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    单元测试(二)一、 听介绍,根据听到的顺序把代表国旗的编号写在相应的括号内。(4分)二、 听问句,把所选答句的编号写在括号里。(7分)( )1.A. Washington D.C.B.New York.C.Chicago.( )2.A.Paris.B.London.C.Toronto.( )3.A.Canada.B.China.C.Russia.( )4.A.China.B.India.C.America.( )5.A.Shanghai.B.Chongqing.C.Beijing.( )6.A.English.B.Russian.C.Italian.( )7.A.English.B.French.C.English and French.三、 听对话,根据对话内容选择问题的正确答案,把它的编号写在括号里。(4分)( )1. What is the population of Guangzhou?A. 70,200,000.B.7,200,000.C.7,222,000.( )2.Where is the reporter going?A. Hes going to the red house.B. Hes going to Wall Street.C. Hes going to the White House.( )3.Is Guangzhou the capital of China?A. No, it isnt.B. Yes,Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong.C. Yes, it is.( )4.Which country of these countries is in Europe?A.Japan.B.Canada.C.Italy.听句子,写出句子所缺的单词。(9分)Look! Our _ _ is waving on the top of the building._ is the capital of _._!We can climb the _ in Wellington.Dont be so _!Please be _._ its not true.听短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文的意思,如符合,在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。(6分)( )1.The Webb famliy is talking about their travel plan for the winter holiday.( )2.Ben wants to go to Japan because he thinks Tokyo is an interesting place.( )3.Janet thinks Paris is more beautiful than Tokyo.( )4.Mr.Webb prefers a warmer place to go. He wants to go to Rome.( )5.Mrs.Webb doesnt like Wellington because she thinks its too noisy.( )6.At last they go to different cities for their holiday.判断下列单词划黑体部分的发音是否相同,如相同,在括号内写“S”,如某个单词黑体部分的发音与其它三个不同,则找出这个单词,把它的编号写在括号里。(4分)( )1.A.homeB.coatC.goD.not( )2.A.cowB.aboutC.knowD.brown( )3.A.checkB.matchC.catchD.chess( )4.A.jobB.jokeC.ageD.orange根据上下文,写出单词所缺的字母,使句子能够表达完整的意思。(10分)There are seventy students in the classroom. It is too c_.Please speak louder. Its very n_ here.It is very q_ in the library now. All the people are reading, writing or thinking.The children are singing, dancing and laughing at the party. They are having f_.We usually call a very high hill “a m_”.The capital city of Germany is B_.Trousers,dresses or shirts are all c_.The P_ River is the third biggest river in China.Have you ever been to a t_ before?No. But I have been to a church.10.I like you, but I dont l_ you.选择题,把所选答案的编号写在括号里。(10分)( )1. This isnt _ French national flag.Its _Italian national flag.A.a, anB.an, aC.a, a( )2.Russia is much _ than China. It is the _ country in the world.A. SMALLER,SMALLESTB. larger, largestC.bigger, smallest( )3.People in Russia speak_A.FrenchB.EnglishC.Russian( )4.How do you think of the film?Is it _?A.boredB.boringC.crowded( )5.-I have never been to Beijing.-Why _ you go with me next week?A.arentB.doesntC.dont( )6.Are you _ holiday now?A.onB.haveC.in( )7._ you like to go fishing with me?A.CanB.AreC.Would( )8.I prefer to _ to Japan to see flowering cherries.A.goB.goingC.goes( )9.The Shopping Centre in Beijing Road is _ at the weekend than on weedays.A.crowdedB.more crowdedC.most crowded( )10.Wellington is good place _ go for holiday.It is quiet and peaceful.A.forB.toC.at读短文,判断短文下面的句子是否符合短文内容,如符合,在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。(6分)Russia is the biggest country in the world. The Russians think their country belongs to neither Europe nor Asia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is also the biggest city in Russia. It is very cold in winter but quite cool in summer.It has a population of 900,000.The Red Square and the Kremlin(克里姆林宫) are the best places to visit. Forty percents of the city covers with forest. Another famous city is St.Peterburg. Its more beautiful than Moscow and has a longer history.( )1.Russia is the biggest country in the world.( )2.The Russians thinks their country is an Asian country.( )3.Moscow in the capital of Russia and the biggest city in Russia.( )4.In Moscow it is very cool in winter but quite cold in summer.( )5.There are a lot of trees in Moscow.( )6.St.Peterburg is beautiful and has a long history.完成下列表格,并根据表格内容回答问题。(10分)CountryCapitalArea(国土面积)LanguagePopulationUK244,100平方千米English58,820,000USA9,370,000平方千米273,000,000Beijing9,600,000平方千米1,300,000,000Which is smaller, the UK or the USA?_ Which country has the most population?_Which is bigger,America or China?_Which country has less population,America or Britain?_1. 5. Which country is the smallest of the three?_十一、看图回答问题。(10分)Where are they from? _What national flag is this? _In what city can we see this statue? _Is the Great Wall in China? _Which animal runs faster, a rabbit or a turtle? _十二、根据中文提示完成句子。(10分)Is the Yellow River _ _(比···长)the Pearl River?I think Xiangjiang Zoo is the _(最好的)zoo in China.Where _ you _(愿意)to go on holiday?Hangzhou is _ _(更漂亮)than Guangzhou.The _ _(长城)is in China.I have _(到过)to Hong Kong many times.十三、你的英语老师刚从英国来,请你用不少于五句话向他介绍广州的情况。大树 阿发生的


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