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    ,The Graduate,Derivation,It is based on the 1963 novel The Graduate by Charles Webb,The screenplay was by Buck Henry,who makes a cameo appearance as a hotel clerk,and Calder Willingha.,Sketch of the novel,This classic novel about a naive(天真的)college graduate adrift(漂泊的)in the shifting social and sexual mores of the 1960s captures(拍摄)with hilarity(欢闹)and insight the alienation(疏离感)of youth and the disillusionment of an era(时代的觉悟).,This is the story of Benjamin.He is 20 years old and he just graduated from school.He is confused of the future.While staying at the house of his upper middle class parents,he suddenly finds himself being seduced by Mrs.Robinson,the sexy wife of his fathers law partner.At first,Ben resists her attractions,for he has known her since he was a baby,and it is simply too strange to consider.,The plot summary,However,Benjamin finds himself so bored with his life that he decides to meet her secretly several nights a week at a local hotel.All is going well until Mr.Robinson,completely unaware of what is happening,insists that Ben take out his daughter Elaine,who was coming down to LA from Berkeley,where she was attending school.For reasons that are not entirely clear,Mrs.Robinson is determined to not let Benjamin go out with Elaine,but he does anyway.The result is a disaster for all involved,as the affair is soon exposed.The situation then becomes even more complicated when Ben finds himself falling in love with Elaine.,Background,In the 1960s,the development of Americas economy grew quickly.The young people began to doubt the rationality of the old tradition.The civil rights movement,womens liberation movement,against the Vietnam war all reflected the disruptive and destructive of the new ideas.The Graduate reflected the American young peoples helpless,confusing and dissatisfaction to the social reality.,Social,It represents the rebellious spirts in the 1960sIts publish time is 1967.The time is just after the Vietnaum War,Filming location,Alumni Park-3551 Trousdale Parkway,University of Southern California,Los Angeles,California,USAAmbassador Hotel-3400 Wilshire Boulevard,Los Angeles,California,USA(The Taft Hotel-where Benjamin&Mrs.Robinson conduct their affair)Berkeley,California,USADoheny Library-3550 Trousdale Parkway,University of Southern California,Los Angeles,California,USALa Verne,California,USA(Elaines Wedding and related Scenes)Los Angeles,California,USAPhysical Education Dept.Building,University of Southern California,Los Angeles,California,USARoyce Hall-340 Royce Drive,UCLA,Westwood,Los Angeles,California,USASan Francisco,California,USASan Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge,San Francisco Bay,California,USASanta Barbara,California,USAUniversity of California,Berkeley,California,USAUniversity of Southern California,Los Angeles,California,USAVon KleinSmid Center-3518 Trousdale Parkway,University of Southern California,Los Angeles,California,USA(Elaines classroom),The Graduate,Mike Nichols second feature after his brilliant debut with Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf?(1966)might seem a little dated,but its still a delightful classic and a nostalgic piece of its time,to say the least.,The main themes,The hero Benjamin suffered because teenage period by the experience of identity confusion,produce distance disorders,not communicates with the outside world,and when he found significant intimate relationship,gradually mature personality.Explore the influence the s identity formation of crisis Benjamin social and historical factors,this paper analyzes the identity and role in the cause of the crisis chaos and performance,and the final by seeking intimate relationship,out of the process of self identity crisis.,The two different generations are also reflected in other dualities:the two rival women(young innocent doe-eyed daughter Elaine and the older seductress Mrs.Robinson),the two California settings(Los Angeles and Berkeley)and S.and N.California cultures(materialistic vs.intellectual),and the division in Benjamins character(morally drifting and indecisive mitted).,1.For the traditional concept of the resistance and unrestricted rebel 2.generation gap 3.Obey parents arrange-Break free bound 4.Unknow for the future and query elders sermon authority,Conflicts,Benjamins inner conflictBetween Benjamin and societyBetween Benjamin and traditional conceptionWith social morality Mrs.Robinsons inner conflict Elaines inner conflict,Benjamins inner conflict,Benjamin and Mrs.Robinsons emotional conflictBenjamin and Mrs.Elaines emotional conflict,Between