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    本课件使用说明:1)建议对定语从句进行充分复习后再进行测试。2)第一部分为语法部分,分A,B,C,D四组,可任意选择。(10分)(字母本身为链接)3)第二部分为选择题专练,分A,B,C,D四组,可任意选择。(5分)(字母本身为链接)4)第三部分为全国及各省市高考定语从句原题专练,分A,B,C,D四组,可任意选择。(5分)(小人头为链接)5)第四部分为幸运选择,有加分,减分,试题加分,无内容(即无机会)分值各有不同,建议每组过后,自计总分,提高热情,第四部分为高潮部分,(已在省级重点高中进行针对性尝试,效果极好。各位老师,学生争相转载,给予很高评价。)(六个小卡通为链接)6)建议在赛前,邀请同学共同进行,先设定好奖,惩措施(如背一单元单词等,)以提高复习竞赛效果。7)注:放有 的地方为各部分链接处,为返回链接。,定语从句专项复习竞赛,个人版,一,语法部分,10,1,什么叫定语从句?(2),用作定语,对句子中的名词或代词进行修饰限定的主谓节构叫定语从句。,2,关系代词that指_和_,在句中做_,宾语和_.(2),人,物,主语,表语,3,Whose(属格):指人或物(作定语)=_或_.(2),of which/whom+the+名词,the+名词+of which/whom,4,关系副词why 表原因,常用在先行词reason后面,且=_.(2),for which,5,关系代词_和关系副词_不能引导非限定性定语从句。(2),that,why,1,在定语从句中,关系代词有 that,which,who,whom,_和_.(2),whose,as,2,Who指人做_ whom指人做_ who也可以做_(限定性定语从句)但前面有_时不能.(2),主语,宾语,介词,宾语,3,先行词既有人又有物时,定语从句关系词用_ 不用which 和_.(2),that,who,4,when 是关系副词,在从句中做_,where也是关系副词,在从句中做 _。(2),时间状语,地点状语,5,定语从句的基本节构是_+_+定语从句。(2),先行词,关系词,1 先行词指物时,用关系代词_或_在从句中做主语或宾语。(2),that,which,2、在限制性定语从句中,如果先行词作_时,引导词可以省略;但引导非限制性定语从句的引导词_。(2),宾语,不能省,3,当先行词是表示时间的名词,如time,day,year,month,week等,同时又在从句中作_时,定语从句需要用关系副词when引导。引导定语从句的when也可以转换成“_”的形式。(2),状语,介词which,4先行词指物时,先行词被_或 _修饰时,只能用that.,序数词,形容词最高级,5当表示地点的先行词在从句中不是作状语,而是作主语、宾语或表语时,必须用关系代词_或 _.(2),that,which,1、引导非限制性定语从句的which可以指代前面的_,也可以指代前面_。(2),先行词,整个句子,2、除which外,还可用when,_,_,whom等关系副词或关系代词引导非限制性定语从句。(2),where,who,3 先行词指人时,用关系代词_或_在从句中作主语或宾语.(2),:,that,who,4That与 which 的用法区别:先行词被the only,_,_ 等修饰时,只用that.(2),the very,just the,5 当先行词是表示地点的名词,如place,room,mountain,airport等,同时又在从句中作状语时,定语从句需要用关系副词_引导。引导定语从句的where大都可以转换成“_”的形式。(2),where,介词which,第二部分:选择题,(5),1,The girl _ you saw in the street is Mary.A.thatB.whose C.whichD.as(1),A,2.Is this factory _ a lot of students visited yesterday?the oneB.that C.whichD./(1),A,3.This is the best book _ I have been looking for all this year.A.whoB.whom C.whichD./(1),D,4.The boy _ has two lovely dogs.A.who live next door B.which lives next doorC.whom lives next door D.that lives next door(1),D,5.Have you visited the house _the famous scientist was born?A.whereB.in that C.thatD.which(1),A,1.October 1,1949 was the day _the Peoples Republic of China was founded.whichB.when C.whereD.in which(1),B,2.The factory _ Mr.Li used to work was closed last week.A.whenB.where C.thatD.which(1),B,3.They talked for about an hour of things and persons _ they remembered in the school.A.which B.that C.who D.whom(1),B,4.This is the only article of these that _ written by him.A.was B.were C.isD.are(1),A,5.The train _ she was traveling was late.A.which B.whereC.on which D.in that(1),C,1.He often helps the students _ he thinks are not quick at their studies.A.whom B.whoC.when D.because(1),B,2.This is just the place_ I am longing to visit these years.A.that B.whereC.in which D.to where(1),A,3.This is the school _ Mr.Smith once taught.in that B.when C.whereD.there(1),C,4.The hotel _ during our holidays stands by the seaside.A.we stayed at B.where we stayed at C.we stayed D.in that we stayed(1),A,5.Is that the reason _ you are in favor of the proposal?A.which B.what C.why D.for that(1),C,1.He has two sons,_ work as chemists.A,two of whomB.both of whomC,both of which D.all of whom(1),B,2.He is the most careful boy _ I know.A.what B.which C.as D./(1),D,3.This is Mr.Smith,_I think has something interesting to tell us.A.who B.whom C.that D./(1),A,4.It was such a serious mistake,_ caused by carelessness.A.which I think was B.which I think it was C.I think which wasD.I think which it was(1),A,5.He has to work on Sundays,_ he does not like.A.and which B.which C.and when D.when(1),B,第三部分:高考在线:,Which one?,(5),1,The journey around the world took The old sailor nine months,_ the sailing time was 226 days.