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    五年级英语上册(译林牛津5A)知识点总结知识点总结Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears一、单词(默写)1 熊   bear2森林 forest3(与 be 连用)有  there  4房子  house5汤 soup6正合适 just right7房间 room8硬的 hard9柔软的 soft10害怕的 afraid11他们的 their12 她(宾格) her13救命 help14在旁边  beside15在中间  between16真正地 really17然后 then18 找到,发现  find19在前面  in front of二、短语(默写)1在森林里 in the forest 2一座漂亮的房子 a beautiful house 3又饿又渴 hungry and thirsty 4一些汤_ some soup5太冷 too cold 6 太热 too hot 7 三只熊 three bears8太硬 too hard9在她前面 in front of her 10太软 too soft 11在我前面in front of me 12找到他们的表弟 find their cousin13在西方国家 in Western countries 14吃些蛋糕 have some cakes 15在玻璃杯里 in the glass16穿上你们的外套 put on your coats17在桌子上 on the table 18在中国 in China 19正合适,正好 just right 20在树上(外来)in the tree 21在房间里_ in the room 22得了感冒Have a cold 23一杯牛奶 a glass of milk 24 在厨房里_ in the kitchen 25在课桌之间_ between the desks26 在冰箱里,in the fridge27在盒子里 in the box三、句型(默写)1There is a house in the forest.在森林里有一个房子。2 There is some soup on the table.在桌子上有一些汤。3There are three bears in front of her.在她前面有三只熊。4 This soup is too cold.这汤太冷了。5What a beautiful house!多么漂亮的房子!6 She is hungry and thirsty.她是又饿又渴。7Bobby cannot(cant)  see any cakes in  the  fridge.波比看不到冰箱里有蛋糕。四语法点(理解)1There be   句型表示“  某处有某物”(1)其中 there is 用于单数名词或不可数名词,如:There is a pencil case in the school bag.There is some soup/milk /tea/coffee/juice/water/chocolate.(2)There are   用于可数名词的复数,如:There are some desks in the classroom.(3)There be  句型的就近原则: be 动词后面如果跟的是不止一种物品,就根据离它 最近的物品选用  is  或 are. 如: There are some pictures and a telephone.There is a telephone and some pictures.2There be   句型的否定形式:在   be 动词的后面加  not (is not可以缩写为  isn't   ,are not   可以缩写为  aren't   )把 some 改成 any。例: There is a pencil in the pencil-box.(改为否定句)There isn't a pencil in the pencil-box.  There are some crayons on the desk.(改为否定句)There aren't any crayons on the desk.3 “  some”  和“  any”  都有“  一些”  的意思  . “   some”  一般用于肯定句,“  any” 用于否 定句和一般疑问句。但在一些表示委婉请求,想得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中,也用“  some”  .例: 1.There are some watermelons in the basket.(肯定句 )2.There aren't any birds in the tree.(否定句 )3.Are there any toy trains on the table?(疑问句 )4.Would you like some tea?( 表委婉请求 )4can 在否定句中的用法: 表示某人不能做某事时, 通常在 can 后面加否定词  not,后面加动词原形。  Bobby cannot(can     t) see any cakes in the fridge.5 感叹句的结构:感叹句常用 how或 what 来引导(1) what 引导的感叹句a.What+a/an+ 形容词 +可数名词单数! What a beautiful house!b.What+形容词 +可数名词复数!   What nice dresses!c. What+ 形容词 +不可数名词!  What delicious milk!(2)how引导的感叹句 How+形容词 / 副词! How nice!Unit 2 A new student一、单词(默写)1student 学生2show Around 带 参观 3classroom 教室 4second 第二 5floor 楼层 6computer 电脑 7third 第三 8first 第一,首先 9swing 秋千 10push 推 11heavy 重的,沉的 12stop 停下,停止 13high 高的 14great 很多的,极大的二、短语(默写)1一名新学生a new student 2在我们学校 in our school 3我们的教室 our classroom 4在一楼 on the first floor 5在教室里 in the classroom 6在二楼 on the second floor 7去看一看go and have a look 8在三楼 on the third floor 9两间电脑房Two computer rooms 10带. 