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    单元测试(五)一、 听句子,选出听到的句子,把其编号写在括号内。(8分)( )1.A.It's your time to make some questions. B.It's your turn to answer some questions. C.It's your turn to ask some questions.( )2.A.I marked your homework and prepared today's lessons. B.I marked your homework after I prepared tomorrow's lessons. C. I marked your homework before prepared today's lessons.( )3.A.He helped his teacher clean the classroom. B.He helped his aunt clean the classroom. C.He helped his mum clean the house.( )4.A.The new school is brighter and bigger than the old one. B.The old school is brighter and bigger than the new one. C.The new school is brighter but smaller than the old one.( )5.A.We started school later and finished earlier. B.We started school earlier and finished earlier. C.We started school earlier and finished later.( )6.A.I lived on the eighth floor at 248 Renmin Road. B.I live on the seventh floor at 248 Renmin Road. C.I live on the sixth floor at 258 Renmin Road.( )7.A.They worked for a long time before lunch break. B.They worked for some time before lunch break. C.They worked for a short time before lunch break.( )8.A.The teachers played football every afternoon. B.The teachers played basketball every afternoon. C.The teachers played tennis every afternoon.二、 听问句,看图选答句。(5分)( )1.A.He played the guitar.B.He is playing the guitar. C.He often plays the guitar.( )2.A.No,he isn't.B.No,he doesn't. C.No,he didn't.( )3.A.Yes,he did.B.Yes,he does. C.Yes,he is.( )4.A.He likes reading.B.He is reading. C.He often reads.( )5.A.She's going to swim.B.She often swims.C.She's swimming.三、 听对话,按对话的内容填表。(12分)NameWhat did he/she do yesterday?Mr.ChenModel:went to the hospital to see his headmasterXiaoling_ a _Yongxian_ _ with his parentsMr.Webb_ _Mrs.Brownbought a _ of _ with her husbandMiss White_ today's _Sally_ a big _四、 听家明的日记,判断下列句子是否符合日记的内容,如符合,在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。( )1.Jiamin had a seven-day holiday last week.( )2.On Sunday Jiamin went to see his grandparents.( )3.On Monday he helped his father clean the car.( )4.On Tuesday Jiamin prepared for next week's lessons.( )5.On Wednesday Jiamin stayed at home and did his homework.五、 根据音标写出单词所缺的字母。(8分)1. f_cep_ _ntpl_ _2. b_ke sk_ l_ _ _t3. h_meg_ l_ _ c_ _t4. h_ _sed_ _n5. n_ _ _ h_ _ _6. p_ _ _ wh_ _ _六、 写出动词的过去式。(6分)1.paint_2.call_3.clean_4.live_5.see_6.go_7.have_8.feel_9.get_10.say_11.do_12.read_七、 用动词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Jiamin usually _(play) football in the afternoon.But yesterday afternoon he _(play) basketball with his friends.2. Mr.Chen always _(go) to bed at nine thirty.But he _(go) to bed very late last night.3. A:_ your grandfather _(water) the flowers in the garden now?B:No,he_(water) them this morning.4. Janet usually _(have) a piano lesson on Monday.But she_(not have) her piano lesson last Monday.Because her teacher _(be) ill.5. A:_ you _(have) your piano lesson next Monday,Janet?B:I don't know.八、 连词成句。(10分)1. floor,did,live,which,on,you?_ 2. your,was,different,ours,timetable,from?_3. I,some,painted,of,a,horses,picture._4. anybody,can,about,family,talk,your?_5. talked,I,Ann,on,at,with,nine,the,phone,o'clock._九、 根据上下文或首字母提示写出短文中所缺的单词。(8分)It w_(1) Monday yesterday.Jiamin w_(2) to the school library a_(3) school. He w_(4) to borrow some books about Hong Kong.Because he is going to go to Hong Kong for h_(5) next week.Jiamin doesn't like r_(6) books. He prefers s_(7) the Net. But there is something wrong with his computer these days. So he h_(8) to go to the library yesterday.十、 按实际情况回答问题。(10分)1. What was the date yesterday?_ 2. What did you do yesterday?_3. Where did your father live eight years ago?_4. Is this term's timetable different from last term's?_5. How do you usually come home from school?_十一、 阅读下列句子,找出正确描述图画的句子,把她的编号写在相应图的括号内。(10分)1.The girl danced yesterday.2.The girl picked some flowers.3.The girl played in the water.4.The girl listened to the CD.5.The girl had fish for lunch.6.The girl went fish in the afternoon.7.The girl cooked a cake. 8.The girl went to a concert last night.9.The boy was good at skating.10.The girl ate fruit after dinner.十二、 写一段日记,叙述上星期天你所做的事。(8分)_ _


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