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    BOOK Module 1 British and American English.高频单词必记1 n口音2 vt. 陈述;提出(观点、计划等)3 n. 努力;尝试4 adj. 显然的,显而易见的 adv. 显然地5 adj. 令人困惑的;难懂的 adj. 到困惑的 vt. 使困惑6 vt. 比较 n. 比较7 n. 种类 adj. 各种各样的 v. 改变;不同8 vi. 不同,有区别 adj. 不同的 n. 不同;区别9 n. 评论;讲话 adj. 显著的;非凡的10 adv. 不断地;持续地 adj. 稳定的11 adv. 迅速地 adj. 迅速的12 n. 声明;宣告 v. 声明;宣告13 vt. 加;增加 n. 增加(物)14 vt. 简化 adj. 简单的 adv. 简单地15 n. 参考;查阅 v. 参考;查阅;涉及.重点短语必背 1have . common有相同的特点2make a 有影响,使不相同3get 四处走动(旅行)4be similar 与相似5lead 引起;导致6in of 同意;支持7refer to . . 称为8thanks 幸亏,多亏.经典句型必会1Americans use a flashlight, while for the British,its a torch. (while此处表示对比,意为“而,然而”;语篇中表示对比经常由此单词引出;考点:1句意理解;2 连词选择)2. A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker. (have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难;考点:1 名词辨析;2 非谓语动词-ing形式 ). Grammar Review of verb forms(1)(1) The Present Simple Tense(omitted): (2) The Present Continuous Tense:1) The old man is dying.2) The train is stopping.3) Just a moment. Im finishing the work.4) The doctor is feeling my pulse.(3) The Present Perfect Tense:1) Ill tell you my opinion after I have read your article.2) Well go outing if it has stopped raining by ten.3) Jack has been to Shanghai twice. Jack has gone to Shanghai.4) Great changes have taken place in the village in the last/past two years.5) He has read the novel three times so far/up to now/till now. Function Giving reasons: Since English is spoken all over the world, there are lots of varieties.课标话题:语言学习(Language learning):1.英美英语之差异2.语言学习:English on the Internet3.表达看法及理由陈述Module 2 A Job Worth Doing.高频单词必记1 vi.(主动)提出(愿意做某事)2 vt. 遵守3 vt. 签字;签署4 adj. 感激的;感谢的5 adj. 可获得的6 n. 要求;需要7 adj. 令人满意的 adj. 感到满意的 vt. 使满意 n. 满意8 adj. 充满压力的;紧张的 n. 压力9 n. 志愿者 adj. 自愿的10 vt. 指挥 n. 指挥,导演 n. 指挥;方向11 adj. 合格的;称职的 n. 合格;称职12 vi. 冻住;冻僵 n. 冰箱 adj. 极冷的 adj. 冻住的;冻僵的13 vi. 申请 n. 申请 n. 申请者14 vt. 需要 n. 需要15 vi. 遭受(痛苦) n. 痛苦.重点短语必背 1 particular尤其;特别2 average 平均3 theory 理论上;从理论上来说4 practice 实际上;在实践中5pass 经过6take . granted 以为理所当然7have an effect 对产生影响8take 站好位置以备;占据(时间、空间);从事9take notice 注意到10 response to 作为的回应.经典句型必会1 Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand. (本句采用了“withn.介词短语”的复合结构;考点 1.介词的选用及表意 2.伴随状语)2He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred meters down the mountain. (be doing . when 表示“正在做某事,这时”;考点 1. 时态 2. 连词的选择)3For people doing this job,common sense,physical fitness and an outgoing personality are likely to be more important than computer skills. (考点:be likely to 表示“很可能”). Grammar Review of verb forms(2)(1) The Past Simple Tense: He survived.(2) The Past Continuous Tense: He was driving a lorry.(3) The Past Perfect Tense:He had had lots of jobs. Function Making deductions about the past: (1) That must have been interesting!(2) That cant have been easy!(3) They might have got lost, or had an accident.课标话题:日常活动(Daily routines); 职业(Occupations)1.工作2.确认未来重要的工作3.求职申请Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema.高频单词必记1 n叙述;描写;报道2 n. 遮蔽物;栖身之地3 vt. (使)恐慌;(使)惊慌失措4 vt. (用绳、带等)绑,系,拴5 vt. 打扰6 vt. 强迫;迫使7 n. 名誉;名望;声望8 vt. 解决 n. 解决方案9 n. 同伴;伙伴 n. 陪伴,陪同10 vi. 说谎;撒谎 n. 说谎者11 adj. 好奇的 n. 好奇心12 vt. 与相似 n. 相似13 vt. 塑造;创作 n. 创作(物) adj. 创造性的14 vt. 警告 n. 警告15 adj. 坚决的 v. (使)决定 n. 决心.重点短语必背 1have connection 与有联系/有关联2run (秘密地)逃跑3play a trick sb. 捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧4. make 编造(说法、解释等);化妆;组成;弥补;和好5be/feel the mood (for sth./to do sth.) 