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    单项选择专项练习(一)( )1、He wanted _ a computer. ( )21、_ you got enough time? A、buy B、to buy C、bought Yes,I have.( )2、Peter helped _. A、Have B、Do C、AreA、my B、I C、me ( )22、There are _ flowers in Picture 1( )3、I went to the cinema _ Dongdong. A、few B、fewer C、less A、and B、with C、to ( )23、My father cuts the cake _ a knife.( )4、How does he _ there? A、with B、to C、use By bike. ( )24、Watching TV is _ boring thanAgo Bgoes C、went playing football.( )5、I can swim _ him. A、fewer B、little C、lessA、to B、for C、like ( )25、His watch is _ than Linglings.( )6、I will _ again. A、cheaper B、cheap C、expensiveA、tries B、try C、tried ( )26、I am going to _ the meat.( )7、I am interested _P.E. A、getting B、get C、getsA、to B、at C、in ( )27、He _ the bag home yesterday.( )8、He _ a book from library yesterday. A、carry B、carried C、carries A、borrowed B、borrows C、borrow ( )28、This book is _ than that one.( )9、There _ many lights over there. A、exciting B、much excitingA、is B、were C、have C、more exciting( )10、The sun is _ than the earth. ( )29、It isnt as _ as The Moon.A、bigger B、big C、biggest A、interesting B、more interesting( )11、We live _ the earth. C、most interestingA、to B、on C、in ( )30、He is the _ boy in our class.( )12、The cloud looks _ a sheep. A、taller B、tallest C、tallA、like B、to C、as ( )31、Most space stories are _ fairy tales( )13、I have _ pencils than him. A、like B、likes C、asA、few B、fewer C、little ( )32、Is it the most interesting?( )14、His hair is longer than _. _A、mine B、I C、my A、Yes, I am. B、Yes, it is.( )15、He _ only twenty yuan. C、No, he isnt.A、is B、have C、has ( )33、I am as _ as my father.( )16、My dress is _ than Linglings. A、thinner B、thin C、thinnestA、dirtyer B、dirtier C、dirty ( )34、_ book do you like?( )17、There _ more trees in Picture 1. I like Dragons.A、have B、is C、are A、Where B、Why C、Which( )18、They have fewer _. ( )35、Bottle A has the _ water of the threeA、apples B、an apple C、apple A、least B、less C、little( )19、Lingling is good _ jumping. ( )36、What _ these?A、at B、for C、to A、is B、are C、am( )20、Last Sunday, they _ to the museum. ( )37、It _ pork in it.A、goes B、go C、went A、have B、has C、is( )38、Lets go to the park ( )56、Im sorry I havent got _ money _ for the dinner.A、OK B、Oh C、Thank you A、some B、any C、no( )39、There _ nuts in the dumplings. ( )57、Linda is very interested _ this filmA、are B、is C、have A、with B、at C、in( )40、The Dragon Boat Festival is _ the ( )58、The old man is _ to run.fifth day of the fifth lunar month. A、too old B、enough oldA、in B、at C、on C、old enough( )41、I like _ rice dumplings. ( )59、Tom is good at _. He can skate A、eating B、eat C、ate beautifully.( )42、He returns it _ Lingling. A、skate B、skating C、go skatingA、for B、at C、to ( )60、He wanted _ a toy for his son.( )43、I havent got _ money. A、buy B、buying C、to buyA、any B、some C、a ( )61、Tom has _ pens than Lucy.( )44、They are running _ a bus. A、few B、less C、fewer A、catch B、to catch C、catches ( )62、Linda is the _ beautiful girl in ( )45、Thank you very much. our class. _ A、more B、most C、less A、Youre welcome. B、Sorry ( )63、There _ light rain and strong C、Thank you. winds tomorrow.( )46、Peter cant _ the words. A、be B、will be C、are A、to see B、sees C、see ( )64、I like _ films on Friday evenings( )47、_do you feel? A、going B、looking C、watching I feel sick. ( )65、Lets go and buy a birthday A、What B、How C、Who cake for Tom.( )48、The boy walks _ to Lingling. _A、at B、up C、on A、Never mind B、Good idea( )49、Toyland is the _ exciting book. C、Yes, please. A、more B、most C、much ( )66、I think English is as _ as Chinese( )50、My sister sweeps the floor _ a broom. A、interesting B、interested C、interestA、with B、for C、use ( )67、Put your arms out and try _ your( )51、She has _ milk than Mr Wang. legs straight.A、little B、less C、fewer A、keep B、to keep C、keeping( )52、Peter likes _. ( )68、John wanted _ his car yesterday.A、runs B、run C、running A、mend B、to mend C、mending( )53、Is the book _? ( )69、The car toy is _ expensive, I cant Yes,it is. buy it. A、useful enough B、enough useful A、too B、enough C、mostC、usefully enough ( )70、This glass has _ water than ( )54、Tom _ into the water to save the boy. that one. A、climbed B、jumped C、fell A、fewer B、less C、least( )55、I _ the science book to the librarianyesterday. A、give B、borrowed C、returned


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