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    Classroom English in Elementary Class,2012-7,Discussion,4 关于课堂用语你最想知道些什么?,你能用英语组织教学吗?全部、部分?你想用英语组织课堂教学?,2 对课堂用语的作用和意义你有何看法吗?,3 你注意搜集常用课堂英语吗?,to help teachers become fluent and accurate in the use of the specialized and idiomatic forms of the English(帮助教师在英语的实际运用中提高讲话的流畅性和准确性);,to expend teachers range of classroom language to carry out day-to-day classroom organization in English(扩展教师课堂英语的知识面,以便用英语组织日常教学。),Objectives(目的/目标):,Functions of classroom English,-a means of instruction(一种教学手段),-a means of class organization(课堂组织手段),-a means of communicating with their students(和学生进行交流的手段),Functions(功能/作用),In childrens English learning(对学生的英语学习),the specific language items(不仅学到一些专项习语);,the language structures and vocabulary(而且教师的重复应用中还学到一些语言形式和词语),a number of language skills:listening,feel the language(同时还能操练一些语言技能:如 听的技巧、找出关键词和用英语进行思考。),How to use classroom language effectively(如何有效应用课堂英语?,*make a list of classroom language for each activities while preparing your lesson;,*first grade your English;,*help your students understand what you say in English,tone of voice intonation-eye contact,-gestures-facial expression-pictures/diagrams-real things,with your by using and by,using familiar contexts and topics rephrasing what you say in as many ways as you can-occasional use of Chinese,Some everyday classroom language for different activities and stages(不同教学活动和教学阶段的常用语),Greetings and forms of address(问候和称呼),注意多样性!,Good morning/hello.Class 1/Boys and girls,Happy childrens day!(Thank you!)Happy new year!(The same to you!)Merry Christmas!(The same to you!),.Remember:shortly and informally,2)Chatting(聊天)(to converse about feelings,interests and experiences),What did you do last night?,Can you tell us what the party was like?,3)Checking attendance(点名),4 Using marker words to direct students attention(at the start of different activities or a new stage in the lesson)(当不同的教学活动或教学阶段开始时用标志词引导学生的注意力),Ok,Right,Now,Alright,Alright everyone,Everybody,Then,Now then,Fine Well,5 sound-letter and word recognition(读音字母单词识别教学常用语),Using what does it say,What does it say on this card?What does this word say?Whats this one?What does this sign say?IN or OUT?What does this letter say?What sound does it make?What does these letters say when they are together?What sound does this word start with(end with)?Look,theres an e on the end,so does it say bite or bit?How does the first letter sound in the word“tiger”?.,6.Asking who wants a turn/go,So you want to show us your mime?Out you come,please.,7.Organizing the classroom(课堂组织常用语),Everybody stand up.Sit up straight.Get your books and pencils out.Move the desks back a bit.Turn your face round.Put your pencils down/away.Put your things away.Were going to do something else.Turn back to face the front.Close the window beside you.Leave the window open.You two come out here to the front.Line up in rows beside your desks.Clear everything up nicely.Go back to your seat/place.,8.Giving positive feedback(多样的激励性评价),Fine Good job!Thats super!/Great!Thats great!You got it!Wonderful!/Fantastic!/Excellent!/Terrific!You did a very good job!/Very good.Good try.Please give him/her/them a big hand.(请给一些掌声。)Can you make it better?No,that wasnt very good.Please try it again.Yes.A good answer.But a bit louder please.Again?Nearly right!,9 What can you do with cards?(卡片活动用语),10 Condition in the classroom(关于教室的环境 的对话交流),(Yes.Yes,it is.No,its alright./OK.),11.Classroom management/organization,1)Being good,Please stop talking now.Good/That is nice and quite.,-Quite please!/No more talking,please.Settle down and listen.Thats good.Thank you.,Compare with:,Dont talk.Stop talking.No talking.,课堂管理常用语,2)Arranging the classroom,课堂安排,3)Get things done(请学生做事),Ive got some papers today.Will you please give them out,Li Ming?,Pass them back/round,please.,4)Introducing different stages of the lesson(介绍不同教学阶段),5)Introducing a new stage in the lesson(介绍新的教学阶段),12.Announcing teaching plan(宣布教学安排),1)Talking about the lesson(讲述教学程序),2)Defining aims:(明确教学目的要求),13.Using visual aids,tape recorders(使用可视教具,磁带等),1)Displaying visual aids(呈现教具),-Could you please hang it/them up there?