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    如何写出神采飞扬的好文章,马玉红,1、由于基础的原因,有的学生的书面表达题“白板”一张,放空不写,或胡乱抄写考卷上的一段英文来充数,这两种情况都只能得零分。每年高考大约有百分之十的学生得零分。2、表达有困难,或在考试中留给书面表达题的时间太少,导致不完篇,字数不够,内容不够充实,得低分也是在所难免。,十二种常见的书面表达题错误,3、句式单调,前后雷同,用词简单,犹如出自于初中生之手,这样的文章未免显得比较低级、幼稚,也是难于得高分的。4、审题不清 偏题离题,或体裁格式错误,或时态人称错误,或要点不全,或有的要点过分发挥而显得罗嗦。,5、词汇方面的错误,这有三个方面:1)、单词拼写错误或混淆 单词拼写错误或混淆主要是由于部分学生的词汇量局限,记忆上失误,导致拼写错误及词的混淆,如foreign,opinion的拼写错误;prevent 与protect,express 与 impress等混淆。当然有时是笔误引起的,如mg dog.(我的狗)。,2)词性、词义的误解误用He swam happily and lazy in the river.(把lazy 改为lazily)When I get home,my dog will come and taste me.(原文要表达“它会来舔我”)3)习惯用法、固定搭配的错误 Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd.(catch sight of为固定短语,故应去掉a),6、语法错误:,1)、举不胜举的词法句法错误,显得“无法无天”,如:She studys doesnt very hard.There have some students think its wrong.,2)、简单句的句子不完整,或并列句、主从复合句的句子之间缺少必要的连词,犹如汉语的“枯藤老树昏鸦”,在英语中这样的的句子不完整的。如:I very angry.Work hard,you will make progress.,7、语义重叠的错误如:renew、return 后面加上back,advance 后面加上 forward,walk 后面加上on foot,enter与into,raise、rise表示“升起”时后面加上up,sink后面加上down,be about to后面加上at once或immediately就属于语义重叠。又如:,Every one year they plant trees.(one为多余)Today I visited the Smiths my first time visit t.(time为多余)。,8、语篇语境的逻辑关系错误 如:She was smiling but nodding at me.(把but 改为and)Im glad to learn that you are going to China and will stay at my home.(把going 改为coming),1)名词的单复数一致,如:She said she and my schoolmate all wished me success(应把 schoolmate改为schoolmates)2)代词的性、数一致,如:The Smiths did his best to make me feel well.(把his 改为their),9、一致性原则方面的错误,3)主谓一致,如:What are your favorite sport?(应把 are 改为is)4)时态一致,如:My favorite sport is football.I was a member of our school football team.(把was 改为am)They offered me coffee and other drinks.We have a good time talking and laughing.(把have改为had),10、汉式英语,生硬直译,这类错误大多由于受汉语表达习惯的影响造成的,如:because之后不可再加so;although、though之后不可再加but;又如:serve for somebody 应去掉for,marry with somebody应去掉with;还有:,1)I realized I had forgotten my key in the office.,(本题应把forgotten改为left),2)Its the best film Ive never seen.(此处的never应改为ever)3)The reason why he came late was because he was caught in heavy traffic.(此处because应改为that)4)Mr Green gave the books to others except those who had taken them.(此处的others应改为everyone)5)She very likes dancing.(此处的very应改为very much并调到句末),11、大小写、标点符号方面的错误。比如,一个句子的第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,还有像China之类的专有名词的第一个字母也要大写,等等。英语中的句号是实心点,别混写为空心圈;逗号不能并列两个句子;省略号是三点,但在句末写了四点(另一点是句号);英语中没有书名号和顿号,书名号用斜体字或大写形式表示,而顿号用逗号代替。,12、书写不够规范,卷面不够整洁,甚至随意涂鸦。这样就破坏了卷面,影响评卷老师的阅卷,学生既使有再好的英语功底,也会被“埋没”的。,学生作文的类型,在英语课堂上,你喜欢老师授课时只用英语还是英语、汉语兼用。请你围绕“How do you prefer your English classes to be taught?In English only,or in both English and Chinese?”这个问题,参考所给要点,选择一种授课形式,写一篇英语短文,授课形式一:只用英语优点:有助于提高听说能力等缺憾:不易听懂等结论:授课形式二:英语、汉语兼用优点:易于理解等缺憾:英语氛围不浓等结论:,1.蒙混式,I prefer my English classes to be taught in both English and Chinese.How do you English classes to be taught?In English only,or in bothEnglish and chinese?In other hand,some students to know about English and speaking English ask in English only in class,help them English speaking than in both English and chinese better.But in English only some students like or in both English and Chinese to levese,1.蒙混式,2.中文式,I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only.I think thatteacher teach English in English only.We can learn the right English.Speak English is good to us.If we always speak English together,we also can talk with Englishmen in right English.We can speak English well.We also can write English well.So our English can be very well.,2.中文式,We only have the class time to learn English.What I prefer to learn English?,2.中文式,3.