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    Section twoMemorandum/Memo 备忘录,English for Business Writing,*上课时间(学期):2011-12学年第二学期*授课内容:unit 2 Memorandum*课型:新授课*授课人:裴冬梅*任教班级:2010 级 27 班*课 时:6 节*教学目标:熟悉备忘录的基本特征 掌握备忘录的基本格式 掌握备忘录的写作诀窍 学习有关备忘录的常用表达法*教学重点:掌握备忘录的基本格式*教学难点:掌握备忘录的写作诀窍,Introduction,Memo/Memorandum 备忘录公司内部的信息交流方式用途广泛,大至解释公司决策,小至通知停电,内容可涉及一切公司事务。使用目的:清楚迅速地传递信息特点:用词简洁易懂,不拘谨于形式,风格正式或非正式,视乎内容而定,灵活性大。,Memo To:收函人 From:寄函人 Subject:主题 Date:日期,Heading 抬头,Body正文,Format,Feature,无需使用称呼语(Dear Sir etc.)和结束语(Sincerely yours,Best regards,etc.),不用署名。正文可长可短,可正式可非正式,灵活性大。主题要简单扼要,概括性强。备忘录语言的正式程度视内容而定。语言要简洁、清晰、准确、易懂。Writing Strategies,Subject,Subject主题是Memo的题眼,作用是突出备忘录的写作目的或其主要内容,使收件人迅速识别备忘录的主要意图,判断应由哪个部门处理、与自己是否有关。Subject要求概况性强,言简意赅。常用单词或词组,不使用句子。,Subject:2007年北京国际时尚展International Fashion Exhibition of 2007 at Wangfujing in BeijingBejing 2007 Wangfujing International Fashion Exhibition Bejing 2007 International Fashion Exhibition Bejing Fashion Exhibition 2007备忘录用于内部信息交流,所以可以沿用简称,方便同事之间快速交流,前提是公司内部人士对简称对都很熟悉,不会引起误解。,2009年10月23日第二次董事会会议(minutes 会议记录,董事会 Board of Directors)Minutes of the Meeting of the Second Board of Directors,Oct.23,2009 Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Board of Directors,Oct.23,2009 Minutes of the Second Meeting,Board of Directors,Oct.23,2009 Meeting Minutes on Oct.23,2009,Board of Directors,Subject,*标题的大小写规则:第一个单词首字母一定要大写。实词(名词、动词、代词、形容词、副词等)首字母大写,虚词(介词、冠词、连词)首字母小写。但是超过5个字母的虚词,如between等则应该大写。,Date,年份应完全写出,不能简写。月份要用英文名称,不要用数字代替。月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May,June,July,因为较短,不可缩写。写日期时,可用基数词,也可用序数词。日期可有下列几种写法:Oct.20,2009 Sept.16th,2009 3rd June,2009 10 May,2009,*American English,顺序:Month,Day,Year*British English,顺序:Day,Month,Year,To/From,原则:灵活处理。个人:Use full name Use first name Use full name+department Chen Ming,Sales DepartmentUse full name+position Jack Smith,Human Resource Department,范例:,你是一家IT公司的人力资源部经理Alan。你打算请Cooway公司 为你安排一次为期两天由10人参加的团队组建培训。给你的助理Jim写一个字数为4050的备忘录:要求他与培训项目主办者取得联系。说明项目的参加人员和持续时间。时间尽量安排在下个周末(3月27-28日)提示:1)按照英语备忘录的谋篇习惯,一般直接进入主题,不需要寒暄和问候等客套(Hello,ect.)。2)看清角色要求,把握好文体。作为经理,给助手写备忘录,行文问题不能太正式,宜直呼其名,而不必套用Mr.或Mrs.等称呼。结尾处也无须客套(Sincerely yours,Best regards,etc.)。,Could you please contact Cooway to organize a team-building training for sales staff?There would be ten participants and the course should last for two days.If it is possible,I suggest the following weekend,May 4 and 5.,MemoTo:Jim From:AlanSubject:Training Date:Mar.25,2010,Heading,Body,Homework:to write a memo,你是人力资源部经理Tom Beck。你刚刚任命Sally Jolie女士为公司总部的销售经理。Suppose you are Tom Beck,Manager of HR Dept.Recently you appoint Sally Jolie Manager of Sales Dept.,Head office.给总部的全体员工写一个字数为4050的备忘录。Pls.write a memo to all staff of Head Office in 40-50 words.宣布对Sally Jolie女士的任命。To announce the appointment to Sally Jolie.说明她开始工作的具体时间(5月15日,周五)。To announce that Ms.Jolie will come on 15 May,Friday.要求总部员工欢迎她。To ask staff of Head Office to give her a warm welcome.,Suitable or not?,From:Tom Beck,the manager of the Human Resources DepartmentTo:All StaffDate:Friday the 15th of may,Tom Beck,Manager,HR Dept.,To:Head Office Staff,Date:(the date you write the Memo),Suitable or not?,委任某人某职位 appoint sb.(as/to be)+(position)appoint Mr.Li the monitor appoint him as a head master appoint her to be a group leaderFrom now on,our company has a Sales Manager of the office.She begins her work on Friday,May 15th.She will work on Friday.,引起误解,时态错误,时间不明确,Suitable or not?,I want every staff to be welcome with her.want=would like 想要want sb.to do sth.I would/should like you to do sth.welcome vt.Lets come outside to welcome the guests.,I have the pleasure of announcing that Ms Sally Jolie has been appointed as the new Sales Manager at Head Office.Ms.Jolie is due to join us on Friday,May 15th.Please give her a friendly welcome when she starts to work.,MemoTo:Head Office Staff From:Tom Beck,HR Dept.Subject:New Appointment Date:Mar.21,2012,英语文章段首无需像中文一样空两格,顶格开始书写。,Homework:,用两句不同的英文句子表达下列的意思。(是“写作”,不是“翻译”)Pls.express the following Chinese Announcement in two different English sentences.我想了解最近销售部门的员工出勤情况。希望尽快派人修理办公室的空调。我已获悉最近办公室失窃现象频发,建议行政部深入调查事件。,我想了解最近销售部门的员工出勤情况。,Id like to know who to be out on duty recently of the Sales Department.I should like you to give me a record of the Sales Dept.all staff turn out for work.出勤 be out on duty 因公外出turn out for work Not many men turned out for duty.参考:Please pass me a record of all staff in Sales Dept.on their turning of work.,1.我想了解最近销售部门的员工出勤情况。