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    2011高考湖北英语新题型-完成句子专项训练150题武汉市新洲区城关高级中学俞江涛(以下是作者按人教版课本顺序整理的从高一到高二课本中出现的内容,所有内容都是原创,既可以对新题型进行强化训练,又把课本内容在大脑里像放电影一样地过了一遍。我相信亲爱的同学们一定会在轻松、愉快的心情中做完这些题目并且有所收获的!Good luck!) 完成句子:每题在一句话中留出空白,请根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。1.It's wrong to (取笑)disabled persons.(fun)2.A good friend is someone (使我快乐的人)(make)3.He felt lucky to (在战后能幸存下来)(survive)4.In the movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks (扮演了一个名叫查克·诺兰的人)(play)5.He realizes that he hasn't been a very good friend (因为他总是考虑他自己)(think)6.Even though Wilson is just a volleyball, he (喜欢他)(fond)7.Chuck learns that we need friends to (分享快乐,分担忧愁)(share)8.Many people keep dogs as pets because dogs (被看做是)loyal friends to people(regard)9.If you are interested in being friends, (写信给我)(drop)10.Sure,we flew (一路上)direct from Seattle to London(all)11.English is a language spoken (全世界)(around)12.There are more than 42 countries where (大多数人)speak English(majority)13.In only fifty years, English has (发展成为) the language most widelyspoken and used in the world.(develop)14.You can listen to English songs (通过无线电广播)or use English to communicate with people around the world through the Internet.(radio)15.For a long time the language in America (保持不变),while the language in England changed.(stay)16.However,most of the time people from the two countries (没有任何困难听懂)each other.17.They started to use English but they also (带进来了)some words from their own languages.(bring)18.I first (想写信给你),but then I decided to come to see you.(consider)19.Tom (非常受女孩子欢迎).He is amusing.(popular)20. (注意)dangers, such as spiders, snakes or poisonous plants.(watch)21. (正如徒步旅行一样),you should always think about your safety And wear good clothes.(as)22.Hank (遭遇上地震)(catch)23.She (环顾四周)and saw Jeff running24.There she saw a wall of water that was quickly (向她奔涌过来)(advance)25.He was standing, holding on to a tree that (靠墙长着的)(grow)26.Jeff and Flora looked into each other's face (露出惊恐的神色)(fright)27.Finally, (傍晚时)we were on the way back to Chengdu.(evening)28.This was the moment when Spielberg's career (真正起步)(take)29.He his wife (把他的成功归功与妻子)(owe)30.The village leader asks Wei Minzhi to (代高老师的课)until he comes back.(place)31.Knowing them will help you (给人留下好印象)(impression)32.When (喝酒祝某人健康时),you raise your glasses, but the glasses should not touch.(drink)33.You have made a mistake- (把一个字母漏掉了)(leave)34.Petersburg (几乎是一片废墟);fires burned everywhere.(ruin)35.Today Peter the Great on his horse can once again (俯视)the city he built.(look)36.The king wished to (拆掉)the city wall and to replace it with a stone building(pull).37. (每四年)athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.(year)38.She bought a new coat (以备冬天穿)(prepare)39.Now, as one of the stars in the NBA, YaoMing is working hard to (实现自己的梦想)and show the world that Chinese basketball players love this game too!(live)40.Cellphone can be used to (上网).(surf)41.Whether he comes or not (一点关系都没有)to me (difference)42.I could see he was not telling me all (他心里想的).(mind)43.He and I (有很多共同之处)and get on well.(common)44.His parents were dead and he lives with a family that (对他很坏)(treat)45.The village (已发展成为)a town.(grow)46.Everyone had something to say, (包括我在内)(include)47. (服这药)three times a day, You will be all right soon.(medicine)48.My father (发展起他的生意)with years of hard work.(business)49.Many people today make choices about their eating habits (基于)what they believe.(base)50.The annual output of the steelworks (总共达)1,000 tons.(amount)51. (同相比)many people, she was indeed lucky.(compare)52.We are planning a (两天的旅行)to Qingdao.(trip)53.A child brings great joy to a family. Our ancestor celebrated the birth of a son or a daughter by (赠送)red eggs. 54.That is (因为)hard work-ten years of hard work.(because)55.So I (拜访)you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery.(call) 56.You (试戴了一下)and it looked wonderful on you.(try)57.The string (开始带电).