参观show. Around 11一间音乐室 a music room 12一间美术室 an art room 13乒乓球室 table tennis room 14在操场上in the playground 15如此重so heavy 16太高 too high 17很有趣 great fun 18 推我push me 19在美国 in the US 20去玩一玩go and play 21 在英国In the UK 22再玩一次 play again 23去电影院go to the cinema 24 在秋千上 on the swing 25吃一个冰淇淋 have an ice cream 26 喝一些美味的果汁 drink some nice juice 27底层 the ground floor 28又唱又跳sing and dance 29多少 how many 30回家 go home 31现在是晚饭时间了It 's time for dinner.三、句型(默写)1Can you show her around ? 你能带领她参观吗?2How many classrooms are there in our school ? 在我们学校有多少间教室?3Our classroom is on the second floor. 我们教室在二楼。4Are there any computer rooms ? 有一些电脑室吗?5Is there a music room ? 有电脑室吗?6Let s go and have a look. 让我们去看看。四、语法点(理解)1How many.( 可数名词复数 ) are there.? 用于询问某处有多少 .例:How many classrooms are there in our school?2There be 的一般疑问句 是将 be动词提前到 there 的前面,表示“有 ? ”(1)Is there.? Yes ,there is ./ No, there isn t .例:Is there a music room ?(2)Are there any.? Yes, there are./ No, there aren t.例:Are there any books?3几个缩写 isn t = is not aren t= are not it s = it isthey re= they are4序数词one first five-fifthtwo - second six-sixththree- thirdfour-fourth在楼层前用介词 on on the first /second/ third floor 在一/二/ 三楼.Unit 3 Our animal friends一、单词(默写)1One. The other. 一个. 另一个.2 Body 身体3no 没有4 leg 腿 5Or 也不,也没有 6arm 手臂 7wing 翅膀 8foot 脚,足 9rabbit 兔子 10give 给 11finger 手指二、短语1我们的动物朋友 our animal friends2两条鱼 two fish 3一位动物朋友 an animal friend4两种鱼 two fishes5红/大眼睛red/ big eyes 6庞大的身体 big bodies7既没有腿也没有手臂 have no legs or arms、8长/大/短尾巴long/big/ short tail9另一个one the other 10它的身体 its body11长/大耳朵long/ big ears 12大脚 big feet13夏日骄阳 summer sun14黄绿相间 yellow and green15一张大嘴巴 a big mouth 16四条腿 four legs17一对翅膀 two wings 18喜欢雨 like the rain 19晴朗的天气 sunny weather20出来 come out 21拿着一把伞 carry an umbrella22橡皮鸭 rube er duck 23一个硬的身体 a hard body 24你的手指 our fine 25给我一个蛋糕 give me a cake 26在农场 c on the farm 27北极熊 polar bears、28白头雕(复数)bald eagles 29一只大袋鼠 a big kangaroo30在澳大利亚 in Australia 31在加拿大 in Canada三、句型1I have two animal friends. 我有两个动物朋友。2One is red and the other is black. 一个是红的另一个是黑的。3They have big eyes and big bodies. 它们有大眼睛和大身体。4They have no legs and arms. 它们没有腿和手臂。5It has four legs and a short tail. 他有四条腿和一条短尾巴。6It has two legs and two nice wings. 它有两条腿和一双漂亮的翅膀。7He has a dog. 他有一只狗。8She has a bird. 她有一只鸟。9It can talk and fly. 它既会说话又会飞。10你有一个动物朋友吗? 是的,我有。11Do you have an animal friend? Yes12它 有一条长尾巴吗? 是的,它有。13Does it have a long tail? Yes14他有一只鹦鹉嘛? 不,他没有。 Does he have a parrot? No15她有两条鱼吗? 不,她没有。 Does she have two fish? No16他们有动物朋友吗? 不,他们没有。17Do they have animal friends? No18 Those are not legs. 那些不是腿。19Give it a cake. 给它一个蛋糕。四、语法语法 have / has 的用法1表示某人有某物。2主语是第一、第二人称单数和复数时用 have 如 I , you, they,thestudents 主语 是第 三人 称单 数时 用 has, 如 he,she,it,Helen, the bird,myfather 3肯定句:  have / has We have a PElesson on Mondaymorning. / Ithas a long tail.否定句:  dont / doesn t +have They don t have animal friends. / She doesnthave a dog.4一般疑问句:Do / Does have Do you have a football?Does he have a toy car?Unit 4 Hobbies一、单词(默写)1Hobby 业余爱好2be good at 擅长于 3with 与。. 