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    ,A Healthy Life,Warming up,Look at the following pictures.What are they doing?Which are healthy activities and which are unhealthy activities?,Singing,Healthy,Dancing,Healthy,Drinking alcohol,Unhealthy,Playing basketball,Healthy,Eating too much,Unhealthy,Doing Taiji,Healthy,Smoking,Unhealthy,What kind of person can be regarded as a healthy person?,Do you think the people in the pictures are healthy?,Is he a healthy person?,A truly healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind.,conclusion,Smoking is an unhealthy habit.,Look at the following pictures and try to tell what are the harmful effects of smoking.,Pre-reading,The leaves of lung turn _;The teeth&fingers become _.,black,yellow,Smoking may cause _.,air pollution,The ends of cigarettes may _.,cause fire,It is a waste of _.,money,Reading,From Grandad,Advice,Task 1(3),Read the letter quickly and find out which paragraph does the main idea belongs to.,A.The writer leads to the topic of the letter by talking about James problem of smoking.B.Introducing some different ways of becoming addicted.C.Telling the writers hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking.D.Telling the harmful effects of smoking.E.From the life the writer is leading now,we can know the importance of healthy life.,Para 5,Para 4,Para 3,Para 2,Para 1,Read the letter again and find out detailed information to complete the sentences.,Task 2(6),1.Ways people can get addicted to cigarettes:You can become _You can also become _You can become _,4)Make smokers _ and the fingers _5)Become _ and not able to enjoy sport _,2.The harmful effects of smoking:Do terrible damage to _It is more difficult for _Affect _,1.Three different ways people can get addicted to cigarettes:You can become _.You can also become _.You can become _.,physically addicted to nicotine,automatically addicted through habit,mentally addicted,2.The harmful effects of smoking:1)Do terrible damage to _2)It is more difficult for smoking couples _3)Affect _4)Make smokers _ and the fingers _5)Become _ and not able to enjoy sport _,your heart and lungs,to become pregnant,the health of non-smokers,smell terrible,turn yellow easily,breathless quickly,as much,Glance at the second part of the text How can you stop smoking and find out:suggestions to quit smoking,Task 3(1),Prepare yourself.Be determined.Break the habit.Relax.Get help if you need it.Keep trying.,Suggestions:,Read the second part of the text carefully and fill in the blanks in the summary of the article.,Task 4(3),Choose a day that is not _ to quit smoking.Make a list of all the _ you will get from stopping smoking._ all your cigarettes._ the list of benefits when you feel like smoking.Develop some other habits to keep yourself _.If you feel nervous or stressed,try some _ exercises like deep breathing.You can stop smoking with a _ or join a group.If necessary,ask a doctor or _ for help.The most important is to keep _.Dont feel _ if you have a cigarette again.Just _ again.,stressful,benefits,Throw away,Reread,busy,relaxation,friend,chemist,trying,ashamed,try,Discussion,Discuss with your partner and decide on a health issue concerns you most.1.How does this issue affect your health?2.How could it affect your school life?3.Give a few suggestions.,drugs alcoholHIV/AIDS exercise stress smokingsleeping habits diet,Homework,Finish Ex 1&2,page 20,Goodbye!,language,points,1.abuse n.u 对某事物的滥用、妄用或虐待;辱骂,粗话;c 恶习,弊端,不正之风政府已经成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题。