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    Period 2Language StudyTeaching aims1To learn the useful expressions and sentence structures in the reading.2To enable students to use language points both orally and in written forms.3To further get students inspired by Marty Fielding.Teaching proceduresStep 1Learning words and phrases1ambition n雄心,野心Her ambition is to become part of the national team for the next Paralympic Games.她的抱负是能够成为国家队的一员来参加下一届残奥会。To be a good teacher has been her lifelong ambition.做一名好教师是她终生追求的目标。full of ambition野心勃勃achieve one's ambition实现某人的愿望have the ambition for sth.渴望得到某物2suitable adj.适合的,适宜的Although some may think the cinema is noisy,it is suitable for Sally's condition.尽管有人可能认为电影院里太吵了,但是它非常适合萨利的身体状况。He has nothing suitable for a formal party.他没有适合这样正式晚会的任何东西。3beneficial adj.有益的be beneficial to对有益处benefit vt.使受益n益处,优势benefit sb./sth.对某人/物有益benefit from/by从中获得益处be of benefit to.对有益for sb.'s benefitfor the benefit of sb.为了某人的利益These birds are beneficial to man.这些鸟对人类有益。We benefit a lot from daily exercise.日常锻炼对我们很有益。His mother lost her life for the benefit of the bank.他母亲为了银行的利益献出了自己的生命。4in other words 换句话说In other words,there are not many people like me.换句话说,像我这样的人并不多见。in a/one word总而言之in word 在口头上;在表面上have a word with sb.与某人说(私)话have words with sb.与某人吵嘴keep/break one's word遵守诺言/失信Have a word with Tom and see what he thinks.和汤姆谈一谈,看他是怎么想的。Please retell the story in your own words.请用自己的话复述这个故事。In a word,I didn't like that car at all.总之,我一点也不喜欢那辆小汽车。5adapt to 适应Unfortunately,the doctors don't know how to make me better,but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.不幸的是,大夫们不知道如何治好我的病,但是我很开朗乐观,学会了适应身体的残疾。We should adapt to the new environment as soon as possible.我们应该尽快适应新环境。6cut out 切去;省略;停止做某事I think I had at least a billion tests,including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope.我想我至少做过十亿次检查了,包括有一次检查,他们从我的腿部切下了一小块肌肉,放在显微镜下观察。You should cut out the second part of the article.你应该删掉文章的第二部分。She tried to persuade me to cut out drinking.她试图说服我戒酒。cut down砍倒;削减cut in插嘴;超车cut off切断供应;中断cut across/through抄近路cut up切碎I wish she would stop cutting in on our conversation all the time. 我希望她别老是在我们谈话中插嘴。My doctor has told me to cut down on salt.我的医生告诉我减少盐的摄入量。They had cut off aid to us.他们已经中断了对我们的援助。7out of breath 上气不接下气So sometimes some children in my primary school would laugh,when I got out of breath after running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs.因此,上小学时有些孩子见到我跑很短一段路就喘不过气来或者爬楼梯爬到一半就得停下来休息,他们就会笑我。They were both red in the face and out of breath.他们俩都面红耳赤,气喘吁吁。hold one's breath 屏住呼吸lose one's breath 喘不过气来take a deep breath做深呼吸When entering the room,please hold your breath.当进入房间时,请屏住呼吸。8all in all 总而言之All in all I have a good life.总而言之,我生活得很好。All in all,it had been a good success.总而言之,那是个巨大的成功。in all总共at all根本;全然above all最重要的是after all毕竟;终究Please don't be angry with himhe is only 6,after all.请别生他的气了,毕竟他只有六岁。9.as well as 也;和As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends,I spend a lot of time with my pets.除了和我的朋友一起去看电影和足球比赛之外,我还花很多时间和我的宠物在一起。She had all her homework to do,as well as looking after her sick father. 她除了要照顾生病的父亲之外,还要完成所有的作业。as well as还可以用作连词,表示“和一样好”;另外,连接两个主语时,谓语动词和最前面的主语保持一致。He plays the piano as well as his teacher.他钢琴弹得和他的老师一样好。Mr.Li as well as his students is going to the zoo tomorrow.李老师和他的学生们打算明天去动物园。10in many ways 在很多方面In many ways my disability has helped me grow stronger psychologically and become more independent.在许多方面,我身体的残疾使我在心理上变得更加坚强,更加独立。My uncle has helped me in many ways.我叔叔在很多方面帮助过我。11make fun of 取笑So don't feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them,and don't ignore them either.因此,不要感到残疾人可怜,或者取笑他们,也不要不理他们。It is impolite to make fun of the disabled.取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。play a joke/trick on sb.make a fool of sb.laugh at sb.取笑Step 2Using words and phrases1Do Exercises 1,2 and 3 on Page 4 in Learning about Language.Suggested answers:Exercise 1:NounAdjectiveNounAdjectiveambitionambitiousclumsinessclumsyabsenceabsentfirmnessfirmsuitabilitysuitablenoisenoisybenefitbeneficialpsychologypsychologicalannoyanceannoyed/annoyingencouragementencouragingExercise 2:1.lap2.annoyed3.dictation4.entry5.microscope6.outgoing7.fellow8.conductExercise 3:in many ways;sit around;made fun of;adapt to;out of breath;All in all;cutting out;In other words2Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1)As her eyesight failed she knew she would have to resign from the community health committee.(2)She is famous in literature for her novel about the campaign to abolish slavery.(3)Never mind about that software!We will repair it when we meet with the engineer from the company.(4)Congratulations!The profit from selling those wheelchairs will be enough to buy six new benches for your school.(5)The parrot flew out of the pet shop and landed on the bowlinggreen(草地滚木球场)across the road.(6)I left the meeting when they began to talk about politics and headed for the exit.(7)It is my ambition to make sure that the disabled people in our neighbourhood have access to all public buildings.(8)I had wanted to clean out the basement in his absence,but unfortunately I didn't have time.(9)James carried his new fish tank carefully to the house,dreaming of how wonderful it would look full of colorful fish.(10)The bench was hard to sit on,but it provided an excellent resting place for people after climbing the hill.Suggested answers:(1)由于她的视力下降了,她知道她不得不从社区健康委员会辞职了。(2)她由于那本关于废奴运动的小说而享誉文学界。(3)不用担心那个软件!我们和那个公司的工程师见面后就会修好的。(4)恭喜!卖掉那些轮椅的利润足够为你们学校买六个新长椅的。(5)那只鹦鹉从宠物店里飞出来,落在马路对面的草地滚木球场上。(6)他们开始谈论政治时我就离开会场,朝出口走去。(7)确保邻近的残疾人能够进出所有的公共建筑物是我的志向。(8)我本想在他离开的时候彻底打扫下地下室,但不巧的是我没有时间。(9)詹姆斯小心翼翼地把新鱼缸搬进屋子里,想象着装满五颜六色的鱼后,该有多么美呀。(10)这条长凳坐着很硬,但是人们爬完山之后可以坐在上面好好休息一下。Step 3ConsolidationAsk students to retell the text after learning the useful words and phrases.Step 4Homework1Finish off Exercises 1 and 2 on Page 48.2Go over the useful words and phrases in the text.5


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