小学英语_天气课件2 (2).ppt
What is the weather like?,It is sunnycloudywindyrainy!,sunsunny,What is the weather like?,It is sunny.,cloudcloudy,What is the weather like?,It is cloudy!,It is sunny.,.,It is cloudy.,rain,rainy,It is rainy.,What is the weather like?,A snow ball,A riddle,What am I?,I am white.I am round.Im used for play outside.,A ball?,You can made me just in cold winter.,Snowingsnowy,snowsnowy,snow ball,What is the weather like?,snowman,It is snowy!,Have a guess,What do these signs(图标)mean?,I say sun,you say sunny.Sun sunny sun sunnyI say cloud,you say cloudy.Cloud cloudy cloud cloudyI say rain,you say rainy.Rain rainy rain rainyI say snow,you say snowySnow snowy snow snowySun cloud rain snowSunny cloudy rainy snowy,MakeA Chant With Me!,Thank you!,