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    五年级英语上学期专项填空题竞赛知识深入练习译林版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 读一读,根据答句写出问题。1A:B: I like fall best.2A:B: I can make a snowman in winter.2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1_(this) shoes_(is) too old.2Tom_big eyes, but Jim and I both_small eyes.(have)3There_(be) no water in the bottle.4Let_(we) go and have a look.5-How many_(classroom) are there in your school? -There is only one.6I can see the football between the_(chair).7I cant see_(some) dolls on the bed.8My brother is only four years old, but he can_(read) books.9Nancy is sitting in front of_(I).10They cant find _(they) cousin.3. 用所给短语补全句子。A. on a fire B. lived in C. last night   D. talked about   E. in the fields1. The people cooked _ many years ago.2. I watched a television programme about China _.3. An old lady _ her life many years ago.4. My teacher _ a big city.5. My grandma worked _ all day.4. 用is或are填空。1There _ a small house.2There _ two pink flowers.3There _ a water bottle on the desk.4There _ some strawberries.5There _ an American boy in my class.6There _ many books on the desk.5. 写出这些单词的缩写形式。1first  2second 3third  4fourth 5twenty-first  6twenty- five 6. 按要求填空。1dish(复数) _ 2best(原型) _3what about(同义词组) _ 4have(单三形式) _5do(-ing形式) _ 6left(反义词) _7doesnt(完全形式)_ 8I would (缩写)_9they are(缩写形式)_ 10well(同义词)_7. 一年有春夏秋冬,你知道每个季节有几个月吗?请按照中国的气候,写出每个季节所包含的月份。1spring: _ _ _2summer: _ _ _3artumn: _ _ _4winter: _ _ _8. 根据实际情况回答问题。1Can you tell me the way to the bus station, please?2Is there a bank near your school?3What is opposite your school?4Which fruit do you like, apples or oranges?9. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1Look!The baby behind _ (I) is crying.2Who _ (be) talking with you?3The girl behind you is _ (sleep).4“Im tired,” Kim _ (say).5The babys mother _ (be not) singing.10. 根据答句写问句。1?I always start class at 8 oclock.2?I often go swimming in summer.3?Because I like summer vacation.4?Tree Planting Day is in March.5?My parents will come to the sports meet.11. 根据图意及首字母提示补全句子。1My sister usually takes a walk a_ the l_ after dinner.2The children will meet at the school g_.3I will go to the park by u_.4There are some buses in the s_.5We p_ to visit the beautiful i_ at the weekend.6Grandmas birthday is on the _ of September7We will stay in a h_ when we go travelling.8Lets watch the football m_ at 2:00 p.m.12. 想一想,写出相应的序数词。1one  2two 3three  4four  5five  6six 7seven  8eight  9nine   10ten 13. 按要求完成单词。1friend(复数)_ 2take(现在分词)_3cut(第三人称单数)_ 4do not(缩写形式)_5I''ll(完全形式)_14. 写出下列节日所在的月份。1Childrens Day is in _.2New Years Day is in _.3Tree Planting Day is in _.4Summer vocation is in _ and _.5April Fools Day is in _.6Mid-Autumn Day is in _ or _.15. 按要求写词。ride(动名词)_ live(第三人称单数)_driver(动词)_ near(反义词)_like(第三人称单数)_ go(第三人称单数)_city(复数)_ bus(复数)_16. 选词填空。1_ (What / When) do you get up every day?2_ (When / Which) season do you like best?3I usually go to school _ (at / in) 7:30.4_ (Teachers / Teachers) Day is in September.5The party is _ (in / on) March 23rd.17. 根据括号里单词的适当形式填空。1She _ (be ) a writer.2It _(look) like a monkey.3We_(go) to the park.4He _(go) to school.5Amy_(like) eating fruits.6Hebei_(be) next to Shandong.7Our teacher _(be) talking with John.8Whose book _(be) this?9Dogs _ (be) our friends.10That blackboard _ (be) clean.18. 选词填空。1_ (What/When) do you go to bed every day?2When do you usually do morning _(exercise/exercises)?3My mother goes to work_ (at/in) 7:00.4Thats _ (too/to)late.5_(Class/Classes)start at 3 oclock.19. 按要求写单词。1we(宾格)_ 2Id like(全写形式)_3there(反义词)_ 4fun(形容词)_5Mon(完全形式)_20. 根据句子描述,选择相应的节日与月份,将序号填在横线上。A. Mothers Day B. New Year''s Day C. Children''s Day   D. Christmas   E. Mid-autumn DayF. January   G. December H. May I. June J. September1People usually get together and eat mooncakes on this day. It''s_. It''s in_2It''s a festival for mothers. Mothers will be happy on that day. It''s_. It''s in_3On that day, Father Christmas will give presents to people and people will have a big dinner. It''s_. It''s in_4It''s a festival for children. On that day, children will get presents. It''s_. It''s in_5People will say 'Happy New Year! 'and eat delicious food on that day. It''s_. It''s in_.


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