一起 4also 也 5read 读,阅读 6story 故事 7a lot of 很多 8play the piano 弹钢琴9dance 跳舞 10watch films 看电影 11both 两个都 12sing 唱歌 13group 组 14about 关于 15idea 主意16ice 冰 17hole 洞 18Iook out!当心!注意!19wet 湿的,潮的二、短语(默写)1篮球打得好 play basketball well2踢足球 play football3又唱又跳 sing and dance4擅长 be good at 和我弟弟 5with my brother6打乒兵球 7play table tennis 8读故事  read stories 9在公园里 in the park 10弹钢琴 play the piano11很多,许多 a lot of12 看电影 watch films 13(两者)都喜欢游泳 both like swimming14穿黄色衣服 wear yellow15谈论 talk about 16溜冰很好 skate very well17有一个主意 have an idea18去溜冰 go skating 19当心,小心 look out 20他们的爱好 their hobbies21在冬天 in winter 22今天下午 this afternoon23在冰上 on the ice 24一个大洞 a big hole25在冰里 in the ice 26又冷又湿 cold and wet27喜欢爬山_ like climbing 28我的朋友 my friend 29喜欢跳舞 like dancing 30在我们小组 In our group三、句型(默写)1What do you like doing? 你喜欢干什么?2I like playing basketball and football. 我喜欢打篮球和踢足球。3I can play basketball well but I m not good at football.4我篮球打得很好,但我不擅长足球。5He likes playing football too. 他也喜欢踢足球。6She also likes playing the piano. 她也喜欢弹钢琴。7They both like swimming. 她们都喜欢游泳。8What does he like doing? 他喜欢干什么?9He likes drawing. 他喜欢画画。10What does she like doing ? 她喜欢干什么?11She likes reading stories. 她喜欢读故事。12What do they like doing? 她们喜欢干什么?13They like watching films. 她们喜欢看电影。14Sam and Billy talking about their hobbies. 山姆和比利谈论他们的爱好。15Let s go skating this afternoon. 咱们今天下午去滑冰。16Look out! 小心!17There is a hole in the ice. 冰里有一个洞。1813.Do you like wearing yellow? 你喜欢穿黄色的衣服?1914. We all like climbing very much. 我们都十分喜欢爬山。四语法点(理解)1询问别人喜欢干某事, What do/ does like doing ?喜欢干某事 like doing sth doing 表示喜欢经常做一件事。主语是第三人称单数时注意 like 后面加 s.不喜欢干某事 dont/ doesn t like doing sth2动名词的变化规律:一般情况下在动词后面加 ing. 如 going, reading, drawing, playing 以不发音的字母 e结尾的动词,去 e再加 ing. 如 dancing, making 以“元音+辅音”结尾的重读闭音节单词, 先双写辅音字母再加 ing. 如 swimmingrunning, getting, putting Unit 5 what do they do一、单词(默写)1Teacher 老师 2teach 教3writer 作家 4write 写 5work 工作 6at home 在家 7doctor 医生 8help 帮助 9sick 生病的 10people 人,人们 11factory 工厂 12worker 工人 13cook 厨师 14driver 驾驶员,司机 15farmer 农民 16nurse 护士 17policeman 警察二、短语(默写)1教英语 teach English2许多学生 a lot of students 3怎么样?What about.? 4一位英语老师_ an English teacher 5写故事write stories 6在家工作work at home 7帮助生病的人 help sick people 8一个工厂工人 a factory worker 9制作糖果 make sweets 10吃许多糖果 eat a lot of sweets 11在天空中飞 fly in the sky 12我希望 I wish 13一辆漂亮的小汽车 a nice car 14制造汽车 make cars 15这么多汽车 so many cars三、句子(默写)1What does your father do? 你的爸爸做什么的?2My father is a teacher. 我的爸爸是个老师。3He teaches English. 他教英语。4He has a lot of students. 他有许多学生。5What about your mother? 你妈妈呢?6Is she an English teacher too? 她也是个英语老师吗?7She s a writer. 她是个作家。8She writes stories. 她写故事的。9She works at home. 她在家工作。10My father is a doctor. 我的爸爸是个医生。11He helps sick people. 他帮助生病的人。12My mother is a factory worker. 我的妈妈是个工厂的工人。13She makes sweets. 她做糖果的。14Whos that? 那是谁?15There are so many cars. 有那么多车。16Your father can t go now. 你爸爸不能走了现在。四、语法(理解)1如何询问他人的职业 1)What does + 某人 (your father, David. )do ?He / She is a / an + 职业(farmer, teacher, doctor. )例如:What does your father do? He is a doctor.你爸爸做什么的? 他是一个医生。还可以这么问他人的职业:2)What is + 某人? What is your father? 