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    集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#仁爱英语八上重点句子汇总U1T1 句子1.你打算做什么我打算去打篮球。 What are you going to do - Im going to play basketball.2.暑假期间我经常看见你打篮球。 I often saw you play basketball during the summer holidays.3.星期天我们将和三班有一场篮球赛。 We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.4.我希望我们队能赢。 I hope our team will win.5.你想来给我们加油吗Would you like to come and cheer us on 你更喜欢哪一种运动,骑自行车还是划船-我更喜欢划船。-Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing - I prefer rowing.7.你打算加入学校划船队吗Are you going to join the school rowing team8.你长大以后想做什么What are you going to be when you grow up9.当我长大的时候我打算成为一个科学家 I am going to be a scientist when I grow up.10.她将来打算成为一个音乐家She is going to be a musician in the future.11.她每天花半小时在体育馆锻炼She spends half an hour exercising in the gym every day. 12.她也擅长跳跃。 She is also good at jumping.13.下周末将有一场校运动会。There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend. 14.他们明天动身去北京。They are leaving for Beijing the day after tomorrow. U1T2 句子1.你介意教我吗Would you mind teaching me 2.你介意不要到处乱扔瓶子吗Would you mind not throwing bottles around3.你介意不要把自行车放在这里吗Would you mind not putting your bike here4.你介意我再试一次吗Would you mind if I try it again = Would you mind my/me trying again 5.回答:不介意 Not at all. / Of course not./ Certainly not. 介意:Im sorry you cant./Youd better not.6.我将把球再踢给你。I will kick you the ball again7. Keep trying. 继续努力8. 你可以帮助我吗Could you please help me = Could you please give me a hand 9. 没关系。Never mind./ Its nothing./It doesnt matter.10. 迈克足球打得不好,但他尽力了Michael doesnt do well in soccer but he did his best11.我为我所说的话感到抱歉Im sorry for what I said. 12.在美国篮球是最受欢迎的运动之一。Basketball is one of the most popular sports in America.13.对某人来说做某事很Its + adj.+for sb.+to do sth. U1T3 句子1.校运会要来了。The school sports meet is coming. 2.你要参加校运会吗Will you take part in the school sports meet3.你要参加哪个运动男子800米赛跑。Which sport will you take part in Boys 800-meter race.4.我相信你会赢。I believe you will win. 5.我希望如此。 I hope so. 我不希望如此。I hope not.6.我确信校运会将会很令人兴奋。Im sure the school sports meet will be exciting.7.这是我第一次参加跳高。Its my first time to take part in the high jump. 8.我们带些什么呢What shall we take 我们什么时候见面呢When shall we meet9.我们在哪里见面呢Where shall we meet 我带相机好吗Shall I take my camera10.让我们定在6:30吧。Lets make it half past six. 11.奥运环是奥运会的象征。The Olympic rings are a symbol of the Olympic Games. 12.我尽了最大的努力并且是第一个冲过终点线。I did my best and was the first to cross the finish line. 13.我希望我有一天能参加奥运会。I hope some day Ill be able to take part in the Olympic Games.U2T1 句子's wrong with you / What's the matter with you 你怎么了 don't look well. 你看起来气色不好。 have a toothache. 我牙痛。m sorry to hear that. 听到那件事,我感到难过。 should see a dentist. 你应该去看牙科医生。 hope you will get well soon. 我希望你很快好起来。 cant sleep well at night. 我晚上睡不好。 are you feeling now 你现在感觉怎么样m feeling terrible! 我感觉很难受。 so well.不是很好。Not too bad. 不是太坏。d better take some medicine.你最好吃一些药。 long have you been like this 你这样多久了 dont feel like eating. 我不想吃东西。 shouldnt eat too much candy.你不应该吃太多的糖。m going to try something new.我要尝试一些新的动作。 Id like to ask for one weeks leave. 所以我想请一周的假。 you for your flowers and fruit. 谢谢你的花和水果。s nothing serious. 没什么严重的事。m worried about my lessons.我担心我的功课。t worry about it=Dont worry.别担心 the doctors advice, and youll get well soon.听从医生的建议,你很快就会好起来。U2T2 句子 up late is bad for your health. 熬夜对你的健康不好。 too much is bad for your health. 吃太多对你的健康不好。d better not read in the sun.你最好不要在太阳下读书。 is bad for your health.吸烟对你的健康不好。 can even cause cancer.它甚至可能会引起癌症。 terrible!多可怕啊! must ask him to give up smoking. 我一定叫他戒烟。 thinks smoking can help him relax.他认为吸烟能帮助他放松。 gives you energy for the morning.早餐给你早上带来能量。 careful not to eat too much salt or sugar. 小心不要吃太多盐和糖。 mother always forced her to drink it.她的妈妈总是强迫她喝。 soon as Michael saw it ,he got mad. Michael一看见它就发疯了。 his mother made him taste it.但是他的妈妈强迫他品尝。 should take showers often. 我们应该经常洗澡。 should often wash our hands. 我们应该经常洗手。 should often open the window to keep the air fresh. 我们应该经常开窗保持空气清新。 shouldnt drink sour milk.我们不应该喝变酸的牛奶。 should tidy our rooms every day. 我们应该每天整理房间。 mustnt spit in public.我们禁止在公共场合吐痰。U2T3 句子1.我可以问你一些问题吗当然可以,问吧。May I ask you some questions Sure, go ahead.2.我们应该做什么来预防流感What should we do to prevent it 3.预防流感四步骤。