套路式,I prefer my English classes to be taught in both English and Chinese.To begin with,English is not our mother tongue.Furthermore,English is very different from Chinese.We need time to adapt it.teaching in both English and Chinese is better.,Finally,Chinese can be a tool to help us to get knowledge of English more easily.But everything has two sides.If we would be taught in both English and Chinese,the atmosphere of the classes would be not wonderful.,3.套路式,In spite of this,advantages are more than disadvantages.So in my opinion,teaching in both English and Chinese is better.,3.套路式,4.偏题式,Some people prefer our English classes to be taught in English.Because that can help us improve our writing,listening and speaking.And that can make an atmosphere to study English well.Any other people thought our English classes to be taught in both English and Chinese.In my opinion,I prefer my English classes to be taught in English.,5.地道式,I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only.As everybody knows,the mastery of a language doesnt just mean the ability to write and read.To aquire this language,a pure English atmosphere is of great importance.Only by using the language frequently can we have a good mastery of English.,5.地道式,However,there are some disadvantages with this teaching method.It will be difficult for us to understand what the teacher wants to express.As a result,we will focus too much on the teachers words rather than their intended meaning.,5.地道式,As an old proverb goes,“Little strokes fell great oaks”.With constant practice in and outside the classroom,we will be able to master English.And we will all find it quite rewarding to be taught in English only.,地道式的文章:,写作追求的最高目标,内容齐全 表达正确语言地道 自然连贯层次清楚,高分作文的标准(530分):完全完成了规定任务;覆盖所有内容要点;应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误但为尽力使用较复杂或较高级词汇所致,具备了较强的语言运用能力;有效的使用语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑;完全达到了预期的写作目的,1.多实少虚:,nice,2.短语优先:,I cannot bear it.I want it.,generous,humorous,interesting,smart,gentle,warm-hearted,hospital,I cannot put up with it.I am looking forward to it.,弃旧取新:,e all have the same chance.There are more opponents.,possess,opportunity,exist,学生过街在车辆中穿行危险。,1.Its very dangerous for the students to go through the traffic.,2.Students are risking their lives when threading their way among cars.,社会应加强对学生的交通安全教育。,1.The students should be taught more about the traffic safety.,2.And also it is of great use to strengthen the safety education over the students.,1.We all think he is a great man.2.As a result the plan was a failure.3.She went there in order to study music.4.In our school,there are twentysix classrooms.,We all of him.,The plan to be a failure.,She went there studying music.,Our school twentysix classrooms.,think highly,turned out,for the purpose of,is made up of,5.You can find my house easily.6.Because the weather was good,our journey was comfortable.7.Suddenly I thought out a good idea.,Youll finding my house.,A good idea to me.,the good weather,our journey was comfortable.,have no trouble,A good idea suddenly me.,Thanks to,occurred,struck,运用多种语法结构,句式灵活多变,可以使文章增色不少。,1.When he arrives,please give me an e-mail.(使用V-ing形式).2.To his surprise,the little girl knows so many things.(使用名词性从句)3.He came in and there was a baby in his arms.(用with结构),please give me an e-mail.,is that the little girl knows so many things.,On his arriving,What surprises him,He came in,with a baby in his arms.,4.(由于不知道他的电话,他没法跟Mary联系)(用非谓语)5.He did not know what had happened until he had read the news in the newspaper.(使用强调句型)6.Tom and Mary like singing songs.(使用倒装),It was not until he had read the news in the newspaper that,,he cant get in touch with Tom,Not knowing his telephone number,he knew what had happened.,Tom likes singing songs,Mary.,so does,7.She walked out of the lab and many students followed her.(使用过去分词)8.When he spoke,he felt more and more excited.