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    ,Review Unit 10,中午之前浏览开心过一天在一家书店在电梯里跨过街道低廉的价钱看起来要下雨,by noon look through have a good day in a bookstore in an elevator cross a street low price look like rain,做某事有困难出现相处想要做周六晚上玩得很开心对某人友好容易得多了至少举行他的90岁生日 聚会,have a hard time doing come along get along/on with feel like doing=want to do sth=would like to do sth on Saturday night have a wonderful time be friendly to a lot easier at least have his 90th birthday party,指路很高兴做某事邀请某人做某事赢得比赛在周末告诉我关于你自己帮某人做某事当心,show the way,be happy to do sth,invite sb to do sth,win the game,on the weekend/on weekends,tell me about yourself,help sb do/with sth,be careful=take care=look out,反意疑问句,定义:,反意疑问句,也叫附加疑问句。主要由“陈述句附加疑问句”构成,中间用逗号隔开。用以要求对方证实所述之事。,反义疑问句的两部分在结构上,肯定、否定相对立。如前一部分为肯定的陈述句,后一部分则用否定的一般疑问句。如前一部分为否定的陈述句,后一部分则用肯定的一般疑问句,且两部分在人称、数和时态等方面必须一致。(前肯后否,前否后肯)例如:She likes cakes,doesnt she?You arent students,are you?,对于前半部为否定,后半部为肯定的反义疑问句的回答,不管问题的提法如何,若事实是肯定的用yes回答,若事实是否定的用no回答。例如:1,They are going to Shanghai,arent they?Yes,they are.是的。他们要去2,You arent a woker,are you?你不是工人,对吗?Yes,I am.不,我是。No,Im not.对,我不是。,其回答类同于一般疑问句。,陈述部分是I am 或 Im 时,疑问部分用 arent I.,2.陈述部分是“there be”结构时,疑问部 分的主语仍用there替代主语代词.,There is something wrong with the TV,isnt there?,There wont be any meeting next week,will there?,反意疑问句特例,I am having an English lesson,arent I?,3.情态动词的反意疑问句,陈述句,情态动词+主语?,Your brother can swim,cant he?,They must go to school,mustnt they?,4.在肯定的祈使句后,用 will you?would you?wont you?在否定的祈使句后,只能用 will you?,Speak louder,will you?/wont you?,Dont wait for me,will you?,Dont be late,will you?,5.在Lets祈使句后加上 shall we?shant we?,在Let us(me,him.)后加上 will you?或 wont you?,Lets go,shall we?,Lets have a cup of tea,shall we?,Let her play the piano,will you?,Let us sing a song for you,will you?,6.陈述部分如有表示否定意思的某些词,如:never,seldom,hardly,few,little,nobody,no one,nothing,疑问部分须用肯定.但不包括 unlike,unhappy,He never watches TV,does he?,No one can help me,can he(they)?,Very few people understand what he said,do they?,She is unhappy,isnt she?,如果陈述部分中的否定词仅带有否定的前缀或后缀,那么该陈述句应作肯定句处理,附加疑问句应用否定形式。例如,7.陈述部分主语是 everyone,everybody,someone,somebody,anybody,no one,nobody等时,疑问部分用 they,he;陈述部分是everything,something,nothing,anything 时,疑问部分用 it,Everything here is good,isnt it?,Everybody knows the answer,dont they?,8.宾语从句中,以主句为准,但如果主语是 第一人称且谓语动词是think,believe,guess,suppose 时,以从句为准.,You told them he wont come,didnt you?,He never said he was a good student,did he?,I dont think you are right,are you?,I dont believe he studies harder,does he?,9.陈述句部分含had better,would like的,附加部分用hadnt,wouldnt.,例如:Youd better put on your coat,hadnt you?你最好穿上你的外套,好不好?Shed like a coke,wouldnt she?她想要杯可乐,是不是?,Shes a very clever girl,_?2.Tonys parents love piano music,_?3.The new car runs very fast,_?4.My sister gets up very early in the morning,_?5.Its never crowded,_?6.He had little time to go home for lunch,_?7.They ate a lot of ice cream yesterday,_?8.Lets play tennis,_?9.Loras been to an amusement park,_?10.You dont know him,_?,isnt she,dont they,doesnt it,doesnt she,is it,did he,didnt they,shall we,hasnt she,do you,11.She is the tallest student in her class,_?12.He cant be a doctor,_?13.We have to go to school early,_?14.He can hardly swim,_?15.The bus stops here,_?16.I like action movies.Theyre exciting,_?17.Peter and his brother had lunch at 12,_?18.I think he is a teacher,_?19.There are few people in the class,_?20.Dont cut in line,_?,isnt she,can he,dont we,can he,doesnt it,arent they,didnt they,isnt he,are there,will you,1、I hope so.我希望如此。,在简略答语中,hope 可以与so 和not 连用,可以说I hope so 或 I hope not,但不可以像 I dont think so 那样说 I dont hope so.例如:、Can he finish the work today?他今天能完成工作吗?I hope so.我希望他能完成。、He is angry with me,isnt it?他生我气了,对吗?-I hope not.我希望不是那么一回事。注意:hope后面不能接人,只能接to do 或that 从句。不能说“hope sb to do sth”,如果要表示“希望某人做某事”应该用wishI hope that you can help me.=I wish you to help me.另外,wish可以表示“祝愿,祝福”如 I wish you good luck!但hope没有这个用法,2、Their prices are really low,arent they?,辨析:expensive,high,cheap与low.(1)、expensive“昂贵的;花钱多的”。