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    初中英语改错题改错题是我们初中学生在考试中失分最多的题目。改错题是专门针对学生在平时学习英语过程中,尤其是写作练习中常犯的又是较为普遍的错误而设计的。其目的是让学生发现,判断,改正一些词法,句法等方面错误的能力,它既能体现学生对词汇和语法方面掌握的程度,又能体现出学生阅读理解的能力。首先得读懂整个句子或短文,了解句子或短文的中心思想,把握句子或文章的时态、人称及行文逻辑方面的错误。要联系整个句子或上下文,就会发现该句的问题所在。其次如果是文章就要分句阅读逐行找错。这时就要对句中或文中的词法,句法着重来进行分析和特别注意。改错题中错用的形式一般为:1、介词,冠词;主语和宾语的遗漏。 2、词性的误用,且多表现在名词、动词、形容词及副词之间的相互错用。 3、错用形容词和副词比较等级的形式。常见的错误形式是:构成的错误,原级、比较级或最高级句型结构上的错误。比较对象不明或混乱,惯用法及特殊用法错误。 4、错用动词形式。错用动词的情况比较多,如动词的时态和语态,非谓语动词,谓语动词与主语不一致等。 5、错用介词。介词错用多出现于介词搭配不当,特别是固定搭配中的介词错用。比如:I like my Chinese teacher and Im good in Chinese.这里很明显是固定搭配中的介词“in ”错用,应改为“at”。 6、错用代词,其出现的形式是:代词与指代的名词在性、数和人称上不一致,代词指代不明,关系代词错用,不定代词错用。如:The Greens did his best to make me feel at home。把 句子中his 改为their. 7、错用连词。起表现主要在并列,递进,转折,让步,因果等。 因此,在做改错题时要从整个句子或语篇入手。首先通读全文,了解文章的主旨和大意,摸清其大致脉络和线索,这样便可以从综观全局的高度有的放矢解题。其次,联系上下文,特别段与段、句与句之间的关系。 最后有必要提一下做改错题应注意的问题: 句子或短文改错时不要把句中或文中的表达法改变。很多学生把原文中没有错的地方改变自己认可的另外一种形式。比如这道改错题:where are you come from ?限定改横线部分,可是有很多学生把are改为do,这样做偏离了题目的答题要求,因而也不能得分。 此外,在改错时不能改变句子本身的意义。 一、速读全文,了解文章主旨大意。 弄清文体,把握文章的背景材料,了解文章整体讲述的内容。如记叙文要首先知道人物、事件、地点、时间等。 二、运用掌握的语法知识,分析短文中的各个句子。 逐词检查,看是否有单词拼写错误。 检查名词的单、复数,形容词、副词的级别,是否需要用冠词,数词、介词、连词用法是否准确等。 尤其要注意行与行的衔接处,这个地方往往易被人忽视,而错误也往往就隐藏在其中。 按照词语搭配和句子结构规则,判断有无缺词、多词的现象。有时还要根据前后句子乃至全文来进行分析才能得出结论。 有时也存在一行中没有错误的现象。 三、复读全文,融会贯通。 凡有把握的地方就不再变动了。凡举棋不定,没有把握的地方,要反复阅读,寻找依据,争取作出正确答案。中考复习改错专项训练1 Old Sarah was a strange rich woman. He did not 80. _ hope to see any of her relative. She felt what they 81. _ were interested in was her money. She was all right 82. _ After she died, the relatives got together to hear Sarah's 83. _ lawyer(律师) to read her will (遗嘱). They were sure that 84. _ Sarah had left many money and they quarreled strongly 85. _ with each other when they waited the lawyer to arrive. 86. _ After the lawyer came in the living room, he asked them 87. _ to sit down. He began to read the will in a seriously 88. _ voice. Sarah has left all her money to her cats. 89. _ 2   Mr Green come from England .                     81. _He teaches English in middle school .                 82. _He can speak some Chinese. He                       83. _goes at Chinese classes very week .                    84. _He likes working in Chinese very much .             85. _3 Have you ever wanted to write a song? Two Sister.         59._Mildred and Patty Hill, once write a little song.            60._It was a happily song that they loved to sing. It            61._was calling "Good Morning to You. "However, most        62._other people didn't know the song very well. A day,         63._ Mildred and Patty had a idea. It turned out (证明) to be      64._ a very bad idea. They changed the words of the song. They   65._ called the new song "Happy Birthday to You." Theirs short   66._ birthday song is now very famous. Almost every body know  67._       the words, Did anyone sing it at your test birthday party?    68._ 4. Hundred of years ago, news was carded by                          6. _people on foot or by a horse. It took a long                               7. _time people to receive news. Now it is possible                           8. _to send words and pictures in seconds. Billions of                         9. _people learn about news either by watching TV and by reading.      10. _5.Yesterday I went for shopping for shoes. The largest pair 1. I could find was an size 9 and I wear an 11! Everyone 2. said they'd never heard of a size such big. All the people 3. in the shop were laughing me. They said they were very 4. surprisedby my foot, but I found it so funny.5. 