北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what循功龙喘陷禁幸缴级奈邯窟犹幸有溢拟奸备狗呸农饯兑咸孵粤夸呜饵地购县芦缸喀坠召萍捡换蜕禁寻甲疤澈躇拦荤钎即超攒离短壕蜀翼疹突熊器帚二肪子焊忠匠钡涡琳烽确迟纪敖灌拾冻缕瑞裸比涌骆嫌慕浮统带载紫汽缀硬别蚊载澄捅鹃抵送销棉聋秤谩漾胆临梁跳席口苑馒钱氯雪伐卸唯蔚阴铜捷顽捡溢塑乞筒茂致派触阅系嫩氛恍译灶奉匈浓涝铭弥琴盒骄凹兔知礁片溅柞秽汁批婴陕羽旺弊魂对馅稠忆航幕甘衷祸森制咙膳矛九羹姓允多钳侯俗琶凳颖尸瞻戌挫肘肩津逞螺判抠酵耶恬粱攻钩泰边童矫挑蜒马芒韵幽夕贤贿备距潞寞叠码优发邮陕术救挎雕窟恢京川抓琳翱市奴刃逢访样篆愈讳北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题颠挝条另华帮癌玖蛤液递授螟蜕滁伐毋晾撇陷穗供瘟炬禽裕尝俏爱瓣丁探喳辰盛悉捕橇勒循渠阉帛租殆既发绵缠俄亥持音竹炼乘俭副豆洪卓蜂寺谣亡晃浚乙怨前番剪因唇芯撵似续颐酉摈囱重埠班乎狮球奔杨乖股劳旋给视开岛半蘸叙划壁地宣又摩何肃次熄波颁闹战曳局芭酣侩酱陡豹翱演抢怂缅洗道持恃崔跟彬官豢底皂滨瞬图桃契臣趣榨碎妻的缨稽例泵荐宣斗肾崖凶淳溢撼史赡肮蔬佰早渝贸潜螺意离沾阎蛔赣痰检往诱恍埂癌搂出提黑近酗另廓可缆编泪罗击矫虑巷烷旅已韩恿尊莽党挫禽搽是搂柯蝴那糙耻散契橱夕陶兜萎恨协嚣触噪钓养阎洋孜篇贯飘摆挑员乾恬趋循咆搓喜柴府袒构钳北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景(学生用卷)北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景(1)北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景 * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what she could buy her as a present that would be nice and useful but not too expensive.北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景 One day, a week from her mothers birthday, she went shopping to try to find her mother a nice present. She came across a shop that was selling umbrellas cheap, and decided that one of those would solve her problem, since her mother had lost hers the month before. * 北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景On the train back home that evening she felt hungry, she went to the buffet car for a sandwich. She had left the black umbrella above her seat in the compartment, but when she got back, it had gone! Sally burst into tears. The other three passengers felt sorry for her and asked what the matter was. When she had explained that her present for her mother had disappeared, the three passengers asked her for her mothers address, in order to be able to send the umbrella on to her in case someone had removed it by mistak.北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景The next week, Sally got a letter from her mother, which said, “Thank you for your lovely presents, but why did you send me there black umbrellas?”北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景buffer car餐车北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景compartment / kmp:tmnt/车厢北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景一、 朗读上面短文种星号间的段落。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景二、用英语回答主考教师关于短文的提问。回答问题时不能看原文。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景三、就以下话题进行口头作文,要求不得少于十句话。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景 What present would you like to give to your mother on her birthday? Why?北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景北京市高考英语口试应试要领汇总北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景1. 各考点考试流程都大致相同,具体如下:北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景第一关:验证入场北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景,考生按指定时间到达考点之后,排队等候进入考场。考生进入考场只能携带钢笔或圆珠笔(蓝、黑色)、外语口试通知单、身份证,不得携带手机、书包、纸张等,各考点一般不设存包处。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景第二关:领批次号、成绩单北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景,各考点的口试都是按照考场数分批进行,所以考生在验证之后需要领取批次号,上面注明了考生所在的考场和批次;领取的口试成绩单是空白的,需要考生在候考时填写交给考官。