Module 2,Cities,Main Sentences,1.Whats the capital of+国家,The capital,2.Whats the national flag of+国家,The national flag,Its the+国籍 national flag.,3.Whats the biggest city of+国家,Its.,让我们一起去看看世界吧!,China,Beijing,the Great Wall,Tian An Men Square,五星红旗,Chinese,Japan,Tokyo,红太阳旗,Fuji Mountain,Japanese,Britain/England/the U.K,London,大米字旗,The Big Ben,London Bridge,English,America/the U.S.A,Washington.D.C,五十星旗,English,Lady Liberty Statue,New York,the biggest city,White House,Fountain,Kangaroo,Australia,Canberra,Sydney,Sydney Opera,(the biggest city),小米字六星旗,New Zealand,Wellington,Bee Nest(蜂巢建筑),小米字四星旗,(English),Canada,Ottawa,Toronto,maple,English/French,枫叶旗,Effel Tower,Paris,France,French,红白蓝胶袋(三竖旗),Triumphal Arch,Italy,Rome,Italian,红白绿三竖旗,Germany,Berlin,(Greman),黑红白三横旗,Russia,Moscow,(Russian),白蓝红三横旗,克里姆林宫,Singapore,Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡 kwa:lelumpue,Twins Tower,Homework Sep.16th Monday,1.抄写今天学的单词,句子,每个一行,音标一个,抄写本22.抄写国家国籍表一次,读三次,尝试背诵。3.家听U1.U2的单词.4.预习P19第一题和P20第一题。,Module 2 Cities,Unit 4 I Know This City!,Main Sentences,1.Whats the capital of+国家,The capital,2.Whats the national flag of+国家,The national flag,Its the+国籍 national flag.,3.Whats the biggest city of+国家,Its.,What national flag is it?,Whats the capital of China?,Its the Chinese national flag.,Its the national flag of China.,The capital of China is Beijing.,What national flag is it?,Whats the capital of the UK?,Its the national flag of the UK.,The capital of the UK is London.,What national flag is it?,Whats the capital of the USA?,Its the American national flag.,Its the national flag of the USA.,The capital of the USA is Washington DC.,What national flag is it?,Whats the capital of Italy?,Its the Italian national flag.,Its the national flag of Italy.,The capital of Italy is Rome.,What national flag is it?,Whats the capital of France?,Its the French national flag.,Its the national flag of France.,The capital of France is Paris.,What national flag is it?,Whats the capital of Australia?,Its the Australian national flag.,Its the national flag of Australia.,The capital of Australia is Canberra.,What national flag is it?,Whats the capital of New Zealand?,Its the national flag of New Zealand.,The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.,What national flag is it?,Whats the capital of Japan?,Its the Japanese national flag.,Its the national flag of Japan.,The capital of Japan is Tokyo.,What national flag is it?,Whats the capital of Germany?,Its the German national flag.,Its the national flag of Germany.,The capital of Germany is Berlin.,What national flag is it?,Whats the capital of Canada?,Its the Canadian national flag.,Its the national flag of Canada.,The capital of Canada is Ottawa.,What national flag is it?,Whats the capital of Russia?,Its the Russian national flag.,Its the national flag of Russia.,The capital of Russia is Moscow.,Look at the national flags,write down their countries and capitals.,The capital of _ is _.,Look at the national flags,write down their countries and capitals.,The capital of _ is _.,Beijing is the capital of China.,Washington DC is the capital of the USA.,Ottawa is the capital of Canada.,Canberra is the capital of Australia.,Canberra is the capital of Australia.,London is the capital of the UK.,Berlin is the capital of Germany.,Paris is the capital of France.,Rome is the capital of Italy.,Moscow is the capital of Russia.,Tokyo is the capital of Japan.,Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.,Question answering,1.What countries and cities are mentioned in the text?2.Can you conclude it in sentences?The capital the biggest city of,Work With Language P17 P19,1.Fill in the form.2.Stick the picture.,Homework Sep.17th Tuesday,1.预习P19第二题,对比最大/最小城市 P1.根据城市找出对应图片2.用三个句型把10个国家造句。,The capital the biggest city of Its the national flag.,3.抄写(双)U4,第一,二,三题,每个两个,抄写本1,Describe the Cities,1.面积,big large small,2.天气,hot cold cool warm,3.感觉,boring interesting good great exciting excellent fantastic amazing marvellous,4.城市环境,clean messy beautiful ugly,Washing D.C is bigger than Wellington.Beijing is smaller than Tokyo.London is larger than Paris.,用3句比较级分别对比六个城市的大小,Writing-Country,I like Britain.Its beautiful and clean.London is the capital of Britain.And it is the biggest city of Britain.It has many fantastic buildings,such as The Big Ben.Its very great.And the British people are very nice.Would you like to go with me?,Homework Sep.18th Wednesday,1.家听U1,U2,U4(双)第二题的短语,抄2.抄写国家国籍表一次并且背诵。3.完成(English Weekly)(双)P21-P23,作文也要写。(活动)P16-18(学习)P10-P11,