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    Getting Around in Beijing,Lets watch a part of video together!,What is the name of this song?,So many places of interest,故宫,鸟巢,北海公园,长城,天坛,圆明园遗址,天安门,天安门广场,颐和园,Quiz time!,Quiz time!,How much do you know about Beijing?,Lets check how much do you know about Beijing.,A,B,C,D,What is this building called?,The new CCTV office building,On which date did Beijing succeed in biding the 2008 Olympic games?,July 13,2001,Guess this place of interst:What is it?,A_ is an ancient city alley typical of Beijing.Surrounding the forbidden City,many were built duiring the Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties.,hutong,Can you speak of two special snacks in Beijing?,toffee haw,Beijing Roast duck,Reading and vocabulary,Today,were getting around in Beijing,pre-reading,W Match the words in the box with their meanings.atch a cartoon film and answer some questions.,2 a person who uses public transport,1 to go from one place to another,3(a ticket for)a two-way journey,4 the road the public transport service uses regularly,5 the busiest time of day,route,6 the price of a ticket,get around,passenger,return,rush hour,fare,cab destination fare get around passenger permit(n)receipt return(n)route rush hour seat single(n),7(a ticket for)a one-way journey,8 the place you want to go to,9 a document which shows you have paid for something,10 a place to sit,11 another word for taxi,single,destination,receipt,seat,cab,12 a document which gives you the right to do something,permit,cab destination fare get around passenger permit(n)receipt return(n)route rush hour seat single(n),Skimming,What means of transport are mentioned in this passage?,What means of transport are mentioned in it?,Taxis Buses trolleybuses Pedicabs Underground Minibuses,Taxi,Bus,It is connected to electric wires running on rails.,trolleybus/,tram,double-decker bus,a bus which has two floors,minibus,underground/subway,It is usually under the city.,pedicab/tricycle,3-wheeled bicycle,Who might find the information useful?,A.University studentsB.DriversC.Tourists in Beijing,Read this passage paragraph by paragraph and answer the questions!,Careful reading,Read the first part quickly and then find the answers to the questions:1.How easy is it to find a taxi in Beijing?2.What color are most taxis?,1)Whats the problem with buses?2)Which is the best bus for tourists?,They are often crowded,The 103 bus.,Buses and trolleybuses,The Forbidden City,The White Pagoda(in Beihai Park),Scan Part 3&4 to Decide T/F,Minibuses usually provide 21 seats for passengers.Minibuses run regular services and follow different routes.You cant easily get a seat in rush hours.The underground is open from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm.The trains are fast and convenient,and rush hours can be good.,F,F,F,F,12,can,5:00,11:00,the same,F,but,terrible,Scan Part 5,1.Human-pedaled“tricycle taxis”are _.A.expensiveB.cheap2.You should talk to the driver to make sure of _ before you begin the journey.A.the routeB.the price3.Tricycles are worth using in _.A.visiting schools B.exploring the narrow alleys,Fill in the chart!,Post reading,24 hours,easy to get,expensive,5:00am-midnight,cheap,crowded,always get a seat,only 12 passengers,5:00am-11:00pm,fastconvenient,terrible in rush hours,the narrow alleys,expensive,Post Reading,Discussion,Which means of transport would you chooes if you want to visit Jin Shan park?why?,Writing,Write a short passage about advatanges and disadvatages of means of transport you chose just now in the city of wu Chang.,Thank you very much for your time and attention!,


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