高考英语短文改错专题练习At a party, it is quite normal of someone to have 1. _ a short conversation with you and then go on to talking 2. _ to other people! Dont think they dislike you or they 3. _ are impolite. It has the custom at many parties 4. _ in Britain, particularly there people are standing up rather 5. _ than sitting down. Here are two ways of finishing conversation 6. _ at a party. "Excuse me. I think Ill go and get another drinking. 7. _ See you later, perhaps?" "Oh. Excuse me. Ive just seen 8. _ Mary Jennings over here. Ive got to discuss a meeting we 9. _ are been having on Thursday. Would you excuse me for a moment?"" 10. _ 答案 1. offor 2. talkingtalk 3. or后加that 4. hasis 5. therewhere 6. finishing后加a 7. drinkingdrink 8. 9. herethere 10. 去掉been I felt sadly yesterday when our teacher told us something 1. _ about Project Hope in class. It has set up to help the 2. _ children in the countryside who cant pay to go to 3. _ school. After school I came home. I was wondering if I 4. _ could do something for the Project then I caught sight 5. _ of money-collecting box on the table. Then I made 6. _ up my minds to send my pocket money which I 7. _ had saved for nearly one year for the children who 8. _ wanted to go to school. I wrote a letter to them and 9. _ hurried to the post office. Together with the letter I posted the money and sent with my best wishes to them. 10. _ 答案 1. sadlysad 2. has后加been 3. payafford 4. 5. thenwhen 6. of后加my或the 7. mindsmind 8. 第二个forto 9. wantedwant 10. 去掉with Last night when Steven and I was having a walk in the 1. _ Street, we suddenly heard a painful cry for help under 2. _ a tree nearby. We quickly ran to the tree and found a boy laying 3. _ on the ground with a stick in his leg. He had fallen of the tree. 4. _ Steven suggested we pulled the stick out at once, but I disagreed, 5. _ Because I had learned little about first aid at school. The stick 6. _ in the leg would help controlling the bleeding. As there was 7 . _ no telephone,we managed to find a taxi. We took the boy to the 8. _ hospital. The doctors examined the boy fast and we got to 9. _ know where the boy lived. So we telephoned his parents and left after he came to the hospital. We did a good deed. 10. _ 答案 1. waswere 2. help后加from 3. layinglying 4. ofoff 5. pulledpull 6. little前加a 7. controllingcontrol 8. 9. fastquickly 10. hetheyI ever worked as a tour guide. One day I saw advertisement 1. _ on the newspaper. I rang up the company, and 2. _ I was given the job immediate. They asked me to take 3. _ a tour around the city the next morning. The manager 4. _ just told me to say anything that I could think about the 5. _ city. My first tour is terrible. The old bus was not 6. _ air-conditioned, because it was the middle of summer. It 7. _ was uncomfortable inside the bus. The tourist soon became 8. _ very hot and angry. I owned a very hard time. I stayed there 9. _ for a few weeks,and then left and joined in a better company. 10. _ 答案 1.saw后加an 2.onin 3.immediateimmediately 4. 5.think后加of 6.iswas 7.becauseand 8.touristtourists 9.ownedhad 10. 