,Unit 4 Buying fruit(Part A),Say a rhyme,I like fruitApples,apples,Red and sweet.I like to eat.Bananas and pears,Green and yellow.Eat them tomorrow.,What are these?,Theyre apples.,这些,What are these?Theyre,grapes,What are those?,those,home,close,那些,Theyre pears.,What are those?,peaches,Theyre,What are those?Theyre,pineapples,What are those?Theyre,watermelons,Chant and sing,GUESS,What are these?,What are those?,grapes,oranges,watermelons,pineapples,What are these?,What are those?,bananas,pears,How many oranges?,How many kilos?,1 kilo=2 jin,Two kilos.,公斤,千克,How many watermelons?,How many kilos?,Five kilos.,What would you like?/Can I help you?,Id like some,How many kilos?,kilo(s),please.,Shes buying fruit.,买,What fruit does Miss Li buy?Some _ and _.,Look,listen and complete,一些,What fruit does Miss Li buy?Some _ and _.,Look,listen and complete,pears,grapes,Fill in the blanks.,This is a.These are.2.That is a.Those are.3.Miss Li wants(想要)to buy kilos of pears.4.Miss Li wants(想要)to buy kilos of grapes.,pear,pears,grape,grapes,three,two,根据课文内容,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示.,2 Miss Li wants to buy some oranges and grapes.(),3 Miss Li wants three kilos of pears.(),4 The man in the picture is a worker.(),F,T,F,1 Miss Li is in a fruit supermarket.,(),F,抄写A部分英二中一,Homework,2编写一段自己购买水果的对话。,Thank you!,