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    中国最大的教育门户 E度高考网高一英语上册基础训练题100道1 Can children swim in this pool? Yes. However, they _ never do so alone.Amay Bneed Ccould Dshould2 Excuse me? _ How can I get to the nearest post office?AThat's OK BPardon? CWhat's wrong? DYes?3 If you go to the movie tonight, so _ I . Awill Bdo Cam Dgo4 What are they doing over there?They are arguing_ each other _ what caused Bird Flu.Awith; for Bwith; about Cto, about Dat , on5 E-mail, as well as telephones,_ an important part in daily communication.Ahave played Bis paying Care playing Dplay6 If you are interested in being friends , drop me a line. “Drop me a line” means _.Atalk to me Bring me Cwrite to me Dgive me a call7 The lesson we can learn from Chuck and all _ who have unusual friends is _ friends are teachers.Athe others ; how Bthe others; that Cothers; how Dothers; that8Friendship helps us understand _ we are, _ we need each other and _ we can do for each other.Awhat, why; how Bwho; how; what Cwho, what; why Dwho; why, what 9I'm _ sorry to say that you made _ mistakes in your homework.Atoo much; much too Btoo much; too much Cmuch too; too many Dmuch too; many too10You have no idea _ those days.Athat we were how busy Bhow busy were weCthat how busy we were Dhow busy we were11Could I use your bike?_.AYes, you could use it BWhy, of course CNo, you couldn't DMy bike?12As we all know, Huanghe is _river.AChina's second longest Bthe china's second longestCthe second china's longest Dchina's the second longest13You _ go there to meet him if you want to, but you_! He'll come here soon.Amay, mustn't Bhave to, needn't Ccan, needn't Dcan, mustn't14The boy spent as much time playing video games as he _ studying.Adoes Bhad been Cwas Ddid 15_ her hair getting gray, she decided to have it dyed. AWith BAs CFor DBecause of 16 Jack, how did it_ that you made so many mistakes in your homework?Well; I have no idea, either.Acome about Boccur to Cbring about Dhappened17The shirt is different _ that one _ style and material. Afrom; in Bto ; in Cto, between Dfrom; between18When the others had gone, he _ and put back the furniture. Aremained Bleft Ckept Dstayed19_, there must have been 20,000 people there, that is, there are _ 20,000 people there.AOn total; a total of BIn total; a total of CIn total; the total of DOn total; the total of20Is that 110? A thief is in my houseOk, help is _.Ain the way Bin its way Con the way Dby the way21_ staying at hotels in Red River Village, tourists can help the villagers make money so that they can take _the river and the birds.ABy; care for BBy; care of CThrough; care of DWith; care of22It was _ to watch sunset _ evening.Afunny; to Bfun; towards Ca fun; towards Dfun; in23While hiking, you should _ for dangers, _ spiders, snakes or poisonous plants.Awatch out; for example Btake care, for example Cwatch out; such as Dtake care; such as24He had a speech to prepare, so he _ the party at an early time.Aget away Bget away from Cleave for Dleave from25Children shouldn't go swimming in the lake _ they are with their parent.Auntil Bunless Cif not Dbefore26He is clever, but _, he makes many mistakes.Aon the contrary Bon the other side Con the other hand Don one hand27 Are you going to Beijing _ pleasure? No, I'll go to Beijing _ business.Aon; for Bon; on Cfor; on Dfor; for28Eco-travel is a form of travel _ combines normal tourism with learning, _ a way to find out what can be done to help animals, plants and people .Awhat; as well as Bthat, as well Cwhich; as well as Dwhich; as well29The mother often tells her son to be a good boy, warning him to _ trouble.Ahold back from Bkeep out of Cbreak away from Dget rid of 30John was caught _ the earthquake _ caused a lot of damage.Aby; which Bin; which Cby; in which Din; in which 31_ my surprise, _ I could have a word with him, he left. AIn; before BTo; before CIn; when DTo; since32Albert Einstein, _ life had once been very hard , was given the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921.Aof whom Bfor whom Cfor whose Din whom33Will you go shopping now? Not until I _ my experiment.Ahave finished