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    ,Module 7 Eating togetherUnit 1 Whens the School Leavers party?,new words,finger,basket,bread,roll,pancake,new words,knife,fork,spoon,lemonade,plate,the school leavers party,InvitationYoure invited to The School Leavers Partyon Saturday 30th May at 5pmin the school hallBring a traditional dish“finger food”Music and dancing,The party invitation.,1.What is it?,2.What invitation is it?,3.When and where is the school leavers party?,Its an invitation.,The school leavers party.,On Saturday 30th May at 5 pm.,4.Whats a school leavers party?5.Whats a traditional dish?6.What do you think“finger food”is?7.What else is there to do at the party?,A party for students who are completing their school education that year.,Something which belongs to the place where you live or where youre from.,Food which you can eat with your hands.,Listen to music and dance.,Complete the table with notes.,Listening:,hamburgers,cheese,bread roll,Suanla tang,chicken or pork and vegetables,pizza,jiaozi,maybe meat or eggs and flour,cheese,tomato,ham,Activity 5 Answer the questions.1.How do you think Daming feels about his role at the school leavers party?_2.Where are they going to prepare the food?_3.Why does Betty ask if Damings grandmother is coming to the school leavers party?_,I think he feels pleased and proud.,At home.,Because their school asks the students,not their relatives,to prepare the food.,4.Why do you think Tony calls pizza a traditional English dish?_5.Why does Betty think Shakespeare didnt eat pizza?_,Because you can eat it everywhere in England.,Because it is an Italian dish which,wasnt introduced into Britain then.,翻译下列短语及句子:1.校毕业生晚会_ 2.准备传统食物_3.调试舞曲_ 4.布置大厅_5.事实上_6.加热_7.邀请某人做某事_8.允许某人做某事_9.我明白你的意思。_10.你呢?_,Read the conversation and have a check:,the school leavers party,prepare a traditional dish,look after the dance music,decorate the hall,in fact,heat up,invite sb.to do sth.,allow sb.to do sth,I see what you mean.,What about you?,language points,1.And everyone has been told to prepare a traditional dish from our own countries.,并且通知每人要准备一道自己国家的传统食物。,这句中,dish 的意思是“烹制好的菜肴;一道菜;食品。,do/wash the dishes 表示“清洗餐具”。,2.Oh,soups no good.,哦,汤不行。,这里no good 表示:没(或没什么、没多大)用处(或好处)。,no good doing sth no good for sthno good to sb,(1)我觉得这部电影不太好,打斗场面太多.The movie is no good.I think,theres too much fighting.(2)现在担心那件事已经没用了._that now.A:no good doing sth(1)跟他讲没用,他从来不听._-he never listens.B.no good for sth(1)这些杯子不适合用来喝红酒._C.no good to sb 汽车对于我没有多大用处,因为我不会开车.A car_,Since I cant drive!,Its no good worrying about,Its no good talking to him,These glasses are no good for wine.,is no good to me,找出对话中含有被动语态的各个句子,并掌握其构成形式,例如:1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._11._12._,It will be held on 30th May.,We are all invited.,I have been chosen to look after the dance.,I have been chosen to look after,Everyone has been told to prepare a,Will we be allowed to cook it at school,.,Or must it be made at home and here?,I suppose it can be heated up in the,It should be cooked at home.,Its made with chicken or pork and,The best jiaozi in China are made by,Is she invited to the school leavers party?,13._14._,It was invented in Italy,not English.,But pizza can be eateneverywhere.,被动语态各时态的构成形式:(以do为例),is/am/are+done,was/were+done,will be+done,have/has been+done,can/may/must be+done,would be+done,is/am/are being+done,was/were being+done,had been+done,Have a check:,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空:1.English _(speak)by many people.2.Many people _(kill)in the accident yesterday.3.The child _(look)after well since this year.4.Pizza can _(eat)everywhere in England.5.A new school _(build)here next year.6.Daming,you _(want)on the phone now.,is spoken,were killed,has been looked,be eaten,will be built,are being wanted,Goodbye,


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