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Revision of Junior English 主讲:王伟江西师范大学英语培训中心英语教研室,Nouns名词,名 词 表示人、事物、地点的名称或者抽象概念的词 分为专有名词和普通名词,专有名词 表示个别的人、事物、地点等专有的名称。专有名词第一个字母要大写*Lucy*China*the Summer Palace,普通名词 分为可数名词和不可数名词 可数名词 表示人、事物、地点等的名称。可数名词有单数和复数两种形式之分,名词的单数形式 一般可用a来修饰*a car*a book 在元音发音开头的单词前用 an*an elephant*an apple 请区别:a useful machine,名词的复数形式 1.复数形式的构成方法(1)一般在复数名词后加“s”/s/or/z/*dog dogs*book books(2)以s、x、ch、sh结尾的名词加“es”/iz/*box boxes*watch watches,(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加“es”/iz/*country countries*factory factories 请区别:如果是元音字母加y 结尾的名词则只须加“s”*boy boys*monkey monkeys,(4)以o结尾的名词加“s”/z/*radio radios*zoo zoos 只有 potato tomato加“es”构成复数 potato potatoes tomato tomatoes(5)以f、fe 结尾的名词,变f、fe 为v再加“es”/vz/*half halves*shelf shelves*knife knives*leaf leaves,2.特殊变化的单词(1)单复数同形 Chinese Chinese fish fish Japanese Japanese sheep sheep(2)变元音字母oo为ee tooth teeth foot feet,3.变man为 men man men woman women policeman policemen Frenchman Frenchmen 请区别:German(德国人)Germans 4.其它形式 child children mouse mice,5.一些合成名词的复数构成分两种情况(1)将中心词变为复数 girlfriend girlfriends grandchild grandchildren(2)man,woman 构成的合成词,每个名词都要变成复数 a man doctor men doctors a woman teacher women teachers,6.常以复数形式出现的名词 people clothes police trousers glasses 这些名词作主语时,注意它们的谓语用复数*My clothes are newer than yours.*The police often come here.,7.可用how many,many,a few,few,any,lots of,some,a lot of 等修饰可数名词复数*There are a few people in the park.*How many knives are there in your pencil-box?,不可数名词 物质名词和抽象名词属于不可数名词如:water,rice,fish,meat 等。特别记住:work chalk time space music money weather cotton homework wood information news medicine,1.不可数名词无复数,作主语时常看成单数*Some bread is over there.*No news is good news.2.常用how much,much,a little,little,a lot of,some,any等来修饰不可数名词*They had much money.*He does little housework at home.,3.常用a piece of,a cup of,a glass of,a bottle of等来表示不可数名词的量,单复数表现在of 前面的名词上,而 of 后始终是单数*There is a piece of paper in the book.*Three glasses of orange are on the desk.,注意:可数名词也可用量来表示,of 后用复数*There are two bags of clothes over there.*We have five boxes of apples.,4.有些可数名词或不可数名词在一定情况下可相互转化,同一个词,但意思不同(1)glass(玻璃)a glass(玻璃杯)paper(纸)a paper(报纸)work(工作)a work(著作)room(空间)a room(房间),(2)fruit(水果)fruits(各种水果)fish(鱼)fishes(各种鱼)hair(所有头发)hairs(几根头发)time(时间)times(时代),名词的一般用法名词做定语 1.修饰另一名词时,一般用单数*He has two pencil-boxes.*There are three banana trees over there.2.man woman用做定语时,应与后面的名词保持数的一致*We need a man teacher.*They are all women workers.,3.sports,clothes做定语时,仍用复数形式*a sports field*a clothes shop 4.当数词与单位名词一起做定语时,单位名词往往用单数形式,数词与单位名词用“-”连接。*He is a fourteen-year-old boy.*This is a two-hour plan.,名词做主语时,应注意名词的数,避免主谓不一致。*Her family is a large one and her family are all teachers.她家是一个大家庭,她的家人都是老师。*There is a pair of glasses on the desk.桌上有一副眼镜,名词所有格 表示名词间的所有关系“的”一.名词所有格的构成方法 1.单数名词后加“s”*Tom s book*my friend s uncle 2.以s结尾的复数名词,则在s后加“”即可*Teachers Day*two weeks holiday,3.不以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,仍按惯例加“s”*Children s Day*men s shoes 4.用of加名词,构成所属关系的短语,主要用于表示无生命名词的所有关系*the color of the wall*a picture of the classroom,二.名词所有格的几个注意点 1.可用名词所有格表示地点,地点名词习惯上省略*my aunts(home)(我姑姑家)*go to the teachers(office)(去老师办公室)2.有些名词的所有格可用两种形式*the cats name/the name of the cat*Chinas capital/the capital of China,3.表示两人共同拥有,在最后一个名词后加“s”*Lucy and Lilys room 露西和莉莉的房间(两人共有一间房间)请区别:Lucys and Lilys rooms 露西的房间和莉莉的房间(两人各有一间房间),Article冠词,冠 词 虚词,本身无独立的意义,它用来帮助说明名词所指的人或物是泛指还是特指 不定冠词a,an(泛指)定冠词 the(特指),1.不定冠词的用法 1)表示某人(事物)的某一种类*My father is a driver.*Do you like an apple or a pear?2)表示某一事物中的任何一个*An elephant is bigger than a horse.*A monkey can climb trees.,3)表示某人某物,但不具体说明何人何物。*A student from Class Two runs fastest.