Module 1,Basketball,contents,Click Introduction,Click Reading and vocabulary,Click Speaking,Click Grammar 1,Click listening,Click Function,Click Reading,Click Grammar 2,Click Everyday English,Click Reading practice,Click Cultural corner,Click Task,INTRODUCTION,forward,attacking,guard,defending,Watching and controlling the game,Look at the video and answer the following questions.,How many players are there in a team?Which of the following words can be used to describe basketball?,Boring dangerous exciting Fast simple slow,What is NBA?,NBA,BAA,USA teams,Canada team,NBL,1946,1949,1949,Discussion,1.Whats the difference between basketball,football and volleyball?,NOW HAVE A REST.,Reading and vocabulary,Pre-reading(read the chart and answer the following questions),Questions,Did they two ever play with each other?Who scored more points in his career?How much taller was Chamberlain than Jordan?Which record do they both hold?,No.They didnt.,Jordan.,0.19m.,Consecutive seasons leading scorer:7.,QUESTIONS1.Which teams did Jordan play for?2.How many times did Jordan win the NBA title?,Fast reading,Chicago Bulls Washington Wizars,6 times(1991,92,93,96,97,98),3.Why do the fans admire Jordan so much?4.What did he do off the basketball court?,People admire his athletic ability,motivation and confidence.,He opened his own steak restaurant and also acted in a film.,5.How many basketball teams did Chamberlain played for?,4 teams.,6.Why is Chamberlain called the Tower of Power?7.Why were the rules changed then?,Because he was very tall and strong.,Chamberlain was so much better than all the others,so they changed the rules to stop him.,Read Michael Jordan and introduce his life.,CAREFUL READING,HE was born in New York and grow up in North Carolina.He went to university for a year and joined the Chicago Bulls.He got 6 NBA titles in his 15 seasons.He also joined the“the Dream Team”in 1992.Off the basketball court,he opened his own steak restaurant;he also played The famous cartoon character Bugs Bunny.,Introduce Jordans career.,He joined the Chicago Bulls in 1984.In 1987,he became the second player to score more than 3,000 points in a season,and he was the top scorer in the NBA for 7 consecutive seasons(1987-1993).He won 6 championships in his career,and he was the most successful basketball player in the history of the game.,Read Wilt the Stilt and answer the questions.,Which were the first and last teams Chamberlain played for?2.How successful was Chamberlain?,Philadelphia Warriors&Los Angeles.,He was the 1st player to score 3,000 points in a season and he was the only player to score over 50 points per game for a season on average.He was the only one who scored 100 points in a single game.,Listen to the passage and decide whether the statements are true or false.,listening,Jordan finished his study before he joined the Chicago Bulls.Jordan was the second player to score over 3,000 points in a season.Jordan acted a famous man in a film.Chamberlain was taller than his brothers and sisters.Chamberlain played for the same team for the last 5 years of his career.,Choose the correct meanings of the phrases.,averaged over 50 per game A.scored more than 50 points per game B.sometimes scored more,sometimes less than 50 points per game2.for an entire season A.for part of a season B.for the whole season,3.the giant player A.the very tall player B.the very young player4.an immediate success A.a success after a few years B.a success as soon as he started5.He deserves the title.A.It is right that he has the title.B.IT is not right that he has the title.6.the outstanding player of his generation A.the best player of all time B.the best player of his time,What similarities do they have?,DISCUSSION,Jordan,Chamberlain,Language points,They have fantastic stories to talk about Michael Jordan,such as the time he rescued the Bulls from ending a game on a tie.(1)the time 是先行词,when引导定语从句。She never forgets the time when she lived in the village as a child.她永远忘不了她小时候住在那个小村子的那段时光。(2)tie(比赛等)不分胜负,平手The football game ended on a tie,2 to 2.足球比赛结果2比2平。,2.absence n.缺席;离开。Eg.His repeated absence from school is worrying.他一再缺课,让人担忧。absent adj.不在场的;缺少的;茫然的be absent from school/a meeting/work不上学/不到会/缺勤An absent expression/look 茫然的表情/样子Absent-minded 心不在焉的;健忘的Love is totally absent from his childhood.他童年时代没得到丝毫的疼爱。He looked at me in an absent way.他茫然的望着我。,3.average adj.平均的The average age of the football players is 19.这些足球队员的平均年龄是19岁。n.平均数The average of 4,5 and 9 is 6.(3)vt.平均达到-平均做;平均分配The rainfall here averages 10 millimeters every year.这儿降雨量平均每年10 毫米。It was planned that they average 40 miles per day by bike.他们计划每天骑自行车走40英里。,4.There is no doubt that he reserves the title“outstanding player of his age”.There is no doubt that=It is certain that-毫无疑问in doubt 拿不准;不能确定without a doubt 无疑的doubt vt.怀疑I dont doubt_ he will come.我确信他会来。I doubt_ he will come.我怀疑他会不会来。,that,Whether/if,5.apologize to sb.For sth.因某事向某人道歉I must apologize to you for being late.make an apology to sb.for sth.