Unit6 Lets go by taxi,Period 1,vehicles,minibus,car,taxi,plane,bike,by,train,on foot,How do we go there?,Guessing game,How do we go there?,How do we go there?,A:Lets go to B:OK./All right./Good./Great.But how?A:By.,an airport,B:Shall we go to by?,A:How do we go there?,minibus,A:OK./All right.,the Great Wall,library,theatre,like zebra sorry,226,B:Shall we go to by?,A:How do we go there?,A:OK./All right.,a theatre,three ear,902,theatre,A:Lets go to the.B:Good idea.Great!How do we go there?A:Shall we go to the by?B:OK./All right,a hospital,A:Lets go to the.B:Good idea.How do we go there?A:Shall we go to the by?B:OK./All right,a supermarket,A:Shall we go to the supermarket by?我们好吗?(表示建议)B:OK./All right.,a station,stapler,A:Shall we go to the by?B:OK./All right.,Park,park,go to the park How,how,how do we go there Bus,bus,by bus,Hospital,hospital,go to the hospital How,how,how do we go there Taxi,taxi,by taxi,Theatre,theatre,go to the theatre How,how,how do we go there Bike,bike,by bike,Chant:,A:Shall we go toby?B:All right./OK./Great,Look and say,A:Shall we go to the supermarket by bus?B:All right.,A:Shall we go to the theatre by minibus?B:Great.,A:Shall we go to the library by bike?B:All right.,A:Shall we go to the hospital by taxi?B:OK.,a hospital,a library,a supermarket,a theatre,a station,an airport,vehicles,minibus,car,taxi,plane,bike,by,on foot,train,Play a game,Homework,Say somethingabout the vehicle you like.,Homework,To make newdialogues with thesentences weve learnt,