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    人教版初一下英语Unit1单元练习题姓名 学号 班级一、Complete the sentences according to the information. 根据信息完成句子。1. Tom is English. He is from _.2. Theyre _.They come from France.3. Harry is a Canadian.He comes from _.4. Chuan Dao is a _.He is form Japan.5. The twins are American. They are from _.6. She is an _. She comes from Australia.7. Tanghua lives in Guangzhou. She is from _.8. She comes from Singapore. She can speak _.二、Rewrite the sentences after the models. 根据示范改写句子。Model A: (示范) Shes from Beijing. Is she from Beijing?1. Ann comes from New Zealand._2. They are from Australia. _3. I live in New York._4. He speaks French._Model B: (示范) Your pen pal stays at home on Sundays. (when) When does your pen pal stay at home?5. The girls come from Singapore. (where) _6. His pen pal lives in the United States. (who) _7. We speak Chinese. (what) _8. Children like playing with pets. (who) _三、Write the name of the country under each national flag. 在国旗下写出相应的国名。1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( )7. 8. ( ) ( )四、Fill in the blanks. 填空。1. Jim is an American boy. He can speak _.2. They come from Sydney. They are _. They speak _.3. Miss Wang is an English teacher. She can speak _. But shes from _.4. Canadians come from _. They speak _ and _.5. My friend is from France. She is a _ girl. She speaks _.6. Mr. Black is an Englishman. He comes from _. But now he is in China. He can speak English and _. Later he is in Japan. He wants to learn _.7. Li Lianjie is a Chinese movie star. But now he is in Hollywood. He can speak _ and _.8. He comes from Singapore. He can speak _ and _.五、Complete the dialogue.  完成对话。(A)Meimei:Hello,Meimei! Are you from London? Lucy: No. I _ _ New York. Meimei: _ New York? Lucy: Its in the United States. Meimei: What language do you _? Lucy: I can speak English. Meimei: I know you speak English. _ you speak French? Lucy: Yes, I can. But _ _.六、Complete the ID card according to the letter.  根据这封信完成这张身份卡片。Name: _Age: _Country: _City: _Language: _Family: _Favorite Sport: _Favorite Subject: _PEN PAL WANTED Im Li Xiaojun. Im a 14-year-old girl. I live in the city of Chengdu in China. I speak Chinese and I can speak a little Japanese. I have a small family, my father, my mother and me. Im lonely. I enjoy swimming and I like English very much, but I cant speak it well. So I want a pen pal to help me with my English.Please write to me if you want, too.七、Answer the questions according to the fact.  根据事实补全对话。1. Where do you come from?I _ _ China.2. Do you have a pen pal?_ _ _3. Where is London?Its in _.4. What language do the people in Paris speak?They speak _.5. Is Sydney the capital of Australia?No, _ _.八、Read complete the chart.  阅读并完成表格。Dear friends,My name is Frank. I am from America. But now I am in Beijing China. I go to an international school for foreign children. The students in my class come from different countries. But our teachers are Chinese. I have many friends here. I like my school very much.Jimmy is tall and has black hair. He comes from Brazil. He is good at playing football. Of course he enjoys it very much. May is short and is wearing a yellow dress. She comes from New Canada. She is good at French. And she likes teaching us to speak French. Sandra is from New Zealand. She has a white sheep with her. She likes it around her. Chenen is a Singaporean girl. She is good at dancing. She has big eyes and a round face. She enjoys living in China. Nick comes from Spain. He is a big boy. He likes singing. He often has a guitar with him. Maria comes from Hong Kong. She cant speak Beijing dialect. She likes science. She likes making things. She has many toys made by herself.NameCountryWhat he / she likesWhat he / she likesFrankJimmyMariaNickMaySandraChenen参 考 答 案Unit oneSection AI. 略II. 1. England / the U. K2. French3. Canada4. Japanese 5. America / the U. S.6. Australia7. China 8. English, ChineseIII. 1. Does Ann come from New Zealand? 2. Are they from Australia? 3. Do you live in New York? 4. Does he speak French? 5. Where do the girls come from? 6. Who lives in the United States? 7. What language do you speak? 8. Who likes playing with pets?IV. 1. Her pen pal lives in the United States. 2. Nick comes from the United Kingdom. 3. Can you speak French and English? 4. Timothy is Australian. 