First aid,What is first aid?,First aid is _ given to someone who suddenly _ or _ before a doctor can be found.,a temporary form of help,falls ill,gets injured,Some unexpected accidents,Hot water burns,What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation?,Discussion,What first aid to give?,First aid for burns,1.Cool the burn under cold running water for at least ten minutes,2.Cover the burn with cling film or a clean plastic bag,3.For a serious burn,call 120,First Aid For Burns,Predict what will be written in the article,Main idea,The text mainly tells us the _ of burns,the three _of burns and their_,as well as how to give _if one gets burned.,causes,types,characteristics,first aid treatment,In which order are these topics covered in the text?Number them from 1 to 5.,_ the three types of burns_ what to do if someone gets burned_ the functions of the skin _ the symptoms of burns _ how we get burns,3,1,4,2,5,The third layer,The second layer,The top layer,_layers of skin:,Three,epidermis,dermis,hypodermis,Read and answer,1.What are the functions of the skin?2.What are the causes of burns?3.Why should you put cold water on a burn?4.What are the characteristics of burns?5.Why doesnt a third degree burn hurt?,Read and answer,What are the functions of the skin?,The functions of your skin are also very complex.,What are the causes of burns?,A variety of things:hot liquids,fire,radiation,the sun,electricity or chemicals.,Why should you put cold water on a burn?,Because the cold water stops the burning process,stops the pain and prevents or reduces swelling(肿).,What are the characteristics of burns?,First degree:,Second degree:,1.Dry,red and mildly swollen2.Mildly painful 3.Turn white when pressed,1.Rough,red and swollen2.Blisters 3.Watery surface 4.Extremely painful,Third degree:,1.Black and white and charred2.Swollen;often tissue under them can be seen 3.Little or no pain if nerves are damaged;may be pain around edge of injured,Why doesnt a third degree burn hurt?,Because in a third degree burn,the nerveshave been damaged.If there are no nerves,there is no pain.,Summary,First degree burns cause the skin dry,red and mildly4._.Second degree burns usually results in blisters,watery surface and you can feel extremely5._.Third degree burns are the most severe.Often 6._under them can be seen.,Burns are classified into three degrees,depending on the amount and depth of tissue damage.You can get burned by a 1._of things.First degree burns affect only the 2._layer of the skin.Second degree burns affect the top and the 3._layer of the skin.Third degree burns affect all three layers of the skin.,variety,top,second,tissue,painful,swollen,A competition of first aid for burns,1.Take clothing off the burned area if it is stuck to the burn.,2.Cool burns immediately with icy water.,3.You can put cold water on any degree burns.,4.We can not rub the burned area as we may break any blisters.,5.Never put oil butter or ointments on burns as they keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection.,6.If burns are on arms or legs,keep them lower than the heart,if possible.,7.If the injuries are the first degree burns,get the victim to the doctor at once.,Design a poster,Step 1 Planning,Step 2 Preparing,Step 3 Making a poster,Step 4 presenting,What do you want to introduce?,Introduce your first aid in no more than 2 minutes in the class!,Discuss in group:What about the different degrees?What is the most important thing you should pay attention to?,Its our show time!,To translate First aid treatment,Homework,