Bwill finish Cfinished Dhad finished34The little girl _ her mum's hand tightly while they _ the street.Aheld on to ; crossed Bheld up; crossed Cheld back; crossed Dheld by; crossed35The teacher advised Tom to _ before deciding to quit school.Athink about Bthink twice Cthink up Dthink over36The general manager would like to see the plan _ by the end of the year.Acarry out Bcarrying out Ccarried out Dto be carried out37The dentist had _ patients and he was _ his feet all day.Amany ; on Ba few; by Cmany; by Donly a few; on38I lost my way in complete darkness and, _ matters worse, it began to rain.Amade Bmaking Cto make Dhaving made39The boy _ be very naughty, but he is very lovely.Amight Bcan Cmay Dmust40Helen is much kinder to her youngest child than to the others, _, of course, makes the others unhappy. Awho Bwhich Cthat Dwhat41There are a lot to do. We can't _ to waste any time.Await Bafford Chave Dwant42The president, together with his bodyguard, _ to the nuclear station _ there was an accident 20 minutes ago.Ahave come; which Bcame; in which Chas come; where Dcame; in which43Wendy didn't like John at first, but he was soon able to_by being especially understanding. Aget her over Bthink it over Ctalk it over Dwin her over44We _ the general theory of relativity (相对论) _ Albert Einstein.Adepend; on Bthank ; for Cowe; to Dapologize; for45 Thanks for helping me with this difficult maths problem. _. That's what a close friend should do. ANothing serious. BAll right CNever mind DForget it.46 Tom, would you like to come to our dinner party? _. AYes, I would BYes, with pleasure CNo, I can't come DSure, it's my pleasure.47Sales of home computers have _ in recent years, which makes the computer companies develop quickly. Ataken off Bgone out Cbroken up Dworked out48 _ he heard his name called, he turned around to see who was calling him. AAt the moment BThe moment CFor the moment DIn the moment49I shall never forget those days _ I spent in the country with the farmers, _ has a great effect on my life.Athat; which Bwhich; what Cwhen; which Dwhen; that50Some of this food came from Japan. How about _?Athe rest Ball the others Canother Dothers51May I look at the menu for a little while? Of course, _, sir. Adon't worry Bit doesn't matterCenjoy yourself. Dtake your time.52Did the boss treat you well? His attitude to me was like _ a friend .AX Bone of Cthe one of Dthat of53Stop arguing! Let's try _ in a polite_.Abehaving; manners Bto operate; manner Cacting; manners Dto act; manner54I was first _ to the novels of Thomas Hardy by an assistant at the local library, _ persuaded me to read The Woodlanders.Aintroduced; which Bbrought in; which C introduced; who Dbrought in; which55Tom complains that his wife is always _ fault with him.Amaking Blooking for Cfinding Ddiscovering56It's the _ in Britain for a bride(新娘) to throw her bouquet(花束) to the wedding guests.Ahabit Brule Ccustom Dlaw57 How much vinegar did you put in the salad? I'm sorry to say, _. I forgot it.Anothing Bnone Canything Dno58Is the hotel _ offered you a job _ you stayed the first time you arrived here?Awhich; where Bthe one; in which Cwhere ; that Dthe one that; which59_ professional violinist practices for several hours a day, but _ violinist has his own way of playing the Beethoven concert.AAny; any BAll; any CEach; every DEvery; each60The Song Hua River flows _ Jilin city.Aacross Bover Cthrough Din61Though the city was _ attack, the people of the city never _.Ain; gave up Bin; gave in Cunder; gave in Dunder; give out62The doctor did _ he can _ the boy.Aeverything what; save Beverything that; save Call; to save Dall; save63We are to pull_ the old houses to make _ for new buildings.Aup; space Bdown; room Cdown; a room Dover; space64It's bad news; I'm afraid you're going to have to _ yourself for a shock.Aready Bfix Cprepare Dplan65At least 100 persons were killed in the plane crash, _ 5 children.Aincluded Bincluding Ccontained Dcontaining66Don't worry. You shall get the book you want this Friday, _, according to the record, Mr. Black is to come to return it. Aafter Bwhile Cwhen Dbefore67As children, Lucy