有意(做某事),有(做某事的)心情6. set (a play, novel, etc.) 设置(戏剧、小说等的)背景7hang 不要挂断电话8 ones fortune 发财9. set 出发;启程.经典句型必会1 It looks as if itll go under soon . (句中look用作系动词,as if引导一个表语从句;考点:1. 连词的选择 2. 从句中的谓语时态的正确形式。)2 To start with, the authors name, Mark Twain, is itself an invention, or “pen name”(to start with 意为“首先”,充当插入语;考点 插入语语境辨析)3 He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America. (only to find .作结果状语,表示一种想象不到,出乎意料的结果;考点 非谓语辨析选择). Grammar Review of verb forms(3)The ing form, the-ed form and to + infinitive;link verbsWe let the raft sail down the river.He agreed to go.I dont want to board a sinking ship.I could see a man lying on the floor.We heard someone shout.The frightened man started crying.Jim looked terrified. Function Reporting statements and suggestionsBilly: “Im bored.”Billy said he was bored. .课标话题: 文学与艺术(Literature and art)1. 书籍和电影的种类(Types of books and films)2. 电影故事简介(Writing a summary of film)3. 青少年阅读行为习惯调查(Doing a survey teenager reading habits)4. 阅读世界著名作家的作品及生平传记Module 4 Carnival.高频单词必记1 vt.掩藏;躲藏2 vi. 假装3 vi. 漫步;闲逛4 vt. 标志(着)5 n. 贸易6 vt. 废除7 vt. 延长 n. 延长,延伸8 n. 记忆 v. 记忆9 adj. 使人放松的 vt. 使放松 adj. 放松的 n. 放松 10 adj. 美味可口的 n& v. 味道;品尝,尝起来11 vt. 运输;运送 n. 运输12 vt. 引进;进口 vt. 出口13 n. 庆典;庆祝 vt.&n. 庆祝14 n. 自由 adj.&vt. 自由的;使自由15 n. 起源 adj. 原先的;最初的.重点短语必背 1come 出现;出版;开花2come to end 完结3dress 装扮;打扮4 end 时间连续地5 secret 秘密地6date back 追溯到7consist 由组成;由构成8 wild 发狂9 force 用暴力迫使10take 接管;接收.经典句型必会1 Think of carnival, and you (will) think of crowds, costumes, and confusion. (此句式为“祈使句and陈述句”;考点 1 祈使句开头; 2 连接词(and/or) 3 主句所使用时态)2 As time passed, however, the carnival period was extended, so that it began just after Christmas. (as引导时间状语从句,表示“随着”;考点:1.类似含义表达: with time passing/ as time went by/ With the passing of time 2. 谓语和非谓语语境正确的选择。 )3.there was an immediate need for people to work on them. (there is no/a(n) . need for sb.to do sth.(不)需要某人干某事;考点 1. 引导词的选择(there/ it/that-)2. 名词辨析(need/doubt/wonder/possibility)3. 非谓语语境正确形式的选择。). Grammar Review of the passive voice1) Today, carnival in Venice is celebrated for five days in February.2) In the late 1970s the tradition was revived by students. Function Expressing likes , dislikes and preferencesI love it.I quite like it.I really like it.Its OK.I dont think much of it.I hate it.课标话题:节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations);文娱与体育(Entertainments and sports)1. 狂欢节及其意义(Carnival and its meanings)2. 节假日及食品3. 介绍中国节假日;跨文化交际Module 5 The Great Sports Personality.高频单词必记1 n跑道2 vt. 保证3 vt. 购买4 n. 符号5 vi. & vt. 得分6 n. 特性;品德;品性7 vi. 抗议8 adj. 费力的;棘手的;困难的9 vi. 退休 n. 退休10 vi. 表现 n. 表现;表演11 n. 优势;长处 n. 劣势;不利12 adj. 具体的;特定的 adj. 特殊的;特别的13 n. 冠军 n. 冠军称号;锦标赛14 vt. 宣布 n. 宣言;声明15 n. 竞争者;对手 v竞争 n. 竞争 adj. 好竞争的;有竞争力的.重点短语必背 1 the increase 正在增加2. have an advantage 比有优势3 ten seconds 每十秒钟4vote 投票选举5 all 毕竟6 all time 有史以来7(Its) up sb. 由某人决定8 to ones feet 站起身.经典句型必会1 But even though he had won everything (it was possible to win) in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. (句中even though引导让步状语从句; 考点 1. 意义理解 2. 连词辨析)2 But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life. (it is/was被强调部分that/who .是强调结构; 考点1. 句式理解 2. 连词辨析)3 If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. (the chances are (that) . 很可能; 考点 1. 固定整体识记 2. 