你爸爸做什么的?3)Whats somebodys job? Whats your father s job? 你爸爸做什么的?22. 询问“你”的职业1) Whats your job? 你是做什么的?I am an English teacher. 我是一个英语老师。2)What do you do? 你是做什么的I am a worker. 我是一名工人。3动词在第三人称单数形式的变化规则规则 例词一般情况下,直接在动词的词尾加 -s。 run - runs look - lookssee -sees say -says以-s, -sh, -ch, -x, -o 结尾的动词,一般在词尾加-es. teach-teaches go-goes fix-fixeswash-washes pass-passes以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,先边 y为 i, 再加-es. study-studies try- tries以元音字母加 y 结尾的动词,直接在词尾加 -s。 play-plays stay-stays注意:go(三单)goes have( 三单)hasUnit 6 My E-friends一、单词(默写)1E-friend 网友 2wait a minute 等一会儿3send 发出(信件、邮件等)4email 电子邮件 5to 给 6live 住,居住 7UK 英国。.8 Years old. 岁 9study 学习10Australia 澳大利亚11Canada 加拿大12China 中国13US 美国14go fishing 去钓鱼15tomorrow 明天16fishing 钓鱼,捕鱼17Don't worry 别担心18sit 坐,坐在19by. 在。. 旁边20wait 等,等待二、短语(默写)1My e- friend 我的网友2 in the playground 在操场上3 wait a minute 等一会4 send this email 发这封电子邮件5 live in the UK 住在英国 6eleven years old11 岁 7speak Chinese 讲中文8 have Chinese lessons 有语文课9 at schoo 在学校 10study Chinese 学习汉语 11after school 放学后 12what subjects 什么学科13 like Maths and PE 喜欢数学和体育14 dont worry 别担心 15swim well 游得好16 eat fish 吃鱼17 at a snack bar 在一家小吃店18 go fishing 去钓鱼19 be good at fishing 擅长钓鱼20 teach you 教你 21sit by the river 坐在河旁22 many fish 许多鱼23 live in Canada 住在加拿大24 be good at English 擅长英语 25in Australia 在澳大利亚26 in China 在中国 27tomorrow morning 明天早上 28 know about these countries 了解这些国家29 in winter 在冬天30 turn to ice 变成冰 31 the winter weather 冬天的天气32 wear warm clothes 穿暖和的衣服 33 Chinese addresses 中文地址34write English addresses 写英文地址 35 know about your e- friends 了解你的网友们三、句子(默写)1Do you have an e-friend? 你有一位网友吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我有。2Do they like swimming? 他们喜欢游泳吗? No, they dont. 不,他们不喜欢。3Does he have Chinese lessons? 他有语文课吗? Yes, he does. 是的,他有。4Does she like singing? 她喜欢唱歌吗? No, she doesnt. 不,她没有。5What subjects does he like? 他喜欢什么学科?6He likes Maths and PE. 他喜欢数学和体育。7What subjects does she like? 她喜欢什么学科?8She likes Music and Art. 她喜欢音乐和美术。9Let me send this email to my e-friend. 让我给网友发个电子邮件。10Where does he live? 他住在哪里? He lives in the UK. 他住在英国。11How old is he? 他几岁了? Hes 11 years old. 他 11岁。12Can he speak Chinese? 他会讲汉语吗? Yes, he can. 是的,他会。13What does he do after school? 放学后他做什么?14He studies Chinese. 他学汉语。15What do fish eat? 鱼吃什么? They eat apples. 它们吃苹果。16Bobby waits and waits. 波比等呀等。17Let s go fishing tomorrow. 让我们明天去钓鱼。18I can teach you. 我会教你。19 In winter, water turns to ice. 在冬天,水变成冰。20 And sometimes it snows. 有时候下雪。21We write Chinese addresses like this. 我们像这样写中文四、语法(理解)1 Does he / she ? 一般疑问句句中没有 be动词,变为一般疑问句要借助助动词 do / does。助动词形态由主语的人称决定。Does he / she ? 主语为第三人称单数,用 does其结构为: Does +主语+谓语动词+其他?2 What subjects does like? 特殊疑问句这个句子用来询问他人喜欢什么科目的疑问句。用于第三人称单数,在本句中用助动词 does。注意回答时 like 后面要加 s。Unit 7 At weekends一、单词(默写)1At weekends在周末2visit 拜访,参观 3grandparent 祖父,祖母,4play with 和。. 在一起玩 5very much 非常 6often 经常,常常 7chat 聊天 8Internet 网络,互联网 9always 总是,一直 10sometimes 有时 11go to the cinema 去看电影 12there 那里 13a lot


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