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    中考总复习之,数词,数词,表示数量多少或顺序先后的词称为数词。基数词:表示数量“多少”数词,序数词:表示顺序“第几”,一.基数词,基数词的构成:1)从112分别由从one到twelve12个各不相同的词表示。2)从1319均以后缀-teen结尾。特殊拼写的词有thirteen,fifteen,eighteen。3)从2090的整十数词均以后缀-ty结尾。特殊拼写的有twenty,thirty,forty,eighty。4)表示“几十几”21-99时,个位和十位之间需加连字符.5)百位和十位之间要加and;413,587 6)1000以上的数,从个位往前数,每三位数加一个逗号“,”,从后往前数的第一个逗号代表thousand,第二个逗号代表million,第三个逗号是billion,注意这几个词不能用复数形式,后也不能加and。3,165,6,512,139 7,901 卷.第二题,21 32 43,twenty-one,thirty-two,forty-three,The bike cost me _ yuan.(07汕头)Afive hundred forty Bfive hundreds fourtyCfive hundred and forty Dfive hundred fourty,c,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,1.People begin to count down_ just before 12 o clock on New Year Eve.AOne,two,three-Bfirst,second,third-CTen,nine,eight-(08广东佛山),C,二 注意:5)表示具体、准确的数目时,hundred,thousand,million等数词后不能加-s,如500 6,000 7,000,000,five hundred,six thousand,seven million,6)当hundred,thousand等数词与of连用,表示不具体、不准确的数目时,词尾须加-s。如:,thousands of students,millions of trees.,2.Nine _yuan a week?Thats very good.A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.hundreds D.hundred(08河北),D,13分别为first,second,third。(卷三)419都是在后面加上th,特殊的有fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth。2090把y变成ie然后加th,如twentieth。2199的序数词变后面的各位数。序数词可以用缩写,如1st,2nd,3rd,4th,二.序数词,基数词变序数词口诀:基变序,有规律,末尾加th;一二三,特殊记,八加h,九去e,ve要用f替,以y结尾变ie,后跟莫忘记;若表示几十几,只变个位就可以。,1 There are _months in a year.October is the _ monthATwelve;ten BTwelfth;tenth(09广东)()CTwelve;tenth DTwelfth;ten,C,2 FatherDay is on_ Sunday of June.Athree BThird(09湖南长沙)CThe third DThe three,C,三.数词的用法,(一)表示事物的编号名词+基数词=the+序数词+名词第一课 Lesson One/the first lesson.Exercise 3/the third exercise page2/the second pageThey stayed in()last night.(07山东)A.Room 608 B.the Room 608 C.the 608 room D.608 the room,A,二 时间表达法-用基数词表达,1.表示“整点”时,在基数词后加oclock;表示“几点半”时,half past+基数词 9:00 oclock.4:30 half past four2.表示“几点几分”:a.照读数字7:20 seven twenty.11:47eleven forty-sevenb.分钟30分钟的,用“分钟数past钟点数”,表示“几点过几分”;分钟数30分钟的,用“60分钟数to下一个钟点数”,表示“差几分到几点”6:55 five to seven 8:40 twenty to nine 3.注意特殊:(1)15分钟用a quarter,如:5:45 读作:a quarter to six 6:15 读作:a quarter past six(2)半小时:half an hour 三个半小时:three and a half hours three hours and a half-What time do you usually get up,John?I usually get up at_.A.Half past six B.Half to six C.Half after six D.six thirtieth(09贵州贵阳)I t took him _to finish his homework last night.(09黑龙江)A.two and half a hour B.two and a half hoursC.two a half hours D.a half and two hours,A,B,(三)分数的表达方法,表示分数时,分子用基数,分母用序数,分子大于1,分母用复数。分数修饰名词时,后用of短语。如:1/3 one third of teachers 3/7 three sevenths of the boys1/2,1/4分别用 a half和a quarter表示。,1.About _ students in our class can describe that place in English.A.three-fifths B.three-fifth C.third-five D.third-fifths(08湖南)2.There are sixty students in our class.And _ of us are boys.-Wow!You have forty girls!A.one fourth B.one third C.two fifths D.two thirds(09福建漳州),A,B,(四)其他重要表达方式考点,1.“基数词名词形容词”放在名词前作定语。如:She is a 3-year-old girl.=The girl is three years old It is a five-meter-wide road=The road is five meters wide ten-minute walk=ten minutes walk2.In one s thirties在某人30多岁时 at the age of 303.Another two hours=two more hours,1.He bacame a famous artist when he was _(09湖北黄冈)A.in his forties B.in his forty C.in thirty years old D.in forties 2.It is a_ hole.(09沈阳)A.Four meter deep B.four meters deep C.four-meter-deepD.four-meters-deep,A,C,1.Dick,it is the _ time in _ days that youve made the same mistake.(2007乌鲁木齐)()A.two,three B.second,three C.two,third D.second,third2.There are _people in peters family.They live on the _floor.()Asix;eightBSix;eighth(08山东)CSixth;eighth DSixth;eight3.“Which lesson are you studying now?”-“_”A.The lesson six B.Sixth lessonC.Lesson Six D.Lesson sixth 4.He has written a _ composition(09深圳)Athree-hundred-word Bthree hundred wordsCthree hundreds words Dthree hundreds word 5.How many people will come to Beijing next year?Its hard to say,_ people,I think.A.million of B.millions of C.three millions D.three millions of(2007芜湖),B,B,C,A,B,真题训练,It is 7:45a.m.now.Yes,it is_.(07茂名)AForty-five past sevenBa quarter to eightCa quarter past eight D Forty-five to seven 2.It is said that the gravity(引力)on Mars is only about _ of the gravity on earth.(2006苏州)A.threeeighths B.thirdeighth C.threeeights D.thirdeight3.Every day the old woman sits here for _.(09广西)A.one and half hourB.one and a half hour C.one and half hours D.one and a half hours 4.Mr Green Will have _ holiday very soon.A.two months B.two monthC.a two-months D.a two-month 5.Mary is_girl.A.an 8 year oldB.8-years-oldC.the 8 years old D.an 8-year-old,B,D,A,D,D,Thank you!,


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