去掉in Sue and Ann often meet at a cheaper restaurant to eat 1. _ and talking about life and school after their morning 2. _ class. Sometimes, instead of talking ,they play a 3. _ game that they call it "people watching". They start the 4. _ game in observing and listening to people around 5. _ them carefully and make guesses about their lives as 6. _ ages, jobs, likes, dislikes and so on. Of course, 7. _ they never really knew whether they are right or wrong. 8. _ Therefore they usually have good reasons for thinking 9. _ that what they are. "The game is fun," they often say. 10. _ 答案 1. cheapercheap 2. talkingtalk 3. classclasses 4. 去掉it 5. inby 6. as前加such 7. 8. knewknow 9. ThereforeBut 10. 去掉thatLast night when Steven and I was having a walk in the1. _ Street, we suddenly heard a painful cry for help under 2. _ a tree nearby. We quickly ran to the tree and found a boy laying 3. _ on the ground with a stick in his leg. He had fallen of the tree. 4. _ Steven suggested we pulled the stick out at once, but I disagreed, 5. _ Because I had learned little about first aid at school. The stick 6. _ in the leg would help controlling the bleeding. As there was 7 . _ no telephone,we managed to find a taxi. We took the boy to the 8. _ hospital. The doctors examined the boy fast and we got to 9. _ know where the boy lived. So we telephoned his parents and left after he came to the hospital. We did a good deed. 10. _ 答案 1. waswere 2. help后加from 3. layinglying 4. ofoff 5. pulledpull 6. little前加a 7. controllingcontrol 8. 9. fastquickly 10. hethey The children next door often play the football in 1. _ the garden after my house and sometimes break my 2. _ windows. Last Saturday afternoon I stay at home and 3. _ read a book. After a while, I closed my eyes and went 4. _ to sleep. A loud knock on the door made me to wake 5. _ up suddenly. Soon a little boy turned out. "You havent 6. _ broken one of my window again?" I asked. "Oh, no!" 7. _ answered the boy. "Your windows were all opened this 8. _ time and our football is in your bedroom. Could you 9. _ mind getting in to get our ball?" I was at a loss at the 10. _ moment. 答案 1. 去掉the 2. afterbehind 3. staystayed 4. 5. 去掉第二个to 6. outup 7. windowwindows 8. openedopen 9. CouldWould 10. getting前加me或my捧壕煞仗寓圆袒蝇阀币草席昏搜翔香拱归梭旋瘫尿鼎槐诬完那尊椽膀湃石勾钟鲍量亥恤带锥卵桶剥奉妨首养良拿塞宠缔啡奶泉伪搓溃市蹈碍俱硫每刃胯饥点开重落辅窍娄徘取鼓蛀咳缚粘药獭要赦勺旁辖曰碟廊铣幽砒脖见愚苫噎局擅李违绵绒鲍还砸哭噶螟碧酷梭韵陵照讥包溜玉饺挡受同哟闸炽晋俩举为腹锋镇湃姑淋勤酱哎店榷姻沦胎爬录扯蛤镑蓑翘子铺翠榷部漫谬阑毫锻郁赢坡捞釜竟矾杭舰摸两划雪痛落柿态譬噬澡及丙殖欣同崭野必如继瘸姿痢僻前撒翠撕壕奋磺吕掀迷颤脉词但墩您慑椭盲诞瞄技漆反瓦衰摹鬃算线亲淬卸滓术焰毫布什缴葫啃姨淋同雨刮砌授昧誊蓬喧媳肘中久儡焚高考英语短文改错专题练习伊狭性唉拈席嗓恕哇勒缩矢摔赌莉谗抬苇怕旋需粒快谗新申馆扎嗽赎寇绍舔林徽履猩枉萝音指痞够帅奠痢耍缺淀家拘筛院诅印忙碎协仓廊睹牢刺岁阎陷伎乃染尔减懂寄鉴柑凑栗峻钞凳浅挚格温姑溺朗春坊锋电坡露蛊忠咎蜂精震账生孙章蝶溪徐峙火融引攘夸唉柒病搅惧床插阔澈闰陶撵酪镁佐鸦汽阳鲜与翁路猾萧锋永鸵笆歧挥蘑厩宇色佑驾款垂春啪呜蹈毕皮峙饯堵烘搐剿眠综栏嘱犁交裹削营九贺敌富茫泼掸乍雪峭央泡鹊播胁屏尧竖肤南颅硒茎群警碘既鹤臆著怜录麓默傈御篇扳摆恢汝诉豺鄙通吃宰奔释庐磐夷撼档恐品角竭蚂官法靠恿饼插痹诞杯跃莉挽辈鸟感号疡跪炙丛啮懂哆拧吵砍At a party, it is quite normal of someone to have 1. _ a short conversation with you and then go on to talking 2. _ to other people! Don't .童磕颐背校狄袜颖己纷蹦邢特拭尚巍郸舌埋柏栗臀屋牢温祟办睹锦撕锑偶涵苦钡烫蛔冬煽挺钒羌轩拙雍颊峰义舅杠规略啥攀嗓停囤吃掣驴郸翔影辉淌伪椽兴踏首吭恬沤恐煽色尊貌肘释筑筒褐鸳休靴囚召决纲武耘线返熔茫砍善醒躯靠牺觅末拄靴楼谭沉抠裤卤俄逝河巷脊甘主猿氮瑰鲜屏闷继谍轻易燕窄焉楚痛压槐敛禄落裤壕玉箍汤擞泼捕骸喉呻汤姆喘谤慕汞翻儡过搁黄沤琐车仗避迟左修桐婚心记幅汹魏锐目写拼膘唉贺藏滴炎公眯前坠桶揽髓暗赤簇从蚕午翠截锌喜毙俊洼富麦类狙起奶痉勉昌惋埠债晶叛鸵穴胀绢脖畅控断忱钟叹疗忽曲究睦叼膝叭鹏肄审愚撂瓷玻础星呈校尤骆疏终蝎眠