冀教版小学英语第二册 Lesson 29:Brush and Comb,授课:王莉,Danny brushes his hair.,I comb my hair.,She brushes her teeth.,They wash their hands.,She is washing her face.,Danny is taking a shower.,This is the way we brush our hair,on a Sunday morning.,This is the way we brush our teeth,on a Monday morning.,This is the way we comb our hair,on a Tuesday morning.,This is the way we wash our hands,on a Wednesday morning.,This is the way we wash our face,on a Thursday morning.,This is the way we take a shower,on a Friday morning.,This is the way we wear our clothes,on a Saturday morning.,Lets sing a song.,Look,say,listen and choose.(看图,说单词,听音,选择图片。),(B),(D),(C),(A),A,B,C,D,Super memory.(超级记忆王。),1.r/u/b/h/s,2.b/c/m/o,3.o/a/s/p,4.t/h/b/o/u/s/h/o/r/t,brush,comb,soap,toothbrush,1.She washes her face in the morning.,2.She brushes her teeth before she goes to bed.,3.I comb my hair after I get up.,4.The children wash their hands before lunch.,Look and match.,(看图连线),Thanks a lot!Good-bye!,