(charge)58.Add a tail to the frame and (系一条细线到)the cross so you can control the kite.(tie)59.when suddenly without warning my world (陷落)from under my skis.(drop)60.The sled (把她撞翻)and hurt her leg.(knock)61.He wrote a book (涉及)cattle breeding.(refer)62.She has helped thousands of men and women (取得一致)with things that bother them and that they could not talk about with others.(term)63.When she praised a book, it will become (畅销书)(sell)64.Some of this heat near the earth's surface is used to (发电).(electricity)65.Captain James Cook (占领)the island in 1769.(possession)66.This city (有人口)250,000.(population)67.You should (充分利用)of your time.(use)68.This saves time and allows farmers to (多种一茬庄稼)in each season(extra)69.“M” (代表)“modified”,which means“changed.”.(stand)70.If you give up your studies, you will (违背你父母的意愿)(go)71.Comedians may (表演出)a situation during their shows.(act)72.What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is the way of (玩弄词藻)(play)73. (追朔到)the Qin Dynasty, the traditional crosstalk, or Xiangsheng have Made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries.(date)74.I really (喜欢有时间)to play football with you.(appreciate)75.A smile can help us (度过)difficult situation and find friends in a world of strangers.(get)76.A smile can open doors and (推倒)walls.(tear)77.He (切断)the electricity quickly and prevented an accident.(cut)78She (有英语天赋).(genius)79.Yet two years (过去了)and I was not that much worse.(go)80.She (忙于做家庭作业).(engage)81.We (正在寻找)a solution to the problem.(seek)82. (要是怎么办?) aliens should invade the earth?(what)83.I (面临) a new problem.(face)84.They (抢走了她所有的钱)(rob)85.He is a (消息灵通的).man (inform)86.Many students (迷恋) computer games.(addict)87. (十分之九)housewives who were interviewed about the product said they liked it.(out)88.I like the way the fans (表达敬意).them(look)89.A nest is to a bird (就如房子之如人)(what)90.He (把书放在一边) and turned off the light.(set)91.Your letter (使我回忆起)the days when we worked together in the countryside 20 years ago.(call)92.Learning to read and write (为创造了条件) a better job and better living conditions.(door)93.He often (投稿) newspaper.(contribute)94.It rained (下了一整夜)(throughout)95.In 1066 all of Great Britain and Ireland was (践踏) by the French(run)96. (一般而言),the upper classes don't have a clear idea of the common people's lives.(speak)97.Two thirds of all girls in Britain are (节食).(diet)98.One way to (瞥一眼)the future is to examine some of the major trends in contemporary society.(glimpse)99. We now have e-friends to help us and (陪伴我们)(company)100.He (整理) his desk after school.(clean)101.Jim didn't pass the exam, he (忍不住哭起来了)(help)102.The crowd (陷入恐慌状态)(panic)103.He didn't (回答) my answer.(respond)104.This book mainly (论述)difficult points in the study of English.(deal)105.The leading group decided to tell all the workers to (参加)the strike.(part)106.I (一直没合眼)through the storm night.(awake)107.Only by changing how we live (我们才能拯救地球)(save)108.I had nothing (与融洽) my classmates.(harmony)109.He (建议穿) safety equipment.(recommend)110. (刚一到),my uncle hugged Pompy and tried to give him courage.(upon)111.The ship (被冲击) by the storm.(knock)112.We (存有大量的食物) for the bad weather.(store)113.Let's (竖立起来) the tent first.(set)114.He lives in Beijing and (经营一家小公司)(run)115.Zhongguancun (有积极的影响)on business and science.(effect)116.He (提出) a better plan at the meeting.(put)117.To (谋生),Verne had to write and sell stories.(live)118.This photo (使我想起) my schoolday.(remind)119.In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which (结果是) a submarine.(turn)120.He couldn't (想出) an answer when I asked him why he was late.(come)121.The nutrients in whatever falls into the ocean will quickly (可用的)other living creatures.(available)122.I (专心致志地看书) and didn't hear your call.(absorb)123.Martin Luther King,Jr (死于) cancer in Washington.(die)124. (决不) will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.(time)125.They came to visit our school (第一次)(time)126.I only (看了一眼) of the parcel, so I can't guess what was inside it.