Big Big World,Im a big big girl in a big big world Its not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do do feel that I do do will miss you much miss you muchI can see the first leaf falling Its so yellow and niceIts so very cold outside like the way Im feeling insideOutside its now raining and tears are falling from my eyesWhy did it have to happen Why did it all have to endI have your arms around me warm like fireBut when I open my eyes youre gone Im a big big girl in a big big world Its not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do feel that I will miss you much Miss you much.,Unit 4What would you do?Section A,Review,Last week we had a sportsmeeting.If it is sunny next weekend,well climb the Xiupin mountain.,What will you do if it is sunny next weekend?,I always dream of/about traveling around the world.,I also have a dream.,What do I need if I want to travel around the world?,If I had enough money,I would travel around the world.,hundred thousand million100 1,000 1,000,000hundreds of/thousands of/millions of,dollars,$1,000,000,a million dollars,What would you do if you had a million dollars?,If I had a million dollars,I would,give it to charity,慈善机构,buy snacks,put it in the bank,give it to medical research,医学研究,buy a big house,buy a new car,give it to the zoo,A:What would you do if you had a million dollars?,buy snacks,B:If I had a,I would.,buy a big house,put it in a bank,travel around the world,give it to medical research,give it to charity,Pair work,Groupwork 1a,give it to charity,buy snacks,put it in the bank,_,travel around the world,help poor children,buy cars for my family,build a primary school,give it to medical research,2,4,3,What would you do if you had a million dollars?,Section A 1bGirl1:Hey,did you see this newspaper article?An old man had a million dollars.And he gave it to charity.Boy1:Wow,whats a nice man!Girl1:What would you do if you had a million dollars?Boy1:If I had a million dollars,Id give the money to the zoo.I want to help the pandas.Girl1:Thats a good idea!I know what Id do.Id buy a big house for my family.Girl2:Really?Id put the money in the bank.Then Id just watch it grow!Boy2:Hmmmm.I think Id give the money to medical research.Id want to help other people.,虚拟语气,概念:表示与事实相反或根本不可能实现的事.只是一种主观愿望和假想虚拟的情况.,结构:主句用would+动词原形;if 引导的从句用动词过去时,如果是be动词,则用were.,the subjunctive mood,(I cant have a million dollars)-What would you do if you had a million dollars?-I would I would=Id,(I can have one yuan)-What will you do if you have one yuan?-I will,Exercise,If I _(be)a bird,I _(fly)in the blue sky.If I _(find)a purse,I _(give)it to the police.If he _(have)time,he _(go)out for a walk.If I _(be)you,I _(choose)this one.,were,would fly,found,would give,had,were,would choose,would go,What will you do if you have one yuan?If I have one yuan,I will,What would you do if you had a million dollars?If I had a million dollars,I would,条件状语从句,条件状语从句,真实,非真实,虚拟语气,主句_从句_,主句_从句_,将来时,现在时,would+原形,过去时,be动词一律使用were,比一比,找不同:,translate these sentences into English.,如果我是你,我就穿上套装.如果我有一百万美元,我就买一栋大房子.我不知道是否该去参加那个聚会.如果你是我,你该怎么办?如果你努力学习英语,你会通过考试的.他不知道是否该带礼物去.,If I were you,I would wear a suit.,If I had a million dollars,I would buy a big house.,I dont know if I should join that party.,If you were me,what would you do?,If you work hard on English,you will pass the test.,He doesnt know if he should bring a present.,存进银行,捐给慈善机构,医学研究,一百万美元,put it in the bank,give it to charity,medical research,a million dollars,环游世界,travel around the world,To take pleasure in helping others!,Believe in yourself,you can do it!,助人为乐!,相信自己,你能行!,Homework,Write a composition What would you do if you were a teacher?,