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    Period 1&2 Warmingup and Reading I,Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars,地球 _木星 _火星 _水星 _海王星 _,F.冥王星 _G.土星 _H.天王星 _I.金星 _,Earth,Jupiter,Mars,Mercury,Neptune,Pluto,Saturn,Uranus,Venus,astronomy,astronomers,telescope,What subjects do you learn at school?,ChineseEnglish mathematicsphysicschemistry,geographybiologyhistorypolitics,physics,mathematics,chemistry,biology,geography,Science subjects,Warming up,geophysicsgeology physics 地质学,astronomy physics mathematics,地球物理学,Some science subjects will study two or more of these subjects.,Common sense of science subjectsCan you understand the following combined science subjects?,biology+chemistry=biochemistry()/medicine()geopolitics(地缘政治学)=_+_bioengineering(_)=_+_,生物化学,医学,geology,politics,生命工程学,biology,engineering,Astronomy biochemistry geophysics medicine,_the scientific study of treatment of diseases and injuries._ the study of the chemistry of living things._ the scientific study of the earths atmosphere,oceans and climate._ the scientific study of objects in space,such as planets,stars,cometsand“black holes”,Astronomy,biochemistry,geophysics,medicine,1.insects2.plants3.reptiles(爬行类)4.shellfish(贝类)5.fish6.amphibians(两栖类)7.mammals(哺乳类),Study of the groups of life(生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures and tell the groups.,1.insects2.plants3.reptiles(爬行类)4.shellfish(贝类)5.fish6.amphibians(两栖类)7.mammals(哺乳类),Study of the groups of life(生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures and tell the groups.,1.insects2.plants3.reptiles(爬行类)4.shellfish(贝类)5.fish6.amphibians(两栖类)7.mammals(哺乳类),Study of the groups of life(生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures and tell the groups.,1.insects2.plants3.reptiles(爬行类)4.shellfish(贝类)5.fish6.amphibians(两栖类)7.mammals(哺乳类),Study of the groups of life(生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures and tell the groups.,1.insects2.plants3.reptiles(爬行类)4.shellfish(贝类)5.fish6.amphibians(两栖类)7.mammals(哺乳类),Study of the groups of life(生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures and tell the groups.,1.insects2.plants3.reptiles(爬行类)4.shellfish(贝类)5.fish6.amphibians(两栖类)7.mammals(哺乳类),Study of the groups of life(生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures and tell the groups.,1.insects2.plants3.reptiles(爬行类)4.shellfish(贝类)5.fish6.amphibians(两栖类)7.mammals(哺乳类),Study of the groups of life(生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures and tell the groups.,1.insects2.plants3.reptiles(爬行类)4.shellfish(贝类)5.fish6.amphibians(两栖类)7.mammals(哺乳类),Study of the groups of life(生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures and tell the groups.,1.insects2.plants3.reptiles(爬行类)4.shellfish(贝类)5.fish6.amphibians(两栖类)7.mammals(哺乳类),Study of the groups of life(生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures and tell the groups.,1.insects2.plants3.reptiles(爬行类)4.shellfish(贝类)5.fish6.amphibians(两栖类)7.mammals(哺乳类),Study of the groups of life(生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures and tell the groups.,1.insects2.plants3.reptiles(爬行类)4.shellfish(贝类)5.fish6.amphibians(两栖类)7.mammals(哺乳类),Study of the groups of life(生命的种类/物种)Look at the pictures and tell the groups.,Human beings,What is the most important condition for life to grow?,The world is like a big family because of different kinds of life living together.But how did life begin on the earth?,Fast-reading(Para1),1.What is the important event(事件)to the earth before the appearance of water?2.Why is water important for the beginning of life?,Sacnning(Para1,2,3)the beginning of water&the beginning of lifeScan Para1:the beginning of water,Scan Para2,3:the beginning of life(put them into right order)A.insects and amphibians appear B.reptiles appearC.shellfish and other fish appear D.dinosaurs appearE.small plants grow on the water F.plants begin to grow on dry landG.mammals(including humans)appear 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 1._12._,E C F A B D G,The Big Bang,water,Small plants,insects and amphibians land on,Reptiles on land,mammals,advanced mammals,dinosaurs,Careful-reading,1.Why the earth was different after the water appeared?2.Why did plants grow before animals?3.Why did animals first appear in the sea not on the land?4.What is the main difference between reptiles and mammals?,Cooperative learning,Discuss the following questions,and use Para4 to help you.1.Why do people become the most important animals on the planet?2.Do people take good care of the earth?What are they doing to the planet?3.What is the result?,Do you believe the passage tell you the truth about the beginning of life?Why?,The beginning of the life,Pangu separated Nvwa created God created the sky humans the world 盘古开天 女娲造人 上帝创世论,Discuss for moral education,Why did dinosaurs die out?Do you think there will be a sudden change of weather on the earth?What should people do to protect our earth?,Homework,1.Try to report how did life begin next period.2.Dictation from astronomy to planet.3.英语周报34期Reading task I,II,


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