-Ok,can you all see it?Them?-Could you give pass these cards out pleases?One each(three per pair/group).,2)Referring to visual aids(参看教具),T:-Take/Have a good look at the picture(s)/poster(s),3)Calling students attention,Ready?Ill turn it on.,4)Complaining(抱怨),Is that better now?,5)Checking,14.Dividing the class up:,Choral,individual and teams/groups/pairs,Questions:,(1)What would you say to your class when dividing them up?,(2)What could you say to encourage your students as they work in pairs or groups,1)Choral response(一起回答),2)Individual response(单个回答),Now one at a time.not all together.Listen and then answer the questions.,Hands up before you answer.One by one.Right?,3)Taking turns(轮换),4)Class in halves,5)Teams for competitions(团队比赛),Now were going to have a competition with teams.,Which team can answer/do it first?,6)Pairs and groups,Now,to do this,I want you in groups.In fours,please,groups of four.So,look,you two turn round,so that you can talk to the two behind you.,Good.Thats right.Now all of you make groups like this one.You,four;you four Thats it,well done.,Turn round and face your neighbours.,15.Ending the lesson or a stage in the lesson,1)Ending a teaching sequence,16.Dialogues for presentation and practice,2)Setting the scene,3)Identifying the language(确定功能),4)Listening and practising,17.Oral practice,Have you developed any useful techniques of your own to give your students practice in spoken English?,Question:,Using picture cues,Now say it very slowly and quietly.Ok-everyone whisper it!Just whisper.Normal voices nice and clear,not too loud.,4)Voice controlling(how loud),18.Teaching vocabulary,Questions:,1 What do we really mean by knowing a word?,1)Teaching meaning,(1)Using something visual to explain the concept,(2)Making students guess the meaning in context,(3)Describing appearance/use/function,(4)Beginning from a known word,2)Teaching pronunciation and spelling,(Teacher gives a demonstration of how the word is pronounced),(1)Using look,listen and say,Listen and look!Like this.Try/say it.,In English,when talking about what is written down,we nearly always use the word say,Silent letters,Which letter(s)in the following words is(are)not pronounced?,3)Checking students understanding,4)Teaching appropriate use,Students language,1)Saying they dont understand,2)Asking questions,making guesses,Is it something to do with _?Is it a kind of _?,Whats the meaning of _?I cant see/hear clearly.I dont understand.What to do?I know,I know.My go!My.,19.Listening and speaking activities,Question:,1 What would you need to say in English to the students at the beginning of each step when you teaching listening and speaking?,2 How to set up listening and speaking activities?,1)At early stage,(1)Listen and do,A.Sitting down and stand up,(giving instructions in English),B.Moving around,Make lines.Now,get into a line.Come up to the front,stand in a line.Now go back to your place.,C.Listening and identifying-for vocabulary development,20.Listening,C.Listening and identifying-for vocabulary development,(2)Listening and doingTotal Physical Response,A.follow the teacher,Ok,now follow me.Ok,were walking,walking.Now,running,running,B.TPR with clothes vocabulary,Now,everyone whos wearing jeans stand up/come up here.,C.An action routine,Clap your hands.Slap your lags.Stamp your feet.Snap your fingers.,2)After early stage,(1)Before listening,B.Stating your aim,A.Introducing the topic,C.Prepare to listen,(2)While listening,This time,try to imitate her/his intonation and stress patterns.,(3)After listening,21.Reading activities,Question:,What would you need to say in English to the students at the beginning of each step when you teaching reading?,1)Beginning reading look and say,Tasks for early stage:,(new words are learnt in context),(1)sound-letter and word recognition,Using what does it say,What does it say on this card?What does this word say?Whats this one?What