5. What language do they speak?V. 1. Canada2. Australia3. China4. France5. Japan 6. Singapore7. the U.K8. the U.SVI. 1. English2. Australian, English3. English, China4. Canada, English, French 5. French, French6, England, Chinese, Japanese7. Chinese, English 8. English, ChineseSection BI. (A) Excuse, me, an / come, from, Wheres, United, States, speak, speak, English, Can, not, much, Do, cant, write, (B) Do, dont, Where, come, from, in, language, speak, speak, French, a, littleII. xxx, xxx, am from (live in), e-mail, want, Chinese, be, xxx, xxx, students, teachers, five, study,like, well, difficult, me, you, Could, help, interesting, too, xxx,新目标英语七下Unit1知识点自测题知识应用自测答题向导.单项选择1.What language _ he and his friend speak?A.isB.doC.does答案:B 主语是 he and his friend,所以助动词用do。2.Which city does he live in?_.A.AmericaB.JapanC.Toronto答案:C America和Japan是国家,Toronto是城市,所以选它。3.Where _ your pen pal _ from?A.is;comeB.does;comeC.does;/答案:B 动词短语come from是“来自”的意思,构成疑问句需要加助动词。4.Can you speak English?Yes,but only_.A.a littleB.a lotC.a few答案:A English 是不可数名词,a little“一点儿”修饰不可数名词,符合题意。5.What language does he often speak?_.A.FrenchB.CanadaC.Singapore答案:A Canada和Singapore是国家,所以选择French(法语)。6.She likes going to the movies with her friends and _ sports.A.playsB.is playingC.playing答案:C 此题考查like doing,and在此表示并列,前边有going,后边选择playing。7.Please write and tell us _ yourself.A.inB.aboutC.for答案:B 此题的意思是“告诉我关于你自己的情况”。about 符合题意。8.Do you have _ brothers and _sisters?A.everyB.someC.any答案:C any用于疑问句和否定句中表示“一些”。9._ comes from Japan.He speaks _.A.Japanese;JapaneseB.Japanese;a Japanese C.Japaneses;Japanese答案:A 日本人Japanese没有复数形式,日语Japanese 是不可数名词。所以选择A。10._ is my pen pal.Shes from Paris.A.ItB.ThisC.Who答案:B 当介绍别人的时候,用句型This is.。.根据首字母及句意补全单词11.W are you from?Im from China.答案:Where 该句是询问“你来自哪里?”所以是where。12.What language do you s ?Japanese.答案:speak 说某一种语言用“speak+语言”。13.Please write t me and tell me about yourself.答案:to 给某人写信用write to sb.。14.I l physics,but I dislike math.答案:like but表示转折,其后面是不喜欢的意思,前面应该是like。15.This is my pen pal. H name is Tony Green.答案:His Tony Green是个男孩的名字,所以用His。.判断句子正误,错误的句子请改正16.Where do you from?( )_答案:(×)Where are you from? be from“来自”,所以将do改为are。或者Where do you come from?come from“来自”,所以将do you from改为do you come from。17.He speak English.( )_答案:(×)He speaks English. 主语是单数第三人称,所以动词用相应的第三人称单数形式。18.My pen friend lives at New York.( )_答案:(×)My pen friend lives in New York. 住在某地用介词in。19.Im 13 and my birthday is in Nov. 10.( )_答案:(×)Im 13 and my birthday is on Nov. 10. 时间具体到某一天时用介词on。20.Where does your friends live?( )_答案:(×)Where does your friend live? 将主语看作第三人称单数,就应该为does your friend。或者 Where do your friends live?将主语看作复数形式,就应该为do your friends。.完成句子21.is,your,where,teacher,from?(连词成句)_?答案:Where is your teacher from? where引导的特殊疑问句。22.Simon is from Canada.(同义句转换)_.答案:Simon comes from Canada. be from和come from之间的转换。23.She can speak Japanese and Chinese.(就划线部分提问)_ _ can she speak?答案:What language 对语言提问应该用What+language。24.She lives in Beijing.(就划线部分提问)_ _ she live?答案:Where does 对地点提问用where,因为主语是she,所以用助动词does。25.They speak French and English.(就划线部分提问)_ _ French and English?答案:Who speak 对主语提问用who。.根据上下文补全对话A:Excuse me!Where 26 you from?B:Im 27 England.What 28 you?A:Im from Shandong.My home is 29 Qingdao.B:Oh,Qingdao is a beautiful city.A:Thank you.Can you speak Chinese?B:Only 30 .Its too difficult.A:Dont worry!Let me help you.B:Thanks a lot.A:Not at all.26.答案:are 根据上下文可知,此处是短语be from,主语是you,所以是are。27.答案:from 同26的解释。28.答案:about 根据上下文此处是“你怎么样?”的意思,所以是“What about.?”29.答案:in 在某个城市用介词in。30.答案:a little 用a little修饰English,a little English“一点儿英语”。注意主语与谓语动词的搭配。要分清城市与国家。要分清短语be from与come from。要明白是要修饰不可数名词的有哪些词或词组。要分清表示语言与国家的单词。注意句型like doing。要明白在疑问句中用some还是any。要明白如何表达哪国人和语言。先通读句子,根据句意及首字母提示作出判断。明确but有转折的意思,然后推断出所缺单词。先看句子的标点符号,若标点为问号,就找疑问词或系动词be。做就划线部分提问的题时,注意理解划线部分的意思,找准疑问词。做这类题时,要注意上下句信息的提示。.阅读理解Do you know the girl in a hat with flowers on it?Her name is Hezi.Hezi is a nice Japanese girl,my new pen pal.She lives in Tokyo.I like Hezi.I dont know Japanese,and Hezi doesnt know Chinese.But we know some English.So we write to each other(彼此)in English.We are the same age,12 years old.My favorite subject is math.But her favorite subject is biology.We all like football very much.She lives with her parents.She is their only child.She likes going to movies on weekends.She likes cartoons best.She hopes to come to Beijing this summer.根据短文内容填写下面表格。Pen pals name: 31 Age: 32 Country(国籍): 33 Language: 34 City: 35 Favorite subject: 36 Favorite sport: 37 Favorite kind of movies: 38 31.答案:Hezi 从“Her name is Hezi.Hezi is a nice Japanese girl,my new pen pal.”可以看出答案。32.答案:Japan 从“Hezi is a nice Japanese girl”可以看出答案。33.答案:Japanese and English 从“we know some English.”可以看出答案。34.答案:Tokyo 从“She lives in Tokyo.”可以看出答案。35.答案:biology 从“But her favorite subject is biology.”可以看出答案。36.答案:football 从“We all like football very much.”可以看出答案。37.答案:cartoons 从“She likes cartoons best.”可以看出答案。


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