The government has set up a group to look into the problem of drug abuse.他的声誉因滥用职权而毁掉。His reputation was ruined by his abuse of power.他用漫骂来攻击她。He attacked her with abuse.,vt.滥用、妄用(某物);虐待某人,剥削;说某人坏话,辱骂,诋毁人很容易滥用权力。It is easy to abuse ones power.这个可怜的女人总是受到她丈夫的虐待。The poor woman is always abused by her husband.,2.stress n.c/u 精神上的压力或忧虑;重读,重音;u stress(on sth.)强调,重要性这个地方对戏剧不够重视。There is not enough stress on drama here.他忍受不了学习的压力。He cant bear the stress of study.vt.着重,强调;重读他强调他不是那个小偷。He stressed that he was not the thief.,3.ban vt.(banned,banned)明令禁止(某事物);ban sb.(from sth./doing sth.)明令禁止某人(做某事)政府已经禁止使用这种武器了。The government has banned the use of this kind of weapon.他被禁止出席这次会议。He was banned from(attending)the meeting.n.c a ban(on sb./sth.)禁令,禁止,4.due adj.(做表语)须立即支付,到期;be due(to do sth.)预定,约定,预期;be due(to sb.)应支付,应给予,欠下;be due for sth.应有,应得到;(做定语)适当的,正当的,适宜的,我的租金星期三才到期。My rent isnt due until Wednesday.他的书预定十月份出版。His book is due to be published in October.经过适当考虑后,他作出了决定。He made a decision after due consideration.,be due to sb./sth.由于他的迟到是因高速公路上拥挤的交通所致。His being late was due to the heavy traffic on the highway.在周末,因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很常见。Accidents due to driving at high speed are very common at weekends.该队的成功在很大程度上是由于他的努力。The success of the team was largely due to his efforts.,5.addicted adj.(常做表语或后置定语)be addicted to sth.对上瘾,沉迷于,成为习惯而离不开他是个沉迷于电脑游戏的人。He is a man addicted to computer games.=He is addicted to computer games.addictive adj.使人上瘾的咖啡能稍微使人上瘾。Coffee is addictive in a mild way.,6.accustom vt.accustom oneself/sb./sth.to sth.使自己习惯于某事物他习惯了这种新的生活方式。He accustomed himself to this new way of life.=He was accustomed to this new way of life.accustomed adj.(做定语)通常的,惯常的;(做表语)be accustomed to sth.习惯于某物他坐在火炉旁他习惯的位子上。He took his accustomed seat by the fire.,7.mental adj.精神的,心理的,智力的这个经历给他精神上造成了极大的痛苦。The experience caused him much mental suffering.mentally adv.精神上,心理上,智力上这些事故之后他心理上有些问题。After the accidents he was a little mentally ill.,8.quit vt.(quit/quitted)停止;vt./vi.从(某处)离开,离去;be quit of sb./sth.摆脱,脱离某人/某物他退伍后得到现在这份工作。He got his present job after he quit/quitted the army.让我们停止工作五分钟休息一下。Lets quit work for 5 minutes and have a rest.他很想摆脱这个责任。He would like to be quit of the responsibility.,9.effect n.c/u effect(on sb./sth.)效应,结果,后果;这药有什么疗效吗?Does the medicine have any effect?这影片对他影响极大。The film has a great effect on him.vt.使(某物)产生,使发生,引起 effective adj.有效的,产生深刻印象的 affect vt.影响,疾病侵袭,感染某人,bring/put sth.into effect 使某物开始使用 come into effect(尤指法律、规则等)实行,实施 of/to no effect 没有预期或希望的结果,无效我们的一切努力都毫无作用。All our efforts were of no effect.这项计划上个星期已经实行了。The plan had come into effect last week.=The plan had been put into effect last week.,10.strengthen vt./vi.(使某人/某物)更强我们顺流而下时,水流更急了。As we moved down the river,the current strengthened.这件意外增强了我离开的决心。