养学生的综合语言运用能力。在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流与合作的能力。分层作业必做Copy the new phrases and recite this dialogue.选做Make a new dialogue wish your partners.板书设计: move to by the wayGo straight along this road.When you get to.turn leftturn right重难点呈现给学生,刺激学生感官,图词句形意相结合,强化学生记忆。5


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