名词辨析). Grammar Review of adverbial clauses1) If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.2) Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits.3) But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed.Prepositional phrases a girl with brown eyes a girl in a Li Ning tracksuit a journalist from a national channel a young man on a bike. Function Agreeing and disagreeing: degrees of certaintyI agree absolutely.You may be right.Im afraid I dont agree.Youre right about that.课标话题:文娱与体育(Entertainments and sports)1. 体育文化及体育运动词汇;2. 奥林匹克运动会3. 国内外伟大的体育运动员4. 写通知(Writing a notice)Module 6 Animals in Danger.高频单词必记1 n保护区;保护圈2 n. 挣扎;斗争3 n. (某事发生的)准确地点;现场4 n(s) 环境;情况5 adv. 同时6 n. 目标;目的7 vt. 产卵;下蛋8 n. 焦点;集中点9 vt. 浪费10 vt. 使处于险境;危及 adj. 濒危的11 vt. 保护 n. 保护12 adj. 值钱 adj. 值得花时间/金钱/精力的 adj. 值得的,应得的13 vt. 涉及;包括 adj. 棘手的;有关的14 n. 奇迹 adj. 精彩的15 n. 能源 adj. 精力充沛的.重点短语必背 1 a time一次2 the spot 当场;在现场3get tough 对采取坚决态度;对采取强硬措施4be concerned sth. 关心某事,担心某事5keep an eye 照看;留意6feed (动物)以为食7stand 代表8set 建立;设立.经典句型必会1 Although surprised, the poachers had an advantage there were more of them.(although引导一个省略结构的让步状语从句,其后省略了they were;考点:1. 省略句式及句意理解 2. 非谓语形式的准确选用)2 But today the government seems to be winning the battle. (to be winning为动词不定式的进行时,作seems的表语;考点: 非谓语形式(不定式)的准确选用)3 Only about 1,000 survive, most of them in Siberia. (考点:“代词介词短语”构成独立主格结构;句意理解). Grammar Review of attributive clauses1) The poachers leave only the babies, whose wool is not worth much.2) The wool is taken to India, where it is made into the shawls.3) Sometimes there were gunfights, like the one in which Jiesang Suoandajie was killed. Function Expressing concernIts really upsetting.Im concerned about-Im very worried about-.课标话题:世界与环境(The world and the environment);自然(Nature)1. 濒危动物2. 动物和它们的生存环境3. WWF4. 调查国内的濒危动物BOOK Module 1 Small Talk .高频单词必记1 adj.严肃的2 v. 缺乏,缺少3 n. 机会4 pron. 某些5 n. 回答,答复,回信6 v. 打断7 n. 目的8 adj. 非正式的 adj. 正式的9 adv. 自信地 adj. 自信的 n. 自信10 adj. 预先的,在前的 adj. 先进的;高级的11 n. 恩惠,照顾 adj. 有利的,赞许的 adj. 特别喜欢的12 n. 缺乏,不存在 adj. 缺乏的;不在的13 n. 道歉,致歉 v. 道歉14 adj. 谨慎的,慎重的,小心的 n. 谨慎,慎重,小心15 v. 想象 n. 想象(力);幻想.重点短语必背 1 friends交朋友,建立友谊2(be) nervous 对神经紧张/害怕/胆怯/焦虑不安3think 想起,回忆起4look from 把目光从移开5 addition 除此之外,另外6 a consequence 因此,结果7cheer sb. 使某人高兴/振作起来8leave 省去,删去9(be) aware 知道10show 炫耀.经典句型必会1 Her motto was “Every time I open my mouth, I put my foot in it.” (考点:every time此处为连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“每次一就”;突破以“time”为中心的短语中哪些可以用作连词?next time; the first time; each time; by the time-)2 It is estimated that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk.(考点:it作形式主语,真正主语为后面that引导的从句;句式: It is/was+v-ed + that clause-). Grammar Didnt need to do and neednt have done6) You neednt have spoken so slowly.7) I didnt need to buy a gift for my host family because I already had one. Function Expressing obligation or lack of obligation1) You have to arrive on time at a party.2) You mustnt take yellow flowers for the host.3) You dont have to take a gift.课标话题:1. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationship)-social skills2. 语言学习(Language learning)-body language3. Ways to do Small Talk: the AAA model4. Topics of Conversation-Social Communications5. Writing an email to a pen friend. Module 2 Fantasy Literature.高频单词必记1 v咬,咬伤2 n. 吸引力,魅力3 n. 负担,重负4 v. 克服5 v. 积累,积聚6 v. 达到,得到7 n. (小说、电影中的)男主角 n. 女主角8 v. 表现,举动 n. 表现,行为9 v. 犹豫,迟疑 n. 犹豫10 n. 怀疑 adj. 令人怀疑的11 n.


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