这个词若谈到“价格高;货贵”时,其主语不能是价格,必须是货物、物品本身,cheap 表示“价廉;便宜的”,其主语也不能是价格,必须是物品本身。例如:(2)high 在表示价格时,含义是“高”,low 在表示价格时,含义是“低”,这两个词不能用于物品本身,只能用在价格上。例如:The price of this watch is very high.=This watch is expensive.This book is very cheap.=The price of this book is low for me.,3、I feel like part of the group now.,(1)、feel like 意为“感到像-”。例如:I felt like a fool when I answered wrong.当我答错时,我感到自己像个傻瓜。(2)、feel like 还有“摸起来像-”的意思。例如:This feels like a piece of soft cloth.这个摸起来像块柔软的布。(3)、feel like=want/would like 意为“想,愿意”,feel like 后接名词或Ving形式。例如:I dont feel like drinking beer.我不想喝啤酒。She doesnt feel like eating anything.她不想吃东西。,4,Thanks for the tickets for next weeks game.,辨析:thanks,thanks to,thanks for(1)、thanks 是名词thank 的复数形式,意为“感谢”。表示“感谢”之意,可以说:Thanks a lot./Many thanks./A thousand thanks.(2)、thanks to 是介词词组,后面可以接名词或代词,意为“多亏”“由于”,在句中作原因状语。例如:Thanks to the old man,we found the lost child at last.多亏那个老人,我们最后找到了失踪的孩子。(3)、thanks for 用于对别人已做的事表示感谢,后接名词、代词或Ving形式。例如:A thousand thanks for your help.非常感谢你的帮助。,5,Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.,(1)、本句使用的句型是make it adj.to do sth.,其中it 为形式宾语,代替后面的动词不定式,形容词为宾语补足语,用以说明宾语的状态。类似的动词还有find,think 等。例如:、I find it very difficult to work out the problem.我发现这道题很难算。、I think it necessary for us to learn English because its very useful.我认为我们学英语是必要的,因为它非常有用。(2)句中a lot 用来修饰比较级。下面的词常用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级much,a little,a bit,any,still,a lot,even 等。例如:、Are you any better today?、Hes a little taller than you.,归纳look 的相关词组,look after 照顾 look back 回头看/回顾 look through 浏览 look for 寻找 look at 看向 look up 向上看/查询 look the same/look like 看起来像 look out 小心 look around/about 四处看看,The boy is old enough to look _ himself.2.He spent two weeks in Shanghai,looking _ the city.3.He looked _ his notes before writing the report.4.I must look _ the time of your train.5.Look _!There is danger ahead.6,He looks_ as his twin brother.7,He looks _ his twin brother,after,around,through,up,out,the same,like,across 与 through 的区别,The boy is going to go _(穿过)the street.The sunshine is shining _(穿过)the window.,alone 与 lonely 的区别,这个老人一个人住,感到很孤单.The old man lives _,and he feels _.,cross 与 across 的区别,You should be careful when you _ the street.You should be careful when you walk _ the street.,through,across,cross,across,alone,lonely,say,tell,speak,talk 区别,tell sb.about sth;tell sb.to do sth;tell sb.sth.,say 后加具体的内容:say hello to;say it again;say it in English,speak 后直接加语言,如speak English,talk about sth;talk with sb;talk to sb;,make:make sb.do sth.make sb.happy/angry/upset/worried make sth.easy/interesting/make moneymake friends with sb.Pigs make the best pets.,1.The teachers are friendly _us.A.with B.for C.of D.to 2.-She is always late for school,isnt she?-_.A.She is sure B.Sure is she C.She sure is D.Is she sure 3.What do you _ the book you bought last week?A.think B.feel C.like D.think of 4.They are good friends.They _ each other.A.get on B.get with C.get along D.get along with 5.They have never been to New York,_?A.have they B.havent they C.do they D.dont they,D,C,D,D,A,6.We had a wonderful time _ Sunday night.A.at B.on C.in D.about 7.Linda doesnt know French,does she?-_.She hasnt learned it.A.No,she doesnt B.Yes,she doesnt C.Yes,she does D.No,she does 8.Ive _ all my papers but I still cant find the answers.A.looked through B.looked after C.looked at D.looked for 9.Do you feel like _ a walk with me after dinner?A.to have B.have C.having D.had,B,A,A,C,10.He always make things much_ to do.A.easy B.easier C.more easy D.easily11.Mr.Hu is a good teacher.He always makes _ easy to understand some difficult problems.that B.it C.this D.so12.He told me that the watch _ him 100 dollars.A.bought B.paid C.cost D.spent13.Where are you hurrying?-To take the driving test.-_.A.Be careful.B.Congratulations.C.Good luck.D.Take your time.14.I was having _ time _ it until I met you.A.hard;find B.hard;findingC.a hard;find D.a hard;finding,B,B,C,C,D,


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