Benjamin and society,Benjamin is far from real life.He even didnt know how to communicate with other people.When he communicate with other people,we can see that he looks so nervous.Whats worse,he was caught in a trap and all kinds of orders by adult socialization.He cant adapt to the social life,Between Benjamin and traditional conceptionThe old people considered that the young people didnt experienced the suffering of war.They had to cherish the hard-earned nice future.But the young couldnt understand their parents.,Mrs.Robinsons inner conflict,Treat Benjamin as a sexual partner,Against Benjamin close to her daughter,Treat Benjamin as an enemy,Elaines inner conflict,Have a crush on Benjamin,Disgust Benjamin,Reconciled with Benjamin,PerformanceThe director,Mike Nichols(迈克尼科尔斯1931.9.6).He ever worked as postman,night-watch man and so on.For his love in performance,he devoted his all energy on movie.And with,he won theAcademy Award for Best Director.,Actor,Dustin Hoffman(达斯汀霍夫曼1937.8.8).He is a film master who enjoy a high reputation.In Hollywood,he also enjoys“Chameleon”reputation.,Leading roles,Anne Bancroft(安妮班克罗夫特 1931.9.17)famous actress of Hollywood.,Awards and Honors,Anne Bancroft,Dustin Hoffman,and Katharine Ross earnedOscar nominations for their performances.The film received nominations for BestCinematography,BestAdapted Screenplay,andBest Picture.Mike Nichols won theAcademy Award for Best Director.The film won theBAFTA(英国奥斯卡)Award for Best Film,as well as theBAFTA Award for Best Editing.,The film was adapted from the novel which is written by Charles Webb.The film was adapted into a play in 1988 according to original novel and movie,which was a hit both in Londons West End and on Broadway and toured the United States.Several actresses have starred due to the role Mrs.Robinson.,Adaptation,Music,The theme song:,which beat the Beatles White Album as the movies theme song,and got the top of the list of hit song in 1968.The interlude song:.,Expressions Dialogue(I),Ben:I drove Mrs.Robinson home.She wanted me to drive her home,so I drove her home.Mr.Robinson:Well.I appreciate it.Ben:Shes upstairs.She wanted me to wait down here till you got home.Mr.Robinson:Standing guard over the old castle,are you?,Mr.Robinson commended Ben as a brave man standing guard over the old castle which shows the vitality of language.The dialogue also indicates the further development of the relationship between Ben and Mrs.Robinson,Expressions Dialogue(II),Mrs.Robinson:In order to keep Elaine away from you,I am prepared to tell her everything!Ben:I dont believe you!Mrs.Robinson:Then youd better start believing me.Ben:I just dont believe you would do that!Mrs.Robinson:Try me!,From this dialogue,we could recognize the importance of tone when we talk about something.Mrs.Robinson used try me to threat Ben.A simple phrase“try me”brings us a feeling of fear.We may find the reality and truth of life in this short dialogue.,Questions,1.What do you think of the character-Ben 2.What do think of the character-Mrs.Robinson3.Why does Mrs.Robinson want Ben to keep away from Elaine?4.After enjoying the movie,what can we learn from Ben as a graduate.,Answers,1.What do you think of the character-Ben During the 1960s in America,civil rights movement,unstable social caused peoples confusion.Whats more,adolescence is also a confused period of life.Most people who just graduate from school would go through the“identity crisis.Usually they have no ideal about future and just follow advices from parents.However,they will“grow up”gradually under the pressure of cruel society.This is a common progress towards success.,Answers,2.What do think of the character-Mrs.Robinson?Mrs.Robinson is a critical character who seduced Ben and prefer to expose the affair between Ben and her than allow poor Ben marry her daughter.You may describe Mrs.Robinson with some words like stubborn,experienced,crude,selfish.But you have to admit the great charm which threw off from her eyes,behaviors and words.,Answers,3.Why does Mrs.Robinson want Ben to keep away from Elaine?Despite the possible consequences.She prevents Ben from seeing Elaine and avoids answering any of Bens questions regarding Elaine and Mr.Robinson.Mrs.Robinson is also very much in control of every situation and circumstance that is set before her.She manipulates Ben and tries to control his relationship with Elaine.,Answers,4.After enjoying the movie,what can we learn from Ben as a graduate.The temptation of desire、the confusion of future、full of hope of future consist the feeling of graduate.,


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