What time do you get up?,Unit 7,Revision,早餐中餐晚餐语文数学英语运动家庭作业学校,breakfast,lunch,dinner,Chinese,maths,English,sports,homework,school,About our day(关于我们的一天),get uphave breakfastgo to schoolhave English have lunchhave Chineseplay sportsgo home do homeworkwatch TVgo to bed,起床,吃早餐,上学,上英语课,上语文课,吃午餐,做运动,回家,做作业,看电视,睡觉,About our timetable(我们的作息时间),What time do you get up?(几点起床)I get up at 6:35(six thirty five)What time do you have breakfast(吃早餐)?I have breakfast at 8:00(eight oclock)What time do you have English(上英语课)?I have English at 10:15(ten fifteen)What time do you go home(回家)?I gohome at 5:10 p.m.(five ten p.m.下午),About the time,1:10 one ten2:20two twenty3:30three thirty4:40four forty5:50five fifty6:00six(oclock),About the time,7:15seven fifteen8:25eight twenty-five9:35nine thirty-five10:45ten forty-five11:55eleven fifty-five12:00twelve(oclock)12:22 twelve twenty-two,About the time,1:10one _2:20two _3:30three _4:40four _5:50five _6:00six(oclock),About the time,7:15seven _8:25eight _9:35nine _10:45ten _11:55eleven _12:00twelve(oclock)12:22twelve _,Linglings Day,P:Hi,can I ask you some questions(一些问题)?L:Yes.P:What time do you get up?L:I get up at 6:50P:What time do you have breakfast(吃早餐)?L:I have breakfast at 7 oclockP:What time do you go to school?L:I go to school at 7:30.P:what time do you have English(上英语课)?L:I have English at 9:20,Linglings Day,P:What time do you go home(回家)?L:I go home at 4:00 p.m.P:What time do you go to bed(睡觉)?L:I go to bed at 9:30 p.m.P:Here you are.This timetable(作息时间)is about(关于)your day,Marys father works too hard,He gets up at 6 oclockHe drives to work at 7 oclock.He eats breakfast in his office at 7:40 a.m.He begins to work at 9:00 a.m.He has lunch in the dining hall at 12:00 p.m.He works on his computer again at 1:30 p.m.He has dinner in his office at 6:30 p.m.He works again at 7:00 p.m.He goes home at 11:00p.m.He reads for about twenty minutesHe goes to bed at 11:40.,Marys fathers new timetable,Dad,please dont work at night,Tasks to do later,Task1.Practice and act it out in groupsTask 2.Homework make your own timetable on weekends.get upat _have breakfastat _have English at _have Chinese at _ have maths at _help other people at _play sports at _ go to bed at _,Help Mum and Dad or help other people if you can,My weekend time table,Thanks for joining us,So much for this lesson.,