(glimpse)127.I (因而劳累)running as fast as I can.(tired)128. (尽管很想再见到他),she refused to reply to his letters.(despite)129.All our work was (白费了)(vain)130.I was caught in the rain on my way home. (结果)I had a bad cold.(result)131.We know we can't let (身体缺陷) limit a person's life.(disability)132.Today there more opportunities for disabled people to develop their potential, live a richer life and (为作贡献)society.(contribution)133.We should (对有同情心) the poor people.(sympathy)134.The body quickly (适应)changes in temperature.(adjust)135.She actively (参加)local politics.(participate)136.The coat doesn't (钱花得值得)(value)137.He (考虑到她年纪大)and was patient.(allow)138.The government (向他们提供金钱和衣物).(provide)139.He (否认告诉过我)(deny)140.The enemy (在我们的控制之中)(power)141.She (对有怜悯之心)little animals.(mercy)142. (眼中流着泪),she begs him not to go.(tear)143.Don't (对好奇的)things you are not supposed to know.(curious)144. (就而言)technical development, people were going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.(term)145.Jhon and Jim (意见不一致)this.(conflict)146. ()is a noble thing.(serve)147.Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always (更愿意步行)(prefer)148.The film is worth (看两次).(see)149.We (决定不)have a trip to the seaside.(conclude)150.A tall man (显眼)in a crowd.(stand)参考答案:1.make fun of 2.who makes me happy 3.have survived the war 4.plays a man named Chuck Noland 5.because he has always been thinking about himself6.becomes fond of him 7.share happiness and sorrow 8.are regards as9.drop me a line 10.all the way 11.all around the world12.the majority of the people 13.developed into 14.on the radio15.stayed the same 16.do not have any difficulty in understanding 17brought in18.considered writing to you 19.is popular with girls 20.Watch out for21.As with hiking 22.was caught in the earthquake 23.looked around24.Advancing towards her 25.grew against the wall 26.with a look of fright27.towards evening 28.really took off 29.owed his success to 30.take Mr. Gao's place 31.make a good impression 32.drinking to someone's health33.you've left out a letter 34.was almost in ruins 35.look out over36.pull down 37.Every four years 38.in preparation for39.live his dream 40.surf the Internet 41.makes no difference42.he had in mind 43.have much in common /have a lot in common44.treats him badly 45.has grown into 46.me included47.Take the medicine 48.built his business 49.based on50.amounted to 51.Compared to/with 52.a two-day trip53.giving away 54.because of 55.called on56.tried it on 57.was getting charged 58.tie a long string to59.dropped out 60.knocked her over 61.referring toe to terms with 63.a best seller 64.make electricity65.took possession of 66.has a population of 67.make full use of68.grow an extra crop 69.stands for 70.go against your parents' will71.act out 72.playing with words 73.Dating back to74.appreciate having time 75.get through 76.tear down77.cut off 78.has a genius for 79.had gong by80.was engaged in doing her homework 81.are seeking for82.what if 83.was faced with 84.robbed her of all her money85.well-informed 86.are addicted to 87.Nine out of ten88.look up to 89.what a house is to a man 90.set aside91.call up 92.opens the door to 93.contributes to94.throughout the night 95.run over 96.Generally speaking97.on a diet 98.catch a glimpse of 99.keep us company100.clean up 101.couldn't help crying 102.in a panic103.respond to 104.deals with 105.take part in106.stayed awake 107.can we save the earth 108.in harmony with109.recommends wearing 110.Upon arrival 111.has been badly knocked about112.have a lot of food in store 113.set up 114.runs a small company115.has a positive effect 116.put forward 117.make a living118.remind me of 119.turns out to be e up with121.become available to 122.was absorbed in a book 123.died of124.At no time 125.for the first time 126.caught a glimpse of127.am tired with 128.Despite wanting to see him again 129.in vain130As a r


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