The accident strengthened my determination to leave.strength n.u 力量,力气,强度,浓度;c/u 强点,长处,11.decide vt./vi.decide(on/against sb./sth.)考虑后作出决定,下决心,决定有这么多可以选择的,真难决定买什么。With so many choices,its hard to decide what to buy.看了所有的书之后,我们决定选这本。After seeing all the books,we decided on this one.他最终决定不改变工作。He decided against changing his job finally.,12.desperate adj.感到绝望而不惜冒险的,拼命的,不顾一切的;be desperate(for sth./to do sth.)极需要(某事/做某事)他给我写了一封绝望的信。He wrote me a desperate letter.他们很需要钱。They are desperate for money/to get money.desperately adv.绝望地,不顾一切地 desperation n.u 拼命,不顾一切,不顾死活,13.disappointed adj.失望的,失意的,受挫的 be disappointed(about/at sth.)be disappointed(in/with sb./sth.)be disappointed(to do sth./that)disappointing adj.令人失望的,扫兴的他令我失望。I was disappointed in/with him.=He was disappointing.听说你们不来了,他很失望。He was disappointed to hear that you were not coming.,14.ashamed adj.(常做表语)be ashamed of sth./sb./oneself/that 对感到羞耻,惭愧 be ashamed to do sth.做某事感到很羞愧她对她在舞会上的行为感到羞耻。She felt ashamed of her behaviour at the party.他不好意思请求帮助。He was too ashamed to ask for help.,shameful adj.令人感到羞愧的 shameless adj.无耻的,不要脸的 shame n.u 羞愧,耻辱 I was _ of having lied to my mother.How could you do such a thing?Have you no _?He is a _ liar.If he did anything _,I wont go with him.,ashamed,shameful,shameless,shame,it的用法,做形式主语作形式宾语用于强调结构用作人称代词作为非人称代词习惯用法,做形式主语作形式宾语用于强调结构用作人称代词作为非人称代词习惯用法,做形式主语 it可以用作句子的形式主语,而把句子逻辑上的真正主语移到后面去,可以移到后面的主语是:不定式 动名词 主语从句,做形式主语 it可以用作句子的形式主语,而把句子逻辑上的真正主语移到后面去,可以移到后面的主语是:不定式 动名词 主语从句,不定式前,it的谓语可以是:be+形容词;_ your limitations.知道自己的局限性是很重要的。be+名词;_ a little notebook handy.手边有个小笔记本是个好主意。,It is important to know,It is a good idea to have,be+介词短语;_ 这样做是违法的。,It is against the law to do that.,2)动名词用no good,no use,great fun,a new experience等名词作表语;_ for him.为他工作很有意思。也可用某些形容词作表语;Do you think _ _ with him?你认为和他吵值得吗?,It is fun working,it is worthwhile,quarrelling,可以是that引导的;It is strange that it hasnt been noticed before.真奇怪,它以前没有被注意到。It is a wonder that he is still alive.他居然还活着,真是个奇迹。It is said that there was an earthquake in Japan.据说日本发生了地震。,也可能是wh-引导的 It is still a question how many people are to come.多少个人会来,还是个问题。It is none of your business where I spend my summer.我在哪儿过夏天,这不关你的事。It remains to be seen whether it will do us harm or good.对我们有好处还是有害处,还要等着瞧。,当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式、动名词、宾语从句时,往往把宾语放在它的补足语后面,而用it作形式宾语,放在谓语之后。,I think it no use arguing with him.我认为和他争吵没有用。I found it very interesting to study Japanese.我发现学日语非常有趣。,2.作形式宾语,强调句基本结构:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子的其他部分 如果强调的是人,可以用who代that。Prof.Lin teaches us French.It is French that Prof.Lin teaches us.It is Pro.Lin who/that teaches us French.,4.用作人称代词,代替前文提到的事物。,我找不到手表,我一定把它给丢了。I cannot find my watch.I must have lost it.-猫在哪里?-在床底下。-Where is the cat?-It is under the bed.,5.作为非人称代词,起指示代词的作用,指一个人或事物 Who is knocking at the door?2)泛指天气今天阳光灿烂。Its sunny today.3)泛指时间她回来时已经快半夜了。It was nearly midnight when she came back.,Its me.,4)泛指环境这里很吵。It is noisy here.5)泛指距离去市中心要走半个小时的路。It is half an hours walk to the city center.,6.It的一些习惯用法How is it with your study?学习好吗?Thats it.这就对了。It went hard with him.他身遇不幸。It is all over with me.我完蛋了。We must fight it out.我们必须坚持到底。I cant help it.我没有办法。,


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