*A man is calling now.4)表示数量,有“一”的含义*There is a flower in the vase.*A panda has a mouth,a nose,two eyes.,5)有些不可数名词要表示“一种”、“一场”、“一堆”时,须加不定冠词*a heavy snow*a strong wind*make a fire*have a good time 6)用于固定词组*half an hour*a moment ago*a lot of*have a rest*a little a few*a pair if,2.定冠词的用法 1)指上文提到过的人或物,用定冠词the 2)世界上独一无二的事物前用定冠词the*the sun*the moon*the earth 3)定冠词the用于序数词前或表示方位的名词前和形容词最高级前*the first*the best*in the south,4)乐器名称前用定冠词the*play the piano*play the violin 5)在复数姓氏前加the,表示一家人,常看成复数*The Browns are going to Shanghai for a holiday this summer.=The Brown family are going to Shanghai for a holiday this summer.,6)在一些形容词前,表示一类人*the rich 富人*the old 老人*the deaf 聋子 在一些专有名词和习惯用语中常用定冠词the*the Great Wall*by the way*in the morning*on the right*behind the chair*all the time,3.不用冠词 1)在节日、星期、月份、季节、年、学科等词前不用冠词*in summer*in August*on Sunday*study physics 请区别:in the spring of 1945(特指,加the)2)一日三餐和球类运动名词前不用冠词*have breakfast*play football,3)名词前已有this,that,my,your,some,any,each作定语,不用冠词*They met here this morning.*Each boy has a workbook.4)一些专有名词、不可数名词、称呼、头衔不用冠词 China Grade Two Mr.Li Dr.Liu meat,5)表示颜色、语种、国家前不用冠词*in purple*in red*Japanese*Britain 6)固定词组*go to bed*by bus*at night*in time,4.在有些词组中,有冠词和无冠词意思不同 in front of 在前面 in the front of 在范围内的前部*There is a tree in front of the house.房子前面有一棵树*The teachers desk is in the front of the classroom.讲台在教室的前部,in hospital(生病)住院 in the hospital 在医院里*Hes ill in hospital.他生病住院。*My parents work in the hospital.我的父母在医院工作。,Exercises,用名词的正确形式填空1 He cut the apple into _(half).2 The _(potato)are mine.3 How many _(family)are there in this town?4 There are ten _(deer)on the farm.5 These _(German)are _(businessman).6 Last week we went to the _(child)Park.,halves,potatoes,families,deer,Germans,businessmen,Childrens,改错1.Its a hard work.2.We dont have any class on Sundays.3.The rooms windows are very big.,Its hard work.,We dont have any classes on Sundays.,The windows of the room are very big.,4 How many milk is there in the bag?5.Could I have three papers,please?6.These two pieces of bread is over there.,How much milk is there in the bag?,Could I have three pieces of paper,please?,These two pieces of bread are over there.,()1 I found _ good news in _ newspaper.A.a,a B.a piece of,a piece of C.a,a piece of D.a piece of,a()2 What _ it is today!A.a fine weather B.fine weather C.fine a weather D.the fine weather()3 To their _,they have all passed the exam.A.surprise B.surprising C.surprises D.surprised,D,B,A,()4 Lucy is _ sister.A.Mary and Jack B.Marys and Jacks C.Mary and Jacks D.Mary and Jacks()5 Please make _ for him.He is very tired.A.any room B.any room C.some rooms D.some room()6 The model plane was made by a _ boy.A.ten-years-old B.ten-year-older C.ten-year-old D.ten-year old,D,D,C,()7 He went to the _ to buy a pair of shoes.A shoes store B shoe store C shoes store D shoes store()8 I will give you _ to finish it.A two weeks time B two weeks time C two week time D two weeks time()9 The two bedroom are the _.A twins B twins C twins D twins,B,B,C,()10 This is an old photo of mine when I _.A have short hairs B had short hairs C have short hair D had short hair()11 I think the country is much more beautiful than any other _ in the world.A country B countries C the country D the countries()12 Johns uncle has many friends.Mr.Shute is a friend of _.A Johns uncle B John uncles C Johns uncles D John uncle,D,A,C,Exercises1 There is _“m”in _ word“mother”.2 Did you play _ basketball or play _ piano after _school?3 Turn right at _ third crossing on _ left.4 They got to _ moon by _ spaceship.5 She is _ university student,she likes _ music of _ film.,an,a,/,the,/,the,the,the,/,a,the,the,