does this sign say?IN or OUT?What does this letter say?What sound does it make?What does these letters say when they are together?What sound does this word start with(end with)?Look,theres an e on the end,so does it say bite or bit?How does the first letter sound in the word“tiger”?.,Examples:,(2)Reading out loud,(3)Word finding,Who can find a word for colour?,Who can find the card which says blue?,Who can find a card with an animal name on?,(4)Matching work,Match the words to the right pictures.Find the sentences about this picture.Match the questions to the right answers.Match the jumbled sentence halves,(5)Oral reading(朗读),Read the story/dialogue with feelings.,22.Writing practice,Questions:,1.What are the purposes of writing English at elementary level?,(to learn the motor skills of handwriting,to develop neatness,clarity,and speed;to learn spelling and punctuation;to reinforce vocabulary and structure already mastered orally;to practise for end-of term achievement tests),2.What would you need to say in English to the students at the beginning of each step when you teaching writing?,Go across from left to right.,a,Go round,up and down.,B,Go down.Go round and round,b,Go down,up and round,Go down left.,Go down right.,C,Go round and stop.,c,Go round and stop.,(1)Practising the alphabet,1)Handwriting:forming and joining letters,D,d,Go round,up and down.,Go down,go round,Go down.Go across,across and across.,e,Go across,round and stop.,f,Go round and down.Go across.,Go down.Go across and across.,G,Go round.Go across and down.,g,Go round,up,down and round.,Go down,down and across.,h,Go down,up,round and down.,I,Go down.Go across and across.,i,Go down.Put a dot at the top.,J,Go down and round to the left.Go across.,j,Go down and round to the left.Put a dot at the top.,K,Go down.Go down left and down right.,k,Go down.Go down left and down right.,L,Go down and across.,l,Go down and stop.,M,Go down.go down right,up right and down.,m,Go down,up,round and down,up,round and down.,N,Go down.Go down right and up.,n,Go down,up,round and down.,O,P,p,Q,q,o,Go round.,Go round.,Go down,go round.,Go down,up and round.,Go round.Go down right.,Go round,up and down.,R,Go down.Go round and down right.,r,Go down,up and round.,S,Go round,down and round.,s,Go round,down and round.,U,v,v,w,w,x,x,z,u,Go down,round,up and down.,Go down,round,up and down.,Go down right and up right.,Go down right and up right.,Go down right,up right,down right and up right.,Go down right,up right,down right and up right.,Go down right.Go down left.,Go down right.Go down left.,z,y,Go down right.Go down left and down straight.,Go down,round and up,down and round to the left.,Go across,down left and across.,Go across,down left and across.,(2)Details(细节),2)Writing activities,(1)Prepare to write(good habits:speak read then write),Now,you need your pens/pencils out.And also your workbook,please.,(2)Writing,(3)Helping students to spot their mistakes,(5)Setting homework,Students queries(询问),Excuse me.Miss _,can we use pen/pencil?,23.Telling stories,Question:,When you tell a new story to your students who are just beginning to learn English,what else can you do?,(use lots of dialogues,actions,gestures and sound effects for animals,birds,machines),The end,1)Prepare to tell,2)Setting tasks,e.g.,Who is singing songs in the tree?,B.What questions,e.g.,What did the frog say?,Anything else?,C.How/why do you think?Questions.,e.g.,Retelling stories,Listen!Im going to read the story again,only this time I want you to stand up and mime all the actions as you hear me read about them.So you listen.Then mime what they do,ok?,The end,Tasks:,1.A chat about the FiFA World Cup-Holand VS Spain at beginning of the class.,2.Teaching a dialogue about introducing a friend to your classmate.,3.Listen to make(making a model of plane),4.Teaching new words sea,beach,sand,sunshade,sunhat(Sound-letter and word recognition),5.Telling a story two frogs.,A group of frogs were traveling,Thank you!,


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