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    Unit 11 Scientific Achievements I教学内容分析 从爱迪生到比尔·盖茨,从电的发现到太阳能的利用,科技的每一步发展都给人类的生活带来了质的飞跃,而这一切的发展都离不开人类坚持不懈的探索,离不开科学家们日日夜夜的奋斗。是大自然的奥秘吸引着他们,是科学的精神支撑着他们,是人类一次次的飞跃激励着他们,为此他们创造着一个又一个历史的奇迹。 本单元的中心话题就是“科学成就”,它围绕着科学理论、科学发现等展开一系列的话题。 Warming up部分通过三个问题,要求学生对于图片旁边列举的科学成就展开讨论。首先判断出对世界改变最大的科学成就,并给出适当的理由;第二个问题是考查学生对于科学成就的了解程度,这样的问题设计有利于学生打开自己的思路,搜索并检查自己的知识面;第三个问题主要是通过比较,让学生了解科学成就对人类发展的重要性和贡献,激发学生投身于科学研究的激情,这样对学生的教育就上升到了思想层面,比较深刻。 Listening的第一部分通过对三个为科学做出过巨大贡献的人的语言描写,让学生填写表格,描述他们的功绩;第二部分主要是培养学生获取重要信息的能力,并就其内容将句子补充完整;第三部分是三个假设,给我们的科学探索带来新的动力和激情。 Speaking组织了一个科学研究项目经费申请的口语训练。从口语训练的重点来说主要是为了训练如何表达一个人的意愿和愿望。其中有五个角色,一个是项目研究经费调配负责入,另外四人分别有意致力于以下工程的研究:艾滋病的治疗、克隆技术的利用、干旱地区种植技术的开发和人造卫星的太空旅行。四人各自陈述观点,最后由一人评判结果。这样的设计给我们的同学创设了真实的语言环境,使学生可以在较为真实的情况下锻炼交流能力。 Pre-reading部分设计了三个问题。第一个问题是探索科学研究的环境;第二个问题是讨论科学成就的重要性:科学成就是如何影响我们的生活和整个社会的;第三个问题是谈论科学家致力于科学研究的目的和意义。 Reading介绍中关村的形成、发展及其重要意义。中关村是中国科研的基地和科技人才的摇篮。第一部分讲述了中关村是中科院和几所著名大学的集中地;第二部分谈论中关村是海外学子实现他们梦想的地方。 Post-reading部分主要是对课文的细节做进一步介绍,共设计了5个选择题。第一部分根据课文回答问题;第二部分设计了一个比较性的题目,要求比较中国的中关村和美国的硅谷,并写出相似和不同的地方。 Language study分两部分。一是巩固文中的词汇,选择词义相近的词汇;二是学习语法知识,构词法分:前缀、后缀、合成和缩写四种,并进行一定的训练。 Integrating skills集阅读和写作于一体。首先是阅读一篇关于各个科技领域发展的文章;其次是设计了一个真实性的任务:某杂志要求你挑选你所认为的最伟大的科技成就,陈述你的理由,并加以解释。 Tips教会学生如何写一篇劝说性的议论文。Checkpoint II一是归纳了本单元的语法知识构词法;二是找出课文中能帮你更好地理解文章、扩大知识面的词汇。II教学重点和难点 1教学重点 (1)本单元的生词和短语。 (2)四种基本的构词法。 (3)了解中关村的形成、发展和它的重要意义。 2教学难点 (1)体会科技成就为人类生活带来的变化。 (2)学会如何表达自己的意愿和愿望。 (3)了解一些最新的科技发展的动态和已有的成就。 (4)学写劝说性的议论文。 III教学计划 本单元分五课时: 第一课时:Warming up,Listening,Speaking 第二、三课时:Pre-reading,Reading,Post-reading 第四课时:Language study 第五课时:Integrating skills 教学步骤 Period l Warming up,Listening,Speaking Teaching Goals 1To arouse Ss interest in scientific achievements 2To develop Ss listening and speaking abilities Teaching procedures: Step 1Lead-in Purpose:To activate Ss and arouse their interest to talk about scientific achievements Show the pictures about two famous persons who did great contributions to the society and made our life change greatlyAsk the Ss if they know about them and what contributions they made to change our worldAnd make a survey if they want to be the persons like themStep2Warming up Purpose:To lead Ss to the topic of this unit through a quiz1Pair work: Get Ss to ask each other the following question, and then ask them to present it before class What scientific achievements do you know?List as many as you canThen make a comparison among the pairs2Group work:Get the Ss to talk about the scientific achievements, and judge which one is the most important and tell the reasons Discuss in groups of four about these questions: (1) Do you know about the scientific achievements after hastening to them?(2)Which one do you think is the most important one? Tell us the reasons 3Discussion and conclusion:Compare these scientific achievements. How do they affect our life? Whats the similarity about these achievements? Discuss them by filling in the formScientific achievementsHow do they affect our life?Conclusion(What they brought tour society?) ElectricityCarsSolar energy Step 3Prelistening Purpose:To help learn about the context to the Listening part 1Group work:To help Ss learn about some famous persons about inventions 2Survey Making:Fill in the form with your classmatesInventionSpace explorationTelephone callE-mail messageInventor(first)Your knowledge about itStep4WhileListening Purpose:To get the main information in the Listening part To develop Ss listening abilityTo learn about some great scientific achievements 1Listen to the dialogue,focusing on the content mentioned in the passage2Listen to the tape and then fill in this form.WordsSpeakerAchievement“Thats small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”Neil Armstrong“Mr. Watson, _; I want you”Alexander Graham Bell“QWERTYUIO” Suggested Answers:WordsSpeakerAchievement“Thats small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”Neil ArmstrongFirst man on the moon“Mr Watson, Come here; I want you”Alexander Graham BellFirst telephone call“QWERTYUIO”Ray TomlinsonFirst e-mail message 3Complete the following sentences (1)The words“”are famous,because they are theof The Constitution of the United States of America。 (2)Eurekaisa word from thelanguage and means (3)If you ask a father,he might say,“”If you ask a mother,she might say: “”Suggested Answers: (1) we,the people;first words (2)Greek; I have found it(3)Daddy;Mommy 4Discussion: Choose any supposition you like to talk about What would yon say if you were? Athe first person on Mars Bthe first cloned human beingCthe first person to travel in time Step5.SpeakingPurpose:Together Ss to talk about records about high-rope walking 1 Pre-speaking: Purpose:To arouse Ss interest and get them to focus on the topic of the Speaking part(1) Individual work: Ask Ss,“If you Want to make some scientific achievements,what kind of aids do you need and whose help do you need?” List the aids you need:such as money,policies,research Places (2) Pair Work:Discuss with your deskmate and find out what is the most important settlement to make some achievementWhy? Present your views to your classmates2.Whilespeaking:Purpose:To get Ss to talk about how to use the expressions to express ones wishes. (1)Individual work: If you were a man with a lot of money what project, would you want to invest in? Why? The field you want to on vest inAdvantages of investing in itSocial influence Present your result to your classmates (2)Group work: Nowheres a sum of money and four scientists would like to get the money to complete the projects. Each scientist should introduce his or he r project and explain why it is the most importantThe scientist,whose words are the most persuasive can get the money and the person who makes the decision should present the reasons why that person should get the moneyScientistProjectReasons to complete inDr WilsonA cure for AIDSDr JonesCloning to cure diseasesDr SmithGrowing food in dry areaDr WinfreySending a manned spaceship to MarsAsk Ss to work ingroups of four and choose one project to talk about and present their reasons to the classmatesMake sure to use the expressions in the formUseful expressionsIf I got the money, I wouldI want/wish/hope/intend/plan toMy plan is toId like toI hope thatIm thinking of (3)Discussion: Which project should we invest in? Why?Ask Ss about the advantages and disadvantages of completing each project and to make a vote among SsDecide who can get the money 2 Post-speaking: Purpose:To get Ss to talk about the elements of finishing a scientific projectScientists are encouraged to finish all kinds of projects that can contribute a lot to the societyBesides money,what problems will they face? Discuss it with your partners About yourself:what kind of quality should we have? About the society influence:support or notmoney About the scientific project itself:dangerousWhat do you think is the most important thing for a scientist to finish a project? Step6Homework Write a short composition about a scientists quality in finishing a Project Get on the Internet and find out some information about Zhongguancun and American Silicon ValleyPeriods2&3 Prereading, Reading, Postreading Teaching Goals:1.To learn about Zhongguancun and its history and development, 2.To develops:some basic reading skills3.To arouse Ss interest in learning about scientific in working Teaching Procedures: Step 1Warming up Purpose:To arouse Ss interest in learning about ZhongguancunAsk Ss to get on the Internet and prepare some information about Zhongguancun 1Team work: How did Zhongguancun begin? 2Group work: To get success in the scientific field,what kind of quality should a person possess? Use an adjective you like and brainstorm Crea+iveHard working Devo+ing +o his work Quali+iesEnerge+ic Careful Posi+ive 3.Individual work:Have you seen the statue in Zhongguancun? What do you think it stands for? Various answers are possible in order to develop Ssimagination。 Step2Pre-reading Purpose:To have Ss learn the importance of scientific achievements 1Pairwork: So far our government has taken great measures to encourage scientists to make achievements,and many scientists have made great efforts to do researchWhy do they do so? Discuss it with your partners and try to fill in the banks The government did so because they want toThe scientists did so because they want to 2Group work: If a scientist has made great scientific achievement in one field,what advantages can heshe bring to us? For example:A scientist has found a new source of energy Advantages: To himself: To his country: To the whole society and human beings: Suggested Answers: To himself:He can realize his dreams and do something for his motherland To his country:His motherland will be proud of him and his achievementTo the whole society and human beings:The world will ease the intension of being short of energy 3Individual work: Get Ss to answer this question individuallyIf you wanted to do research or start a hi-tech company,what kind of support and environment would you need? Step3Reading 1Scanning: Purpose:To get a brief understanding of the text (1)Take a quick look at Zhongguancun in four minutes and find out the answer to the following questions: What kind of spirit has made Zhongguancun a success? What are the two mottos mentioned in the text? Suggested Answers: It is the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that has made Zhongguancun a success One is “Relying on science,technology,and knowledge to increase economic power”;the other is“Encouraging pioneering work and accepting failure” (2)Try to analyze the structure of the passagePartParagraph(s)Main ideaPart 1Paragraphs 1,2Zhongguancun is home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and some famous universitiesPart 2Paragraphs 3,4, 5,6&7Zhongguancun is home to a number of overseas Chinese For example, Xiang YufangPart 3Paragraphs 8,9What spirits have made Zhongguancun a great success? (3)Analyze how the writer organizes this article ,After analyzing the structure of the passage,do you know how the writer organizes the article? Discuss with your deskmate and make a summary about the organization of the article For your reference: Conclusion adout theSuccess of ZhongguancunThree parts ofSupporting detailsIntroduction toZhongguancun2Skimming: Purpose:To get Ss to have some details in the text Read the text quickly and try to get some details from the text Work in pain and try to ask and answer questions about the textQuestions can be like these: Q1Where is Zhongguancun land when was it set up? Q2How did Zhongguancun develop? Q3Why did Xiang Yufang come back to Zhongguancun? Q4What has become of XiangYufang so far? Q5What did the researchers and scientists in Zhongguancun do with failure?Q6What do they think of making money? Suggested Answers: A1 Zhongguancun is in Beijings Haidian District and it was set up in the late l990s A2 Zhongguancun got its start with a private research and development institute Within the next ten years,more than a hundred scientific and hi-tech companies move into the area and new hi-tech centres developed around Zhongguancun Garden A3.Because he didnt really like to study abroad and after getting them masters degree,he wanted to go back home and realize his dreams at home A4.NowYufang has been in China for three years and is doing wellHe lives in Beijing and runs a small company based in Zhongguancun together with his two friendsA5.They thought great scientific achievements are the,results of years of failure, so failure was very natural A6They think they were not making that much money, but they are excited about all the new technology and great ideas that are coming to life in Zhongguancun 3Listen to the tape and follow it in a low voice,and then deal with the language points in groups To train Ss language capacity Listen to the tape and follow it in a low voice Group work: The students are divided into three groups Each group is supposed to deal with the language points by (1)in store(for sbsth):coming in the future;about to happen E.g. There is a surprise in store for you I can see trouble in store (2)set foot inon sth:enter or visit(a place);arrive E.g. Dont ever set foot in this house again! Who was the first man to set foot on the moon? (3) rely onupon: depend on Eg Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help You can rely on it that it will rain this week (4)come to life:back to normal state,esp. of mind Eg As soon as the mother came to life,she cried for her daughter. After three hours saving,the injured man came to life (5)It is likely that EgIi is very likely that shell ring me tonigh It isnt likely to rain this evening (6)make it clear thatEg She made it clear that she objected to the proposal Step 4Postreading Purpose:To have a deep understanding of the text 1IndividuaI work:After reading the text,finish the five questions(Textbook,P4) about some details in the text 2Discussion: (1)“Relying on science,technology,and knowledge to increase economic power”,“Encouraging pioneering work and accepting failure”,these two are the mottos that encourage the scientists in Zhongguancun to continue their work and face the failure bravely Discuss in groups of four about these questions: How do you understand these two mottos? Do you think nowadays people in other fields also should hold such views about their work?Relating the mottos to yourself,how do you deal with your study and the failure you meet with? Can these mottos do any good to you? (2)Do you know Zhongguancun is also called “Chinas Sillicon Valley”? In America there is a place called “Sili


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