6. An international school has many students coming from all different part of the world. There 1. are not Chinese students at international schools.2. Most of the schools teach English and use English 3. textbooks. Students do not have much exams.4. But they do have a lot of homeworks. 5. 7. My mother has done so much for me! She always get 1. up early in the morning to make me for breakfast . 2. And she often wakes up at the middle of the night to 3. see Im sleeping well. Once, when I was ill, I couldnt eat. 4. Mum was so worried that she wouldnt eat, too.5. 8. I think it's a good idea to practise English with foreigners. When we talk English to them , we have to forget our own 1. language. Through talking, we can improve our pronunciation. 2. We can also learn many useful phrase and about western 3. culture. Practising English on voice chatting system is real easy.4. Since we don't talk face to face, we neednt to be afraid of 5. making mistakes. Even the shyest person will feel free to talk.9(1) When Bill Gates was young, he spent a lot of time developing computer programmes, doesn't he? _(2) Brown trousers are very popular this spring. Would you like to try it on?_(3) What interesting the film "Harry Potter" is!_(4) You'd better not to read in poor light. It's bad for your eyes._(5) Beijing is changing fast. There will have more and more new parks and high buildings in the future. (1) We can see  lots  of sheeps  on  the hill. ()_A  B  C  D(2) They  flying  kites  in  the  park now. ()_A BC D(3) The  twins are  good  to  maths.()_ ABC  D(4) There will have a class meeting next  Monday afternoon.()_A B C  D101. The eggs were lay long long ago by dinosaurs.     A           B                C   D 2. Mr Brown arrived in Beijing early in a Thursday morning.                      A           B    C D 3. I didn't spend all the money. I brought some of them back again.         A           B                  C              D 4. How much is the number of the car?        A         B     C       D 5The more he thought about it,the more angrily he grew        A          B       C                D 6She was listening carefully to the teacher when she spoke to in class             A             B                                C            D 7He has left his hometown in Hebei for more than two years        A    B                          C    D 8Whom do you think knows the answers to the questions?      A            B    C                D 9Mother often tells me not to buy anything I needn't                   A         B          C          D 10A lot of good land has gone with the forests,left only sand         A                   B                 C        D答案 180. She 81. relative 82. all 83. 正确 84. to 85. much86. for 87. into 88. serious 89. had 281. come - comes 82. middle - a middle   83. 正确 84. at -to   85. Chinese - China 3 59.sisters  60.wrote 61.happy  62.called 63.One 64.an   65.good  66.Their  67.knows     68.4. 6Hundred-hundreds  7去掉a  8people前for  9  10and-or5. 1. for shopping shopping 2. an size a size 3. such that/ so4. laughing laughing at5. foot feet6. 1. part parts 2. not no / not not any 3. English in English4. much many5. homeworks homework7.1. get gets2. for breakfast breakfast3. at in4. see if/ whether5. too either8. 1. English in English2. Through By3. phrase phrases4. real really5. neednt to neednt9. (1) doesn't改为didn't  (2) it改为them  (3) What改为How  (4) to去掉 (5) have改为be2. (1) (C) sheep  (2) (A) are flying  (3) (D) at  (4) (A) be101B。改为were laid。2C。改为on。 3D。改为it。4A。改为What。5D。改为angrier。6C。改为was spoken。7B。改为been away from。8A。改为Who。9D。改为don't need。10D。改为leaving。


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