,I want to know the Sales Department of the staff attendance.I want to know recently in Sales Department all the staff attendance.I would like to know the staff attendance in Sales Department recently.The recent Sales staff attendance,员工出勤的销售部门,按中文语序直译,副词recently修饰动词 would like,参考:I would like to have a recent staff attendance of Sales Dept.,s,希望尽快派人修理办公室的空调。,I want to send someoneI would like to immediately send someoneat soon at once 马上/as soon as possible 尽快I hope you to repairhope to do/hope thatwish sb.to do sth.Send someone to repair Ask people to come,Who sends?,语法错,命令式,不礼貌,参考:Can you please arrange the repairs on the air-conditioning of office as soon as possible?I would like you to send someone to fix the air-conditioning of office as soon as possible.,3.我已获悉最近办公室失窃现象频发,建议行政部深入调查事件。,the appearance of stealing appearance“出现,露面”常指具体人或物的出现,His sudden appearance surprised her.I was known the office always to be stolen recently.I was known+that从句,3.我已获悉最近办公室失窃现象频发,建议行政部深入调查事件。,I am very concerned with the office has lost sth.for many times.sth.sb.等缩写只是用作速记,不能作为单词使用be concerned with/about sth.参考:I am very concerned with the fact that the office has lost something for many times recently.I am very concerned about the frequent stealing phenomena facing the office recently.,3.我已获悉最近办公室失窃现象频发,建议行政部深入调查事件。,Recently,I have learned the office of theft is a problem frequently,and recommended that the Administration in-depth investigation into the incident.The office of theft Recently,I have learnedI have learnedand recommended 时态的连贯 and I have recommendedthat the Administration in-depth investigation into the incident recommend that+从句 I recommend that the Administration(should)make an in-depth investigation into the incident.,The theft of office,3.我已获悉最近办公室失窃现象频发,建议行政部深入调查事件。,I suggest that the Administration Dept.to go deep into the survey.suggest sb.doing suggest that sb.(should)do search for this affair deeply search for 搜索,寻找 research(学术问题)研究I advice Administration quickly find out this reason of the question.advice n.advise v.advise sb.to do advise that sb.(should)doproblem&question 问题 problem指说话者认为难以解决的问题,它与动词 solve或settle(解决)搭配。question指说话者需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer连用。,3.我已获悉最近办公室失窃现象频发,建议行政部深入调查事件。,I have learned that the office stealing has become a frequent phenomenon in these days.I recommend that the Administration(should)make an in-depth investigation into the incident.It has been brought to my notice that there are frequent stealing phenomena happening in the office recently.It seems to me that Administration should look deeply into the matter.phenomenon 单数phenomena 复数,小结,备忘录是公司内部的信息交流方式用途广泛,大至解释公司决策,小至通知停电,内容可涉及一切公司事务。使用目的:清楚迅速地传递信息特点:用词简洁易懂,不拘谨于形式,风格正式或非正式,视乎内容而定,灵活性大。无需使用称呼语和结束语,不用署名。主题要简单扼要,概括性强。备忘录语言的正式程度视内容而定。语言要简洁、清晰、准确、易懂,Very Very Important Test!,Question:What date is today?Answer:April 1,April Fools Day,sometimes called All Fools Day,is one of the most light-hearted 心惊胆颤 days of the year.Its origins 起源 are uncertain.Some believe it comes from the adoption 采用of a new calendar 日历.,What do you know about it?What do people usually do on this day?Do you know its origin?,Origin of April Fools Day,In sixteenth-century France,the start of the new year was observed on April 1.It was celebrated in much the same way as it is today with parties and dancing into the late hours of the night.Then in 1562,Pope Gregory罗马教皇 introduced a new calendar for the Christian world,and the new year fell on January 1.,Origin of April Fools Day,However,some people didnt believe the change in the date,so they continued to celebrate New Years Day on April 1.Others played tricks 恶作剧 on them and called them“April fools.”They sent them on a“fools errand差事 or tried to make them believe that something false was true.Eventually,the practice spread throughout Europe.,April Fools Day Jokes,The“fools errands”we play on people are practical 实际的 jokes.For example,putting salt in the sugar bowl for the next person is a nice trick.College students set their clocks an hour behind,so their roommates show up to the wrong class-or not at all.,April Fools Day Jokes,Some practical jokes are kept up the whole day before the victim 受害人 realizes what day it is.Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone.The most clever April Fool joke is the one where everyone laughs,especially the person upon whom the joke is played on.,


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