PEP小学六年级英语,儋州市海头中心小学 蔡采莹,UNIT 2,Ways to go to school?Lets talk,Lets sing,How do you get there?You go by subway,and Ill go by taxi.And Ill be at school before you.You go by airplane,and Ill go by a big ship.And Ill be in school before you.,on foot,by bus,by plane,by train,by ship,by taxi,Let s try,by,shiptaxibus planetrain,How do you get there?I get there,Sometimes I comeUsually,I go,Play a game,1.边做动作,边猜单词 2.分组对话,看哪组对话又流利又发音正确,Homework,抄写单词2遍完成练习手册,