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    四年级英语董玉丽 2012年3 月课 程 表 一二三四五1234.4454.34.44564.作 息 时 间 表早自习: 07:0007:30第一节: 07:4008:15第二节: 08:2509:00间 操: 09:0009:25第三节: 09:2510:00第四节: 10:1010:45第五节: 10:5511:30午 休: 11:3013:00第六节: 13:0013:35第七节: 13:5014:25第八节: 14:3515:05第九节: 15:1515:45第十节: 15:5516:30学期教学进度计划月份周节教学内容备考212Nnit 1322Nnit 132Nnit 242Nnit 252Nnit 3462Nnit 372Revision 82 Revision 92Nnit 45102Nnit 4 112Nnit 5122Nnit 5132Nnit 66142Nnit 6152Revision 162 Revision 班级姓名前期成绩平时期中平时期末备注4.1姜欣99914.1庄轶涵98924.1姜锋89954.1闫适玉99924.1狄珈依97904.1翟雨尘95924.1宫林丽97904.1岳丽欣88904.1王微89954.1朱淇宇92864.1孙源90904.1李禹铭95954.1郭东庭93864.1贾婉婷92974.1王婧87924.1赵蕙玉98954.1李浩明89924.1张馨月90904.1李佳亭91924.1张欣予92904.1冯冰95904.1孙畅96954.1李润石94914.1李雨庚95924.1单春雨90954.1马云轩96924.1张骏97904.1孙海博89924.1候思伊99904.1杜生达89904.1王境巍93954.1张雨城95864.1付金宇92954.1于泽鑫87934.1徐健98924.1王硕89874.1刘佳鑫90984.1周鑫91894.1史明泽92904.1凤浩席89914.1王欣然91924.1金明92954.1李玖峰90924.1齐博驰95904.1郭洪博93924.2田宝鑫92904.2王淼87904.2陈威旭98954.2孟宪池89864.2王悦铸90974.2赵银午91954.2赵银城92974.2杨立鑫95924.2于尚96904.2孙宏宇94954.2孙宇博95924.2刘翰奇90904.2于洋96894.2盛锋97974.2安凯歌89954.2时鑫99904.2孙海龙89954.2杨岱琦93864.2曹杰95974.2魏超98954.2项佳阳89974.2卢天赐99924.2袁宇佳97904.2代诗琪95954.2杨柳97974.2魏冰88884.2张馨月89894.2闵南杰92924.2门金雪90904.2宫一鸣95954.2李雪93864.2赵可心89974.2杜蔓丽97954.2吉阳95974.2刘昕昊97924.2王杰88904.2张馨月89954.2孙梓舒92864.2李磊90974.2董莹95954.2王鑫缘86974.2赵丽影97884.3王欣怡95894.3李哲97924.3严旭博88904.3褚淇89954.3修铭阳92974.3刘思彤90924.3张婉婷95904.3熊碧瑶97954.3卢欣雨92904.3吴硕90944.3赵文桥95964.3孙涵淇93974.3高铭璐92924.3范星辰87904.3王曼群98954.3石金田89864.3鲁俊麟90974.3陈一伟91954.3吴抒润92974.3肖阳95884.3薄吉君96894.3赵昕禹94924.3李寒琳95904.3宋明瑛90954.3戴诗妍96974.3于航97924.3窦一多89904.3杨佳满99954.3陈天雨89934.3曾凡哲93924.3贾博95874.3王语博89984.3李桐君91954.3薛楠93974.3王淞正98884.3张铭瀚89894.3陈德荣99924.3徐文龙97904.3孙宇轩95954.3张奇圆97864.3马紫腾88974.3夏勇鑫89954.3易金博92974.3易斌90904.3尹泽95914.4刘佳琪93984.4尹秋月90974.4徐鹏悦88984.4李明月89934.4王卓92954.4徐婉婷90984.4李心如95894.4王佳欣93994.4李畅94974.4金悦94954.4孙美佳96974.4彭欣97884.4刘美琪98894.4柳文奇89924.4周也婷99904.4李一鸣97954.4李翠红95934.4刘飒97894.4范宇佳88974.4王贺莹89954.4齐英贺92974.4孙俊博90884.4吕衍旭95894.4项彦博93924.4杨建宇96904.4宋宣延97954.4古文豪89864.4宋明远99974.4李昭然89954.4吴玉龙93974.4付天奇95884.4曲成98894.4张僮89924.4解玉伟99904.4李昊泽97954.4夏超95974.4刘家辰97924.4张兆旭88904.4王志锋89954.5王泽铭92934.5刘宁吉90924.5王云洋95874.5杨仔俨93984.5于群80984.5举佳森89954.5邵博93974.5孙德元92884.5闵皓然90894.5张涛95924.5彭续93904.5宁侥92954.5刘胤君87864.5李鑫98974.5王宏印89954.5高御轩90974.5郭知鑫91954.5韩旭阳92904.5杨车菖95954.5李宏德96974.5关士明94884.5李典菲95894.5王佳琦90924.5郑斯琪96904.5于子文97954.5陈奇89934.5王颢潼99984.5王爽89894.5王莹93994.5刘红垒95974.5刘巍98954.5怀哲萌89974.5孙仲博99884.5陈思言97894.5郭盈轩95924.5赵蕊蕊97904.5韩乐88954.5徐静怡89934.5陈爱明92894.5李泽坤90974.5张晟男95954.5冯佳琪93974.5叶四心90884.5刘赢鹤8989Study situation analyzeStudy situation: I. In this grade ,some of the students are very clever, but some of them are kind of stupid, and they dont learn English out of the school. II. I want to teach the students to learn the English by themselves. Family situation: Some of them live in the village. The cant learn English in the class out of the school .So teaching them is a little difficult.Living situation: Take some of our produced for oneself is my duty . The total lesson preparing Couch thinking: I. Attach important to educate the quality II .Concern the dcrdopment of the emotionContent and grade: I. be able to rewrite and poetries and paint on the pictures and the things by the words. II. Be able to read listen and say the sentences. III. Be able to guess out the meaning of the action, say the words.The cherishers: I. Attach important to use the language. II. Attach important to faster III. Let them be interested in English Time planning: There are six units in this term .I will use two weeks to teach each units. Unit 1 Our schoolLesson 1Teaching aims: I: Be able to read listen and say the words: playground, teachers office, library, garden, and canteen. II: Can do the activities: Go to the garden. Water the flowers. Go to the library. Read a book. Go to the canteen. Eat some noodles. Go to the teachers office. Hand in the homework. Go to the playground. Play football.Learning aims: Can read listen and say the sentensces and the words: playground, teachers office, library, garden, and canteen. Difficult points:The words: playground, teachers office, library, garden, and canteen.Important points: The activities: Go to the garden. Water the flowers. Go to the library. Read a book. Go to the canteen. Eat some noodles. Go to the teachers office. Hand in the homework. Go to the playground. Play football.Teaching method: TPRLearning method: Group work, pair works.Teaching aids: The big screen, cards, tape recorder.Teaching times: OneTeaching steps: I: Warm up Greetings Sing an English song. II: Revision, Have a dictation. Play a game. III: New lesson.