(使用句型结构)9.Because the weather is fine,many people went to climb the Western hill.(使用独立主格结构),by many students,she walked out of the lab.,a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills.,he spoke,excited he felt.,Followed,The more the more,The weather being fine,一篇好的书面表达,还应该行文连贯流畅,具有“逻辑美”。使用恰当连接词,能使文章上下衔接自然、紧凑,使文章更为地道,更具“英语味”。记得使用恰当的连接词,如:,soon,immediately,suddenly,in front of,next to,on one hand,on the other hand,however,though,otherwise,thanks to,as a result(of),so long as,on condition that,even if/though,whats more,besides,to make the matter worse,Im afraid,you know,As we all know,1.This village is very small.It used to be very poor.It has changed a lot since 1978.,This village is a small one with/which has nearly 100 families and about 500 people.It used to be very poor.However,it has changed a lot since 1978.,2.All the school-age children can study here.They enjoy free education in it.,All the school-age children can study here.Whats more,they enjoy free education in it.,3.Yesterday,there was a policeman in the street.He stopped a car.The car was at the corner.It looked like a Honda.There was a boy on the sidewalk.He was riding his bicycle.The bicycle was a two-wheeler.The car nearly knocked down the boy.,Yesterday,a policeman stopped a carHonda at the corner of the street,because it nearly knocked down a boy who was riding a two-wheel bicycle on the sidewalk.,Last Sunday,two Young Pioneers were on their way to the Childrens Palace.They saw a box fall off a passing truck.They shouted“stop”to the driver at the top of their voice.,Last Sunday,two Young Pioneers were on their way to the Childrens Palace when they saw a box fall off a passing truck.Without delay,they shouted“stop”to the driver at the top of their voice.,Enjoy reading,Enjoy the passage and find out the phrases or sentences you like best,Dear editor,I am writing to tell you about my classmates opinions about a TV programme-Super Girl.Opinions vary from person to person.80%of them are for this TV programme.They argue that this programme not only provides the young with a stage to show their talents but also gives a chance to them to build up their self-confidence.Whats more,this programme is creative and advocates personality,which meets the youths need.,On the contrary,20%of them are against this programme.Reasons can be listed as follows.For one thing,it misleads the youths to some degree,perhaps they will misunderstand that they can succeed without any hard work.For another,being yourself doesnt mean being different from others behaviour or appearance.However,every coin has two sides,this programme is not an exception,it has its own advantages and disadvantages.Yours,Li Ming,Dear editor,I am writing to tell you about my classmates opinions about a TV programme-Super Girl.Opinions are divided.80%of the students are in favor of this programme.They say that this programme,Super Girl appeals that we should have personalities.It not only offers us a stage to show ourselves,but also lets us find more confidence.,On the contrary,other students have different ideas.They hold the view that this programme will mislead teenagers in some way,because some people have a feeling that we can succeed without any hard work.Though Super Girl advocates personalities,it doesnt mean that this programme has nothing in common with others.,From what has been mentioned above,we can reasonably draw the conclusion that every coin has two sides.In my opinion,Super Girl is just like a double-edged sword.Having weighed up both sides,I find that its benefits far outweigh its disadvantages.We must make proper use of this programme for the sake of keeping tide with society.Yours truly,Li Ming,


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