First, we should exercise often to build us up. Second, we should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time. Third, we should wash our hands and change our clothes often. Finally, we should keep away from crowded places. 4.当我们得了流感的时候必须要去看医生吗肯/否回答。Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu Yes, we must. No, we dont have to./No, we neednt.5.恐怕他现在很忙。Im afraid he is busy right now.6.我可以留言吗Can I leave a message7.请告诉我爸爸不要忘了明天下午的演讲。Please tell me father not to forget the talk tomorrow afternoon.8.你需要养成良好的饮食习惯。You need to have healthy eating habits.9.做运动也可以帮助你保持健康。Playing sports can also help you keep fit.10.对你来说了解急救知识是必须的。Its necessary for you to learn about first aid.11.快乐对你的健康很重要。Happiness is important for you health.12.想健康就要快乐。Be happy to be healthy.13.你必须远离吸烟和喝酒。You must stay away from smoking and drinking.14.你应该对吸烟和喝酒说不。You should say no to smoking and drinking.U3T1 句子 do you often do in your free time你在你的空闲时间经常做什么s your hobby你的爱好是什么 love reciting poems我喜欢背诵诗歌。 am interested in going traveling.我对旅游感兴趣。 like walking a pet dog.我喜欢遛狗。 am fond of planting flowers.我喜欢种花。 enjoy climbing mountains.我喜欢爬山。 prefer collecting stamps.我更喜欢收集邮票。 can learn a lot about history and people from stamps. 我们可以从邮票中了解许多历史和人物知识。 hobbies did you use to have你过去常常有什么爱好 used to collect baseball cards.我过去常常收集棒球卡片。 beautiful stamps!多么漂亮的邮票啊! did you use to do in spring在春天你过去常常做什么 used to like flying kites, but now I like going traveling.我过去常常喜欢放风筝,但是现在我喜欢去旅游。U3T2 句子 is she going to give a concert她将在哪里开音乐会 exciting!多么令人兴奋啊! a pity! 真可惜啊!s hard to say.这很难说。 kind of music do you like你喜欢什么种类的音乐 used to like pop music, but now I like folk music.我过去喜欢流行音乐,但是我现在喜欢民俗音乐。 hate listening to rock music.我讨厌听摇滚乐。 sweet music!多么甜美的音乐啊! are popular with young people. 它们受到年轻人的欢迎。 are famous for their songs.他们以歌曲出名。 could play the piano as well as his big sister.他弹钢琴弹得和他的姐姐一样好。 learned so quickly that his father was very happy.他学得如此地快以至于他的爸爸很高兴。 an amazing child!一个多么令人惊奇的孩子啊!六幅图U3T3 句子 were you doing at this time yesterday 昨天这个时候你正在做什么 was taking a shower at this time yesterday. 昨天这个时候我正在洗澡。 were you doing from seven to nine yesterday 昨天7点到9点你正在做什么 was learning English from seven to nine yesterday. 昨天7点到9点我正在学英语。 you playing computer games 你在玩电脑游戏吗 agree with you./ I dont agree with you. 我同意/不同意你的说法。 little girl was afraid to go home.这个小女孩害怕回家。 mouse was taking a shower when the cat knocked at the door. 当猫敲门的时候,老鼠正在洗澡。 cat and the mouse were chatting happily while they were enjoying the moon. 当老鼠和猫一起赏月时,它们正在高兴地聊天。 feel too tired to work. 他们感觉太累了而不能工作。U4T 1句子 air is fresher, the sky is bluer and the rivers are clearer there. 那里空气更清新,天空更蓝,河流更清澈。 think the countryside is much quieter than the city. 我认为乡村比城市安静得多。 do you like better, plants or animals 你更喜欢哪一个,植物还是动物 think roses are the nicest of all the flowers. 我认为玫瑰花是所有花中最漂亮的。 feed on bamboo and they are in danger now. 熊猫以竹子为食,而且现在处于危险之中。 now rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller, so we should protect them.但是现在雨林变得越来越小,因此,我们应该保护它们。U4T 2句子 terrible earthquake struck Qinghai! 青海发生了可怕的地震! buildings fell down. 很多建筑倒塌了。 people lost their lives and many people are missing.一些人丧生,许多人失踪了。 can we protect ourselves from the earthquake我们怎样在地震中保护自己呢 out can be dangerous.跑出去可能很危险。 most important thing is to stay calm.最重要是事情是保持冷静。 should stay under a strong table or desk你应该待在结实的桌子或书桌下 should sit on the floor in a doorway or close to the wall你应该坐在门道的地板上或靠墙坐 should protect your head and neck with your arms你应该用手臂保护你的头和脖子 should stay away from the window, tall furniture and pictures 你应该远离窗户、高大的家具和照片 should move to clear areas你应该转移到空旷的地方 should get away from buildings and trees你应该远离建筑物和树木 should be careful of fallen power lines你应该小心掉落的电线 the help of the whole nation, people in Wenchuan are rebuilding their homes now and they are returning to normal life. 在全国人民的帮助下,汶川人们正在重建家园并回归到正常的生活之中。U4T 2句子六幅图 Internet makes the world smaller.因特网让世界变得更小。m sure that+宾语从句。我确定m not sure whether/if+宾语从句。我不确定是否 people use the Internet to hurt others and try to get money by cheating.一些人使用互联网伤害他人并且通过欺骗得到别人的钱财。 can make friends and share our ideas and feelings with each other by sending emails or chatting online.我们可以通过电子邮件和网上聊天来交朋友和互相分享我们的想法和感觉。


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