(1.) Show the pictures of this lesson, and say: This is our school. What can you see in it? Then teach the words one by one. (2.) Let the students read after the teacher one by one.(3.) I say you do.(4.) Listen to the tape and do the activities. IV: Practice.V: Homework: Copy the words three times at home.VI: Board plan Lesson One playground, teachers office, library, garden, canteen.Lesson 2Teaching aims: I: Be able to read listen and say the sentences: (1.) Welcome to our school. (2.) Do you have a library? (3.) This is the teachers office.Learning aims:I: Can read listen and say the sentensces :(1.) Welcome to our school.(2.) Do you have a library?(3.) This is the teachers office.Difficult points: Lets chant.Important points: How to read the sentencesTeaching method: TPRLearning method: Group work, pair work.Teaching aids: The big screen, cards, tape recorder.Teaching times: OneTeaching steps: I: Warm up Greetings Sing an English song. II: Revision, Have a dictation. Play a game. III: New lesson.(1.) Find a student sit near the door and introduce him:This is Zhang Peng, our new classmate.(2.) Practice the sentences and act it out. IV: Practice.V: HomeworkVI: Board plan Lesson 2 (1.) Welcome to our school. (2.) Do you have a library? (3.) This is the teachers office.Lesson 3Teaching aims: I: Be able to read listen and write the sentences: This is my computer. That is your computer. II: Can read, listen, say and write the words: computer, board, fan, lightLearning aims:I: Can read, listen and say the letters and the words: ant, apple, hand, beef, boy, ball, cat, cake, car, doctor, duck, desk, egg, elephant, and bed.Difficult points:The words.Important points: The letters. .Teaching method: TPRLearning method: Group work, pair works.Teaching aids: The big screen, cards, tape recorder.Teaching times: OneTeaching steps: I: Warm up Greetings Sing an English song. II: Revision, Have a dictation. Play a game. III: New lesson.(1).Show the cards of the words to the students.And teach the words with the letters (2).Listen to the tape, let them read after the tape. IV: Practice.V: HomeworkVI: Board plan Lesson 3 computer board light fan This is my computer. That is your computer.Lesson 4Teaching aims: I: Be able to read listen, say and write the words: computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, and floor. Learning aims:I: Can read listen and say the words: computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor, pictureDifficult points:The sentences: computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, and floor. Important points: Can play the game.Teaching method: TPRLearning method: Group work, pair works.Teaching aids: The big screen, cards, tape recorder.Teaching times: OneTeaching steps: I: Warm up Greetings Sing an English song. II: Revision, Have a dictation. Play a game. III: New lesson.Take out the pictures of one classroom. Ask: Whats this? And answer the question by myself. Teach the words, computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, and floor, picture. IV: Practice.V: HomeworkVI: Board plan Lesson teachers desk, picture, floor, wallIs this a teachers desk?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.Lesson 5Teaching aims: I: Be able to read listen and say the sentences: Is this the library? Is that the TV room? II: Can use the sentences: Is this the? Is that the?Learning aims:Can read listen and say the sentences: Is this the? Is that the?Difficult points: Is this the library? Is that the TV room?Important points: The sentences.Teaching method: TPRLearning method: Group work, pair works.Teaching aids: The big screen, cards, tape recorder.Teaching times: OneTeaching steps: I: Warm up Greetings Sing an English song. II: Revision, Have a dictation. Play a game. III: New lesson. IV: Practice.V: HomeworkVI: Board plan Lesson 5 Is this the? Is that the?Is this the library? Is that the TV room?Teachers office, canteenUnit 2 What time is it?Lesson 6Teaching aims: I: Be able to read listen and say the words: music class, P.E.class, English class, breakfast, lunch, dinner. II: Can read the sentences: ItsIts time for. Time for breakfast, drink some milk. Time for lunch, have some chicken, Time for dinner, eat some rice. Time for P.E. Jump and run. Time for English. Read and write. Time for music. Sing and dance. Learning aims:Can read listen and say the sentensces and the words: music class,


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