and her sister always _ compete _ each other _ favorite toys.Aused to; with; for Bwas used to; for; with Cuse to; against; for Dwas used to; for; for68The old couple has two children, _ able to come to see them when they feel lonely, however. Aboth of them are Bnone of them are Cboth of whom are Dneither of whom is69All the Harry Potter books by Joanne Rowling, a poor single mother _ in Edinburgh, _all over the world. Alives; are well sold Blives; sell good Cliving; sell well Dliving; are well sold70 Leaving for Shanghai? _. ASoon BLately CRecently DSooner71Are you interested in football? No, _. I _watch it than play it.Anot really; prefer Bnot really; would rather Cof course ; would like to Dof course not; had better 72I don't like to travel to big cities , because to me, one city is much like _.Aone Bthe other Canother Dothers73The teacher gave a test to see _ the students got out of the lesson.Ahow Bwhat Cwhether Dwhy74I'd rather read than watch TV: the program seem _ all the time.Ato be getting worse Bto get worse Cto have got worse Dgetting worse75English is spoken all over the world, _ it the most popular language in the world.Ato make Bmakes Cmaking Dmade76Peace is much _ the absence of war.Aother than Bmore than Cless than Drather than77_ the 2008 Olympics the best ever Games, the city of Beijing is _ busy preparation for it now.AMaking; in BTo make; in CTo make; making DMaking; making 78In case the house _ down, we will get the insurance money. Aburns Bwill burn Cburnt Dis burning79Please remind me _ go without him tomorrow. Adon't Bnot to Cshouldn't Dto not80How did the plan strike you? It is so practical, so we can't think _ of it. Aanything Bmuch Ctoo highly Dtoo high81The earth was once a beautiful planet where people lived happily _ trees and animals. Now , the world is dark and dirty, with no room _ happiness and fun. Aamong; for Bbetween, for Cbetween; of Damong; of 82Whose advice do you think I should take? _. AYou speak BThat's it CIt's up to you DYou got it83Henry can't attend the party _ at Tom's house at present because he is preparing for the speech at the party _ at Marie's house tomorrow.Aheld; being held Bheld; to be held Cbeing held; to be held Dbeing held; held84Jane didn't follow our advice that she _ more attention to her pronunciation.Abe paid Bmust pay Cpay Dwould pay85Scientist will have to _new methods to increase the world's food supply. Acome about Bcome up with Ccome up Dcome out86Tom, why are you late again? Sorry, manager. My car _ on my way to the office. Abroke down Bbroke up Cbroke out Dbroke into 87You may do _ you want on condition that you stay in the room . Awhatever Bwhich Cthat Dall what88You've just missed your _, and you will have to wait for the next round Achance Bpart Ctime Dturn89Although they are very busy, our parents still _ a lot of time to us.Adevote Boffer Cspend Dprovide90Many old customs are gradually _. Adied out Bdying out Cdied away Ddying of91The tiger, a once _ animal to humans, is now _ of disappearing on the earth.Adangerous, danger Bdangerous, in danger Cin danger, in danger Ddanger, in danger92What he said _ a big difference to the way of my thinking. _, his words have a great effect on me.Amakes, What is Bdoes; that is Cmakes; That is Dmakes; Which is93You should _ yourself to the new environment.Aadapt Bfit Cmatch Dsuit94When you _ the list of speakers, please put Mr. Wang _ it.Ado; in Bmake; on Cdo ; into Dmake; to95You have made a few mistakes in your composition but _ you have done well.Afirst of all Bon the whole Con the other hand Dgenerally speaking 96Every number of the band must follow the _.Ahit Bstrike Cbeat Dknock97If you can make _ the teacher teaches _, you'll make rapid progress.Aall; yourself Ball that ; your Cwhat; yours Dall that ; you98This is the school _ I often tell you.Awhat Bwhere Cin which Dof which99Their play _ great success and brought in a large profit to the theatre. Aappreciated Benjoyed Cexpected Dseized 100_ in a friendly way, their quarrel came to an end.ASettled BSettling CHaving settled


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