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    Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.,我过去害怕黑暗.,Monday,August 29th,2005.Sunny.By Lily,short,heavy,tall,thin,medium height,a medium build,/5mi:djEm/,中等的,/hait/,高度,/5hevi/,/bild/,体格,重的,/tC:l/,高的,/Win/,瘦的,/FC:t/,矮的,long hair,black hair,short hair,straight hair,short hair,curly hair,long hair,curly hair,straight hair,black hair,blonde hair,blonde hair,/hZE/,头发,/lCN/,长的,/5kE:li/,卷曲的,/blCnd/,金发的,George Bush,He has short,gray hair,/rei/,灰白的,/dVC:dV/,/buF/,He has blonde hair.,He has long,brown hair.,/braun/,褐色的,He is wearing glasses.,/lB:siz/,眼镜,He has a mustache.,mustache,/mEs5tB:F/,髭,胡子,He has curly,blonde hair.,He has a beard.,beard,/biEd/,胡须,He has black hair.,He is bald.,bald,/bC:ld/,光秃的,Jack Bush,George Bush,David Bush,is short.,is medium height.,is tall.,George Bush,Jack Bush,David Bush,has a medium build.,is heavy.,is thin.,A:What does your friend look like?B:He/She has a medium build He/She is tall,One of the people in the picture above is your friend.Describe your friend.Your partner will find him or her,Hair 头发short hair long hair curly hair straight hair,描述头发漂亮+长短+形状+颜色,blond 金黄色 brown 褐色,她有一头短的金黄色的卷发。She has short,curly,blond hair一头漂亮乌黑 的长发 beautiful,long black hair.,描述人的长相用动词 be还是 have/has,What does your friend look like?,He/she is,He/She has,He has short,curly,brown hair.,What does he look like?,She has long,blonde,straight hair.,What does she look like?,She has long,black,curly hair.,What does she look like?,She has long,brown,straight hair.She is medium height.,What does she look like?,She has long brown hair and she is very heavy.,What does she look like?,This is my friend.Hes George.He is tall and thin.He has short,brown,straight hair.,This is Jims father.Hes a police officer.Hes tall and heavy.,This is Gong Li.Shes medium height.She has short,black hair.She wears glasses.,wear glasses 戴眼镜,wear contact lenses 戴隐性眼镜,What does he/she look like?,short/brown hair 短/黄头发,long/black hair,cheerful looking 长/黑头发,可爱的长相,curly hair 卷头发的,bald 光头的,tall/good looking高/相貌好看的,short/handsome矮/英俊的,strong/heavy 强壮的/重的,thin 瘦的,shy 怕羞的,outgoing 外向的/好交际的,quiet 文静的,What is he/she like?,She is,friendly友好的,serious严肃的,funny 有趣的,Serious,dangerous,delicious,Smart,Funny,Shy,Friendly,Unfriendly,Friendly,Key words,Easygoing,moody,outgoing,Look at the pictures and guess personality,Funny,Smart,Friendly,Shy,Unfriendly,Serious,Homework,What does your friend look like?He/She is He/She has What is your friend like?He/She is,Period 2,I used to be afraid of the dark.,Tuesday,August 30,2005,Sunny,I used to be,Appearance 1.He was short.2.I was thin.,=He used to be short.,=I used to be thin.,Character/personality,I was shy.I was afraid of the dark.I was serious.,=I used to be shy.,=I used to be afraid of the dark.,=I used to be serious.,I/he/she/used to be+形容词过去曾经(现在不这样了),Ex.I used to be,now I am,Short tall,thin heavy,quiet noisy,serious funny,upset calm,shy outgoing,used to do(动词原形)+名词,I had short hair two years ago.,=I used to have short hair two years ago.,I had curly hair when I was ten years old.,=I used to have curly hair when I was ten years old.,short hair long hair,straight hair curly hair,black hair red hair,have a pet dog have a pet cat,I used to have Now I have,1.“主语+usedto+动词原形+其它”。在这个句型结构中usedto的含义为“过去常常”。表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯.Dave在过去几年中一直在factory(工厂)中工作,但现在他在Supermarket(超市)中工作,所以Daveusedtoworkinafactory.隐含的意思是:Daveworkedinafactorybeforebuthe doesntwork therenow.,2.我们可以说Iusedtowork/Sheusedtohave/theyusedtobe等等,也就是说used这个词没有人称的变化,to后面接动词原形。usedtobe work have play,请看例句:WhenIwasachild,Iusedtolike chocolate.IusedtoreadalotofbooksbutI dont readmuchthesedays.Lizhasgotshorthairnowbutitusedtobeverylong.Liz现在梳短发,但以前她是长发。,Theyusedtoliveinthesamestreet asus,soweoftenusedtoseethem.Butwedontseethemveryoftenthesedays.他们过去和我们住在同一条街道,所以我们经常能看见他们,但现在我们不能经常见到他们了。Annusedtohaveapiano,butshe solditafewyearsago.Ann过去有一架钢琴,但几年前她把钢琴卖了。,I used to be afraid of the dark.我过去怕黑.“used to+动词原形”表过去的习惯或过去 经常反复发生的动作或状态(现在已经不再存在)有一种形式,即过去式,用于所有人称.否定形式为used not to+do,疑问形式为Used you to?Used he to?例如:I used to be short.He used to like playing games.,问句形式是didyouuseto?Wheredidyouusetolivebeforeyoucamehere?当你来这儿之前你住哪儿?,You used to be short.Did you use to be short?,He used to play tennis.Did he use to play tennis?,usedto的否定形式是Ididntuseto.WhenIwasachild,Ididntuseto liketomatoes.当我还是个孩子时,我不喜欢西红柿。,3.usedto这个词组只用于讲述过去,我们不能用useto来讲述现在Iusedtoplaytennis.ThesedaysI playgolf.(不说Iusetoplaygolf.)Weusuallygetupearly.(不说Weusetogetupearly),含有used to 的句子的反意疑问句不要usednt+主语,而用didnt 主语。He used to smoke,didnt he?他过去常常吸烟,是吗?Yes,he did./No,he didnt.是的,他吸。/不,他不吸。,Did you use to have straight hair?,Yes,I did.No,I didnt.,Ex.:介绍外貌的变化.,Coco Li used to,now,I didnt use to wear glasses.,Key points,I used to be afraid of flying in an airplane.You used to have long hair,didnt you?Yes,I did./No,I didnt.Did you use to have straight hair?,glasses,tall,short hair,red,curly,Homework,1.Mario过去总是很矮。,2.Amy过去性格外向。3.Tina过去有一头直的长头发。4.他过去常穿黑鞋。,5.你过去弹钢琴吗?不,我不弹。6.你曾经留长头发吧?是的,我曾。7.你过去是直发吗?是的。8.你过去常游泳,是吗?,翻译,Homework,2.Amy过去性格外向。3.Tina过去有一头直的长头发。4.他过去常穿黑鞋。,Mario used to be short.,Amy used to be outgoing.,Tina used to have long and straight hair.,He used to wear black shoes.,1.Mario过去总是很矮。,5.你过去弹钢琴吗?不,我不弹。6.你曾经留长头发吧?是的,我曾。7.你过去是直发吗?是的。,Did you use to play the piano?No,I didnt.,Did you use to have straight hair?Yes,I did.,Did you use to have straight hair?Yes,I did.,8.你过去常游泳,是吗?,You used to swim,didnt you?,


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