因某事向某人道歉You neednt have made an apology to me in your letter,for I didnt take it for you.你没有必要在信中向我道歉,我没有把它当回事。,6.Appoint v.(1)决定;指定(日期、时间等)Has the date when they hold their wedding been appointed?他们举办婚礼的日期定下来了吗?They appointed to meet again at 8 oclock.他们约定8点再次见面。They appointed the experienced man(to be)the manager of the branch of the company.他们选派了这个经验丰富的人担任这个公司分部的经理。,Translation Wearing his famous number 23 shirt,Michael Jordan became the most successful basketball player in the history of the game.穿23号球衣的乔丹成为篮球史上最成功的运动员。Chamberlain was so much better than all the other players that they changed the rules of the game to try to stop him.张伯伦比其他所有的运动员优秀的多,他们改变了规则试图限制他。,Now have a rest.,Speaking,Work in groups and discuss the statement:Everyone in China thinks the NBA is fantastic.what are your reasons?,Say something about your favorite sport.,BasketballVolleyballFootballBaseballTennisRugbyTable tennisRunning,A Game,Divide the class into two groups.The students in one group ask questions about sports and the students in the other group answer them.,Questions,Do you like basketball on TV?Why?Do you like watching basketball“live”?What do you think of basketball?Which basketball player do you prefer?Do you think basketball is the best sport in the world?(the students own questions),Grammar(1)Conversion,Read the following sentences,paying specialattention to the underlined words.Chamberlain averaged over 50 points a game for an entire season.2.His average was more than 30 points a game.3.Jordan was the second player to score more than 3,000 points in a season.4.The final score was 169-147.,v.平均,n.平均数,v.得分,n.得分,常见的动词转化为名词:,大量的动词可以转化为名词。如:let me have a try.We stopped there for a swim.这时词义变化不大。这类名词常常和一动词构成短语,表示一动作。have a look(chat,talk,wash,rest,try,quarrel,smoke,lie,read,dream,run,fight,walk,ride,ride,drink,laugh,dance,bath,wish,win,fear,love,shave,debate,dispute,interview,taste,etc.),make a study(guess,visit,call,survey,jump,slip,change,search,stay,answer,reply,remark,fight,arrest,appeal,purchase,sacrifice,demand,show,deal,etc.)make an(attempt,attack,advance,etc.),有时转化后意思有一定的变化,He has about the same build as his brother.他的体型和他哥哥差不多。Women have equal say in everything.妇女在各方面都有同等的发言权。he won two games;the other two were draws.他赢了两局,另外两局打 平了。,名词转化为动词,许多表示物件和身体某部分的名词可转化为动词。Have you booked your ticket?你的票定好了吗?Who chaired the meeting?谁主持会议?It can seat a thousand people.它能坐一千人。,Hand in your exercise-book,please.请把练习本交上。Well bank you up.我们将做你们的后盾。Who headed the delegation?谁任代表团团长?We should shoulder the responsibilities.我们应当担负起这些责任来。,一些表示某类人的名词也可用作动词。,He insisted on staying up to nurse the child.他坚持不睡觉来护理这个孩子。We were hosted by members of the embassy.我们受到大使馆成员的接待。,一些表示实物的名词也可转化为动词。,Each apartment can house a family of six.每套房间可以租一户六口之家。They flowered well but bored little fruit.它们花开得很好,但果结得不多。,一些抽象名词可用作动词。,Where do swallows winter?燕子在哪过冬?For six days and nights they battled to save his life.他们苦战六昼夜来抢救他的生命。Through childhood,I hungered for education.我从小就盼望上学。,特定场合下的转化,His argument contains too many ifs and buts.他再说理时“如果”和“但是”用得太多了。This book is a must for students of electronics.这是学电子学的学生的一本必读书。Follow the following dos and donts in the lab.在实验室一定要遵守“能做的事”和“不能做的事”。,形容词转化为动词,Dry,narrow,quiet,clear,warm,slow,tidy 等词都可转化为动词。The room gradually quieted down.屋里慢慢的静了下来。They finally freed themselves from slaves.他们最后把自己从奴隶制度下解放出来。Please tidy your room.请整理好你的房间。,Complete the sentences with the words.,He _ his arm playing basketball.Yao Ming injured his _ during a game.Jordans total of points is a world _.Chamberlain _ for four different NBA teams.,Break head play record dream,broke,head,record,played,After the game,the funs _ for the exit.We _ the commentary of the game on a cassette.Has there been a film or a _ about basketball?Many boys _ about playing in the NBA.There was a ten-minute _ in the game,because a player was injured.His childhood _ has come true.,headed,recorded,play,dream,break,dream,Thats the end of grammar 1.,Now have a rest.,listening,Pre-listening(answer the questions.),1.How many players are there in a team?A.Five.B.eleven.2.How long does a professional basketball game last?A.There are 4 12-minute periods.B.There are 2 20-minute halves.,3.What happens if the scores are a tie at the end of the game?A.Both teams receives one point.B.there is overtime of 5 minutes.4.What is a time out?A.The end of the game.B.A time when the coach can talk to the players.,Listen to part 1.Decide what are the two speakers.,A commentator and a player speaking before a game starts.Two commentators speaking at the beginning of a game.Two commentators speaking at the end of a game.,Listen to part 2 and check the words you hear.,amazed disappointed excited exhausted amazing disappointing exciting exhausting,Listen to the 2 parts again and check the true sentences.,1.Dan is excited at the beginning of the game and disappointed in the end.2.Yao Ming has had a good season for the Rockets,according to Dan.3.Dan thinks Yao Ming can do