,1.Ask and answer:,A:Whats this?A:What is it made of?A:What is it used for?A:Where was it made?,B:It is made of wood and glass.,B:It is a window.,B:It is used for keeping warm and cool.,B:It was made in Wuhan.,wood and glass,window,keep warm and cool,Wuhan,2.Report:,This is a window.It is made of wood and glass.It is used for keeping warm and cool.It was made in Wuhan.,metal,shop,China,silver,wear,Korea,silk,make girls beautiful,Thailand,cotton,Japan,keep warm and nice,Talk about these things in pairs and give a report.,kites,paperplasticsilkthread(绳子)glue(胶水)bamboo,in spring,April,Weifang,Shandong,have fun,Weifang Kite Museum,Weifangthe Worlds Capital of Kites(风筝之都),Weifang is famous for kites.,Kite flying is a traditional sports game.It is popular among the Chinese people.,潍坊,Unit 5,Section BPeriod 1(1a1e),1b Listen and circle the correct answers.,Laura is trying to find out more about:A.what Zheng Yun did on his vacation.B.what Zheng Yun thinks about Weifang.2.Zheng Yun tells Laura about:A.a kite festival B.how to make a kite.,1c Listen again and write L for Laura or Z for Zheng Yun.,Went on a vacation to Weifang.Wants to know more about the kite festival.3.Saw many different kinds of kites at the festival.4.Didnt know that kite flying could be so exciting.5.Wants to learn to fly a kite.,Z,L,L,L,Z,1d Listen again.Fill in your blanks with what you hear.,Weifang is a city in Shandong.It is famous for _.The international kite festival is held in _ every year.3.The competitors at the festival are from _.4.There are _ for the best kites.5.Some of the kites Zheng Yun saw were made of _.Some were painted with colorful _.,drawings,silk or paper,competitions,kites,all over the world,April,Role-play a conversation between Laura and Zheng Yun.,A:Where did you go on vacation?B:I went to an international kite festival.A:That sounds interesting.What did you see there?B:,Were the kites nice?What were they made of?What did people do at the festival?Was it fun to see people flying kites?Is Weifang famous for kites?,Possible questions:,提示A:两人一组读听力对话。B:尝试用2-4个问题编对话。C:编完整的对话谈论听力材料。,Zheng Yun vacation was_,he _ Weifang in Shandong.The city is famous for_.There is an _ _every April.At the festival,people from _ compete in _.There are also _ for the best kites.The kite were_.They _ different things like _.Some _ with colorful drawings.Zheng Yun said it was really fun _ which kite could fly _.And Laura wants to _.,Fill in the blanks.,great,competitions,kite flying,all over the world,festivel,international kite,kites,went to,beautiful,learn to fly a kite,were made of,were painted,the highest,to see,silk or paper,petitor n.参赛者;竞争者 Each competitor must wear a number.每个比赛者必须佩戴一个号码。,Language points,competition n.竞争;比赛There will be a chess competition next week.下个星期有一场国际象棋比赛。,知识拓展,compete v.竞争;比赛;对抗We can compete with the best teams.我们能与最好的队竞争。,2.Some were painted with colorful drawings.paint v.用颜料画;刷漆 I think we should paint the wall yellow.我认为墙壁应该粉刷成黄色。,paint n.油漆;颜料;绘画作品Dont touch the door;the paint is wet.别碰这门,油漆未干。The artist brought his paints with him.那画家自带颜料。It is a great piece of paint.这是一幅绘画杰作。,知识拓展,3.paint,draw都表示“画画”。其区别是:paint主要指用颜料画,而draw 则多指 用铅笔、蜡笔、钢笔等画。如:The artist paints in water colors.这画家用水彩绘画。The child was drawing a picture with a pencil.这个孩子正在用铅笔画画。,Exercise,用compete的正确形式填空。One of the _ is from Japan.He will try his best to _ in the games.This is a _ about high-technology.,2.完成句子。他用水彩笔画了一幅漂亮的画.He _ a beautiful painting with colorful pens.b.不要在墙上乱画。Dont _ on the wall.,competitors,compete,competition,painted,draw,Homework,You must:Talk about Laura and Zheng Yun according to the information in 1c.,If you can:Write a short passage to tell the story of the kite festival according to the listening material.,Thank you!,