(全国,03,2004,28)A,of which B,during which C,from which D,For which(1),A,2,George Orwell,_ was Eric Arthur,wrote many political noels and essays.(北京,2004,26)A,the real name B,what his real nameC,his real name D,whose real name(1),D,3,_ is reported in the newspapers,talks between the two countries are making progress.(北京,2004,34)A,It B,As C,That D,What(1),B,4,There was _ time _I Hated to go to school.(湖北,2004,23)A,a;that B,a;when C,the;that D,the;when(1),B,5,There are two buildings,_ stands nearly a hundred feet high.(湖北,2004,25)A,the larger B,the larger of themC,the larger one that D,the larger of which(1),D,1,I have many friends,_ some are businessmen.(全国,02,2005,24)A,of them B,from them C,who of D,of whom(1),D,2,There were dirty marks on her trousers_ she had wiped her hands.(全国,02,2004,23)A,where B,which C,when D,that(1),A,3,There are altogether eleven books on the shelf,_ five are mine.(全国,04,2004,24)A,on which B,in whichC,of which D,from which(1),C,4,Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others,_,of course,made the others envy him.(2004,天津,23)A,who B,that C,what D,which(1),D,5,American women usually identify theirbest friend as someone _ theycan talk frequently.(2004,上海,36)A,who B,asC,about which D,with whom(1),D,1,What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said.(2004,湖北,29)A,the way B,in the way thatC,in the way D,the way which(1),A,2,Anyway,that evening,_,Ill tell you more about later,I ended up staying at Rachels place.(2004,浙江,35)A,when B,where C,what D,which(1),D,3,_ is often the case,we have worked out the production Plan.(2004,江苏,33)A,Which B,When C,What D,As(1),D,4,The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year,80%_ are sold abroad.(2004,辽宁,35)A,of which B,which ofC,of them D,of that(1),A,5,Beijing,_ last year,is a nice old city.(03,北京,24)A,that I visited B,which I visitedC,where I visited D,in which I visited(1),B,1,I can think of many cases _students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldntwrite a good essay.(03,上海,41)A,why B,which C,as D,where(1),D,2,We are living in an age _Many things are done on computer.(03,北京,春季,31)A,which B,that C,whose D,when(1),D,3,_ has been announced,We shall have our final exams next month.(03,上海,春季,32)A,That B,As C,It D,What(1),B,4,We will be shown around the city:schools,museums,and some other places,_ other visitors seldom go.(02,北京,22)A,what B,which C,where D,when(1),C,5,Alec asked the policeman _he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident.(02,上海,31)A,with him B,who C,with whom D,whom(1),C,Who is the luckiest?,Which one?,1,She heard a terrible noise,_brought her heart into her mouth.A,it B,whichC,this D,that MET 93(2),B,There are nothing!,+three points!,-two points!,改错:(1)Let me have a look at the dictionarythat you bought it yesterday.,去掉it,1,先行词被_,_,_,_,_修蚀时,定语从句由关系代词 as引导,在从句中做主,宾,表语译成“如同”。(5),so,such,the same,as many,as much,Thank you!,


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