everything himself.4.The game itself as disappointing for the crowd.5.The two teams had the same score.6.The Rockets won the game.,Explain the following sentences.,Yao has been absolutely outstanding for the Rockets this season.2.The Chicago Bulls used to rely too much on Michael Jordan.,Yao has played very well this season.,Jordan played the most important role in the team.,3.Both teams had a lot of stamina and there was a lot of skillful play.4.The Rockets led by two points going into the 4th quarter.5.The action was non-stop all night.,Both teams played hard for the whole match,using their playing abilities.,The Rockets was 2 points ahead at the start of the last quarter.,The match was exciting with both teams playing hard all the time.,liten again.,Check your answers.,FUNCTION,Expressing feelings and emotions.,Complete the sentences.,1 I was _ when I saw Yao Ming playing.A.amazed B.amazing2.His ability and power are _.A.astonishing B.astonished3.Our team lost the game so we were very_.A.disappointed B.disappointing,A,A,A,4.The last part of the match was incredibly _!A.excited B.exciting 5.Both teams were _ at the end of the game.A.exhausted B.exhausting 6.Michael Jordans decision to retire was _.A.surprised B.surprising,B,A,B,practice,Use the adjectives above to express your feelings and emotions about basketball.,Reading and writing,Is Yao Ming Too Nice To Be a Star?Read the passage and answer the questions.,questions,1.Is the Rockets coach disappointed with Yao Ming?2.Do the Chinese players play in the same way as US players?3.Does Yao Ming understand what the coach wants him to do?,No,he isnt.,No,they arent.,Yes,he does.,discussion,Do you think Chinese players are less aggressive than players from other country?What must Chinese athletes do to compete with players from other country?,Write a reply to this passage,using these sentences.,Dear editor,Im writing in reply to the articleI like the fact that-I would like to say something aboutIn my opinion,the reason-is that-I believe that Chinese athletes-Yours sincerely,Grammar 2 Suffixes,名词加后缀变成形容词。,高考链接,At times,worrying is a normal,_ response to a difficult event or situation a loved one being injured in an accident,for example.A.effective B.individual C.inevitable D.unfavorableThere was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we _ give up.A.eventually B.unfortunatelyC.generously D.purposefully,C,A,Complete the sentences with the right forms of the words.,The Bulls were not as _ as they used to.When Yao Ming hurt his head,it was _.He had to be very _ when he played after the accident.The funs are _ that the team will win.Its terrible when we lose,but its _,Care hope pain power wonder,powerful,painful,careful,hopeful,wonderful,When we win.,Everyday English Choose the correct meaning.,1.Im looking forward to it._ A.its in front of me.B.Im happy its going to happen.2.The Rockets and the Bulls are really hot at the moment._ A.Both teams are plying well.B.The temperature is high.,B,A,3.both teams showed a lot of character.A.There were a lot of interesting people in the teams.B.They played with courage and hard work.4.The period of overtime was fast and furious.A.Overtime was done very quickly and with a lot of effort and energy.B.Some of the players got angry.,Now,lets have a break.,Reading Practice,Pre-reading(Answer the questions.)Do you think basketball is safe or dangerous?What possible risks are there when you play basketball?,Fast reading(Find out the writers conclusion.),Basketball is one of the safest sports.The players energy is partly upwards,so theres less risk of a collision between players.Although players wear specially designed socks and sneakers to absorb the energy,they wear no other protection.If there is an abrupt change of direction in their energy,theres a real danger of personal injury.,Careful reading,Players energy is partly upwards,at a 90-degree angle to the ground,and over the other players.Wear specially designed shoes and socks.,Unexpected hitting.,Wear no other protections.In case theres an abrupt change of direction.,The writer is probably a_.,A.novelistB.basketball journalist for a national newspaperC.basketball journalist for a local newspaperD.basketball fan writing ina basketball team magazine,C,Choose the best answers.,Basketball is safe because_.A.the direction of the players energy means there is less chance of a collision B.the players are well-protected C.the players make abrupt changes of direction2.According to the writer,a typical basketball player would be _.A.able to accelerate and bounce the ball at the same time.B.fast and weighing about 80 kilos C.tall and slim D.short and stout,A,C,Listening,Listen to the text and check your anwers.,3.The foul was caused by _.A.the referee interrupting the match B.Sackler passing the ball over Joes head C.Joe lowering his head D.Sackler falling over Joe4.The referee thought Sackler was seriously injured because _.A.Joe run into him B.his nose was bleeding and he lay sti