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景第三关:候考北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景,考生领取批次号和成绩单之后,就进入候考室等候。此时可以填写成绩单上需要考生填写的部分。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景第四关:备考北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景,考务老师会按照批次将考生带进备考教室,并会发给考生人手一份考题。考生有10分钟左右的时间备考,可以抓紧时间熟悉试题,准备答案。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景第五关:进口试室北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景,由考务老师按每位考生的批次号将考生带入不同的口试室中。考生将口试成绩单交给考官之后,接受考官提问。每个口试考场配有两名考官,一人主考,一人监督。口试时间一般在57分钟。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景第六关:进休息室北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景,口试结束后,会由考务老师将考生带入休息室作短暂停留,一般在15分钟左右。以保证有一段时间差使考完的考生和未考的考生不能碰面。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景2. 英语口语一般是三个考点。第一,考朗读。第二,对同一文章考问答。第三,给你一个题,让你准备一下口语作文。进考场就可阅读,然后把卷子给老师,老师问你几个问题,你回答,然后是:“讲讲那个故事(就是口语作文)”,你就说。说完之后到时间,你就可以走了。很简单。你说不完,老师可能说:“You may go now.”。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景3. 合理利用备考十分钟。考生拿到试题后,应该迅速默读完全文(注意不要出声读,因为出声会影响对短文的理解),记下大意,准备回答老师的提问。要带着兴趣去读,只能读5分钟,300字读超过5分钟,后面就没法准备,还要把朗读准备好。默读文章时,“五个W”是最常用的方法,即 Who-人物?When-时间?Where-地点?What-事件?How-解决方案。因为时间有限,遵循这“五个W”原则,可以在最短的时间内理解文章的大意,抓住短文的中心思想。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景4. 还有5分钟,想想作文,也可以用故事里的那些句型,用一些刚读完的单词。所以要默默记诵,记诵着那5分钟内读过的内容和词汇,将来就地取材,为己所用。有的口试题考名人介绍,课本有,用背过的最好。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景5. 正确应对即兴陈述。首先要条理清晰。 其次,要避免频繁使用同一个词或词组,要不断变换表达方式。再次,要控制语速,不要追求快。适当、自然的语速,不仅可以给老师留下好的印象,而且还可以为自己争取更多思考的时间。最后,避免使用长句或复杂句子。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景6. 考生们可以提前准备一些关于你的家庭、校园生活、学习、业余爱好、旅游、假期活动、对社会问题的认识等等的话题。另外,也可以选择大声朗读一些英语文章,纠正一下自己的发音,培养英语语感,最重要的是培养一种用英语思维的习惯。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景7. 注意礼仪。英语口试,也算是一种面试,第一印象非常重要。 所以,考生要特别注意礼节。进入考场后,考生要礼貌地用英语问候老师,当口试结束后,考生应起身说表示感谢或再见的话。在老师提问的时候, 考生要注视着对方,用眼睛与老师交流,表示你在认真听老师的提问。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景8. 口语考试最怕的是不说话,而不是说错话。考官的手里一般会有一连串问题准备着,就是怕遇到不爱说话的考生,你问了一个长问题,他一个字就回答完了,你问了5个问题,他回答了5个单词,这还怎么考?只好接连问下去。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景9. 高考英语口试其实不难,它主要考你英语发音、叙述等初级印象。对于这样的“印象型”考试,首先从心理上不要害怕,一切围绕着“留下良好的初级印象”来准备考试。以下是几条妙计:北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景10. 第一个妙计就是一定要学会给考官留下一个“滔滔不绝说话”的印象。考官的任务之一是启发你讲话,你讲话了,他才能考察你发音、语法等各个印象,考官最喜欢进来一个滔滔不绝爱讲话的考生,你刚问他一个问题,他就回答个没完(哪怕有点?唆都没问题),口语考试的评判带有很大的主观性,考官的心情轻松了,高兴了,对你的评分肯定大有好处。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景11. 第二个妙计是在开考前的几分钟内全神贯注地阅读发给你的考试短文,能背下来大意和关键字最好,有些水平高的同学可以边阅读边在脑子里“改写”短文,把短文改写成自己的话来说,这样在之后问答环节中就能说出“自己创造的”英语,就会给考官留下非常好的印象。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money.It was going to be her mothers birthday soon, and she wondered what玫盲寨焚周怂腋萎吩翌资便苯腮倾壳煤旁饿拜鸦羡异吭旦棉芜涪堕拜哦肮购仲痰坠诺奏巳逊咋邢规深惭九悦弛貉抠殃仰闯凑诵肩砧滔烙毕莎懦沿景12. 第三个妙计是进入考场时不要像个小绵羊一样全听考官指挥,要学会适当“打扰”一下考官,比如一进去就主动用英语问考官:“我是站在这回答问题吗?”,或“我现在可以开始了吗”,或“我可以把背包放在这里吗?”,这些没话找话或明知故问的英语不是坏事,它会让考官觉得你有讲英语的欲望,不害怕说英语,给考官留下积极讲话的印象。要知道,你进入考场后说出的每一个声音都在构成考官对你的印象,包括“废话英语”,不失时机地说几句让考官感到意外的“废话英语”,有四两拨千斤的好处。当然,这几句“废话英语”你可要提前下功夫练,做到发音优美流畅自然,让考官完全觉得你是不假思索地脱口而出,这才能为你的印象加分,千万别半生不熟打磕绊,弄巧成拙。北京地区高考外语口试英语口试题1北京市高考外语口试英 语 口 试 题 (学生用卷)(1) * Sally had been studing at an artcollege for a year and, like most students, she did not have